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RE: What's up Wednesday: Operation, complication and recovery

May these miserable days and nights pass quickly.
Indeed a little humour can go long way. My cousin got his arm broken last Saturday in an accident and explaining that how he met with an accident made us laugh rather than feeling sad and worried for him, your way of explaining situation reminded me of him.
I do agree on not complaining, sometimes we feel that may be we are the most unlucky on for being in this kind of situation and then we look around there are people who are going through worse situation and we feel our pain is not more than of them.

 4 years ago  

I hope your cousin's arm gets better soon, but yeah finding the humour in certain situations can help deal with them. I'm mostly happy to laugh at myself and mostly feel ok about others doing it also; I think it's a strength.

Anyway, I'll be fine, like your cousin's arm, I'll heal and be back to new in no time.

Yes I hope you get better in no time so that you don't see hospital again.