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RE: Working breakfast

in WorkLifelast year

That sounds like a nice start to the day, a good process to switch you on early and build energy (the work out) that should last all day...I say should not would. Lol. Questsh: Do you do the early wake up on weekends?

Do you eat a particular breakfast? There's nothing wrong with Pop Tarts of course, but there's better options I guess. (Not saying you eat Pop Tarts for breakfast here.) 😊


You know, after a couple years I thought getting up at 4 would get easier, but it really doesn't. You can tell on the days when we decide to sleep in and skip our workouts. We definitely don't have the same energy. We don't wake up early on the weekends, but we are usually up by 7:30, so it isn't like we sleep in really late. My wife does egg whites for breakfast. I just have cereal, which really doesn't fill me up, but it's my habit.

I'm with you on the early starts, I say that as someone who enjoys sleeping because I don't always sleep well. But it opens up the day I guess and allows one to fit more in. You sound much like me, I'm rarely still asleep by 7:30 even on the weekends.