Notice how many of the witnesses on Bitshares are or were witnesses here?
Must be friends of Larimer's.
"1 account = 1 vote"
Won't work. At least one of the consensus witnesses claims to have >10k accounts. @ned, before he took his hair and retired, had a plan to use oracles to sort accounts such that only one account per human user would be allowed, but that, apparently, didn't work.
I have noted that scams, spam, fraud, and plagiarism are all after money, and if we deprecated the token we'd be able to promote more valuable aspects of society. As you can imagine that plaint and advice falls on very deaf ears. Nonetheless, that is what needs to happen, and I actually am working on using goodwill IRL instead of money, since it can't be stolen or taxed. It comes with the limitation that you can only transact with good people, but that's pretty much my life's goal anyway.
I usually strongly agree with Larkin Rose, but I have to say that, as regards the above video, I agree more strongly than usual. I see America descending into the worst fascism, the worst totalitarian tyranny that has ever existed, because it is the most technologically advanced, and I am ashamed of my fellow red-blooded Americans. I am aware that we men have been chemically castrated, out testosterone has declined by more than 60% since 1973, that half of Danish men grow breasts today, that the penises of Swiss men are ~1cm shorter than their grandfathers', but I do not consider those things excuses for craven subjugation.
Rather I consider those to be outrages unable to be ignored, that must drive humanity to defend ourselves from the inhumane destroyers of our very species, hell bent, literally, on reducing us to a verminous slave race incapable of freedom, justice, or the American way.
I hate to see it. I'll put up some resistance while I can, here first.
Because of "How will you do the transactions on-line?" Keeping in mind, that the online spaces will be AI-driven? How can you know, if it's a real person if you haven't connected and conversed earlier in time? Or, to have taken part in a real event where onliners do or have met? Even then you don't know how many accounts someone is running. So, true, real life relations are much easier to maintain than online relations.
I had conversations with you and some others who are critics or sceptics but this never resulted in us networking, which shows itself through being loyal towards each other (giving comments and votes on each other blogs, for example). I am not good at networking. I am an engaged commenter, that's all. You, for example never visited me on my blog (not blaming you, just stating a fact). None of the critics seems to be a networker or operator themselves, they seem to be individuals with a high sense of mission.
As long as one does not participate in "community"-driven contests and games, one remains a single blogger with little influence and readership. It can be satisfying though if the few who do read what one writes, become friends or at least be good sparring partners in debating. For what it's worth.
I don't blog or communicate much online. This is where I do. While I haven't commented on your blog, nor follow you, I have visited. I loved You were extensively engaged, and all I could have added was kudos on your excellent writing (I only found it after the deadline to upvote it was passed). I felt I could contribute nothing of value, so I remained silent. Very rarely have your blogs coincided with the research I was conducting at the time, and that has been where my gaze has been focused.
What I mostly do online is research. Presently I have over 150 tabs open, and most of those are research papers. I do not use Hive as money. I try to not use money at all. I undertake to interact with people in my personal space, and to conduct commerce with them based on goodwill. I am too easily distracted, and cannot cope with the thousands of people I can engage with here, much less IRL and elsewhere online.
I am not very good at networking, and keenly feel that lack in my endeavors, because it is of little use to humanity if I succeed in my quest to devise a working goodwill economic mechanism without a nominal network to convey that mechanism to.
Finally, I mean you no slight, nor others I disappoint, but I believe I am dying. I am not going to be a reliable source of information, friendship, or of anything, for very much longer. While I rant about political issues and wax prosaic regarding good people and the sacred society we comprise, these are perhaps how I distract myself from my very personal experience of life and it's end. I do not want to use you as a distraction. I do not want to trick you into caring about me, either. I have undertaken to instruct my son to access my blog in the hope that he will let people know after I have died, so no one will wonder, as I still do regarding my friend @stevescoins.
I know I am a disappointment. I am only the man I am, and will not pretend to be more. I will go and pound nails today, if the weather permits, and I do not know if I will return home. While it isn't much, the fact is you will have to be satisfied with what I have spared from my inquisition of life, and derive significant meaning from relationships with others, whom you can have some expectation of continuing to live for some reasonable amount of time.
Know that I have greatly enjoyed our discussions, and am honored you have chided me on my lack of good effect, because it shows you expect more of me, that I am capable of more. I only hope you find joy in the good company of those you love, and continue to after I am gone.
I'm sorry.
He passed away? My sincere condolences. Good that you do this favor for him. Were you very close?
We discussed OSINT and protecting human rights here, and he was kind enough that I was flattered by his praises. I do not know if he passed away from his cancer, but our last communications strongly indicate that is the likeliest explanation for the absence of his posts and comments since then.
Thank you for your empathy.
Thank you for this reply, which caught me a little cold, but at the same time touched and pleased me. I've also been watching you rather quietly for a while and it's been many years since we spoke in the comments section. At the time I recoiled from you, you were a lot more aggressive than I have observed from you in the last two or three years. You have adopted a refreshing honesty, I think. That is one of the most remarkable qualities to embrace and perhaps it is only the approaching end of one's life that helps one to be more humble and open-hearted. Since I, too, have already passed my midlife, I feel the change of growing older and the crushing events of recent times have something good for me in that sense, because they clarify the value of life, something that young people tend not to appreciate because they think they are immortal. That may be left to them. I was once like that myself. But I think my life as a young woman was a lot freer and better than that of young people today. But maybe I'm imagining that. And in the end, these comparisons are useless anyway.
It saddens me that you say that it is not worth hoping for your friendship or further companionship. I am quite of the opposite opinion, that any relationship that has some depth mixed into it is worth nurturing or pursuing to the end. But I do not expect such from you, let that be clear.
In any case, it would mean a lot to me that after your death, your son gives appropriate notice. Death becomes a friend when you have had enough of life, I think. At the same time, it frightens you. What should one do? I try to be accepting of dying, it's easier for me with others than with myself. I got over the death of my parents quite well, I'll see how I feel when it's my siblings' turn, if I survive them. But the old people I know who are still alive, some of them have developed a certain humour that surprises and makes me laugh. I love these old people for their stories, their experiences and what they have to give if you are willing to spend time with them.
Tell me, how old are you anyway?
I had to laugh when I read that you have 150 tabs open. HaHa! I'm similar, can't close anything I think I might still need and copy things from it or think about it, reflect. My husband shakes his head at this.
I hope you return from hammering nails and we can have a chat here and there. If it distracts you from what you really want to distract yourself from, I'll see.
I send you my best regards!
Your country is the youngest amongst all other nations and countries worldwide (next to Australia) and both are the result of drastic colonialization. The Europeans wiped all other cultures out on your land and one must indeed wonder how such a big continent as North America has only one language, English (you need to fly several hours from West- to Eascoast. That is a quite a distance. It made the populace on the whole isolated from foreigners, meaning to travel by foot or bike to other places and later by train to step onto a terrain where people use another language. As the North-American politics managed to have no wars on their land, decadence could take place. All empires vanished at one point in time. Nowadays, I am not sure if empires will stay, as there is no need for them. Just corporations, as it seems. But who knows. At least, I don't know.