Yes I've been keeping the humidity above 60% during flowering, but I'm now realizing I've been doing it wrong after a bit of reading. Luckily there doesn't appear to be any problems from the high humidity so I'm kicking it off now and hopefully everything will continue going decently :)
You should look into vapor pressure for cannabis in flower. It will all click. It's the dynamics of Humidity, Air temperature and leaf temperature. Also, one other thing about humidity and trichomes production; the plant wants 60% but when you bring it down it covers itself with trichomes to couter bad humidity of 50% or 45 to 40 last week or so.
Thanks a lot for the compliment!
Yes I've been keeping the humidity above 60% during flowering, but I'm now realizing I've been doing it wrong after a bit of reading. Luckily there doesn't appear to be any problems from the high humidity so I'm kicking it off now and hopefully everything will continue going decently :)
You should look into vapor pressure for cannabis in flower. It will all click. It's the dynamics of Humidity, Air temperature and leaf temperature. Also, one other thing about humidity and trichomes production; the plant wants 60% but when you bring it down it covers itself with trichomes to couter bad humidity of 50% or 45 to 40 last week or so.