will be, in my week based on a little thought and reflection.Wednesday marks the mid-point of the working week and the run into the weekend and it seems the perfect time to stop and think. #whatsupwednesday is a snapshot of what's been going on, or

Last Wednesday I had an operation which the surgeon declared a great success. It's one I have had before, on the opposite side, although this one seemed much more painful right away and is still feeling pretty bad indeed.
I knew it was coming up but blocked it out of my mind as I've had other things to think about so it took my by surprise - I turned up though, got sliced and diced, and hopefully it's the last time I have to have this thing done; It probably will be I guess, they can't keep doing the procedure after all - Maybe next time they'll just amputate at the neck?
I wasn't in hospital very long as hospital stays aren't in fashion anymore; They cut you up, patch you up and drug you up then send you home - Good luck with your recovery mate, we hope you make it. No yummy hospital food...Or nurse sponge baths.
Of course, the above doesn't happen until you've paid, in my case $5,547.85AUD. That's the most painful part some may argue and it hurt my bank balance quite a lot. I get around $700 back from Medicare but my health cover doesn't cover any of it at all despite all the money I pay annually for health insurance.
Oh just in case you're wondering, no it wasn't exploratory brain surgery to find out if I actually had one. Or a face lift. Just getting in early before someone suggests it. 😁
The first day I had the usual post-operation pain once the anaesthetic wore off but it seemed to get worse as the first couple days passed and despite having a fairly high pain-tolerance I decided there might be something wrong and so I called the surgeon who confirmed that there might be an issue with infection. Oh yay, I thought.
This didn't sound like good news though and I ended up having to go back to hospital for some more medical-magic. They opened veins during the operation and there was a look of have we fucked this up on the surgeons face however she waved her magic wand over me and said the words, bibbety bobbety boo, the established medical spell for rectifying fuck-ups, and sent me home with some better drugs that were supposed to help the magic happen.
I'm not much of a pill-popper to be honest but I took the pills to see what happens. On the way I home I stopped in at my favourite bakery for a donut and coffee and it's that donut I'll credit with my recovery, if indeed I survive. [Don't worry I'm ok, I'm tough and will live].
It's been a week since the operation now and I'm feeling a little better although there's still quite a lot of pain; The angry redness and heat radiating out of the area has all but subsided now though - Thanks medical magic spell. I'm able to walk about fairly normally with some care but the area is still quite sore to touch which is to be expected I guess.
I've taken a few short walks which was suggested but I'll not be hiking again for probably two more weeks at least and the operation has slowed down my training and practice for a three-gun run and gun shooting event I'm being sponsored to so in several weeks. The surgeon says I'll be able to run by then though and she offered me some more pain killers for the event if I wanted. Great, drugs and guns. I declined and will rely on over the counter pain pills and my high tolerance to pain.
operation, story feel free to share it - Maybe tales of your own pain and misery may lessen mine? Seriously though, feel free to comment with your own experiences, I'm sitting here waiting y'all - Entertain me.So that's this weeks #whatsupwednesday post. Feel free to comment about anything written here and if you have a good,
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Image is mine taken at Man O'War Cove, near West Lulworth, Dorset UK.
Lol, I was having a normal boring morning and then I read your post, now I have a smile on my face. You are a funny fellow.
lol, my friend has a problem of kidney stones. After taking them out through operation couple of times, he once joked to me that they can't keep operating him like that. Maybe they will take out kidneys next time and put an end to the problem.
lol, that's why I stay away from hospitals.😂
What about this?

Getting features like robocop😅
I wouldn't mind the installation of a Phalanx CIWS to be honest, the only question is where on my body would they put it? I'm in talks with the doctors about it currently.
Hospitals are a necessary evil for procedures like I had unfortunately. I'm the G-dog of course, so did investigate the opportunities of getting it done at the vet, but none had a vacancy so I had to go to hospital. 😜
Thanks for taking a look and I'm glad it gave you a laugh.
P.s. Kidneys get a good price on the black market you know. 😎
Whatever the surgery was, I wish you a speedy recovery.
They say if you can find the humour in it, you can live with it, or something to that extend. 😊
Humour helps a lot of situations and I prefer it than complaining - I turn to it to deflect the things I wish not to dwell upon.
Yes hopefully it was last time, how are you now btw?
Haha I love the way you explain situation in a funny way though it seems serious but "have we fucked this up" , "bibbety bobbety boo" and "medical spells for rectifying fuck-ups" made situation not so serious and worried.
Wish you speedy recovery so that you can continue hiking and shooting activities.
I don't have stories about hospitals never been there ALHAMDULILLAH.
Pretty terrible to be honest. The pain lingers. I'll live though, I've had worse.
A little humour can go a long way I guess, no point wallowing in misery right?
Thanks for your message; I'll get better I guess, time will see to that. This time the operation didn't go as smoothly and I'm suffering a little but in the grand scheme of things it's just another speed bump on the road and I can't complain too much as there's people far worse off than I am.
May these miserable days and nights pass quickly.
Indeed a little humour can go long way. My cousin got his arm broken last Saturday in an accident and explaining that how he met with an accident made us laugh rather than feeling sad and worried for him, your way of explaining situation reminded me of him.
I do agree on not complaining, sometimes we feel that may be we are the most unlucky on for being in this kind of situation and then we look around there are people who are going through worse situation and we feel our pain is not more than of them.
I hope your cousin's arm gets better soon, but yeah finding the humour in certain situations can help deal with them. I'm mostly happy to laugh at myself and mostly feel ok about others doing it also; I think it's a strength.
Anyway, I'll be fine, like your cousin's arm, I'll heal and be back to new in no time.
Yes I hope you get better in no time so that you don't see hospital again.
When they cut em off...
Are you still considered a man..?
Really I have no clue what the procedure was. Not brain surgery. You ruled that out ya knucklehead...
I know you got shoulder issues..?
A labotomy would do me just fine...
Brain Replacement Surgery...
Wasn't the shoulder, something else, not a lobotomy either. Been there done that. It actually didn't work...They saw no change in my behaviour at all post-op.
I'm sorry for the surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery. One of the few good things in Italy is that the interventions are free if obviously they compromise your health and this does not affect our bank account.
It's all good mate, some pain I guess, but I'm tough. Well, to be honest, I'm starting to think something has gone wrong but only time will reveal that. I like the sound of free health...Not a thing here in Australia though - Not for what I had done anyway.
never give up and always fight like a lion, even this unhappy event will pass soon.
Think about organizing a good weekend of relaxation and good food, these are the most powerful medicines 😉
I've never been a quitter Claudio, it's not in my nature; Sometimes to my detriment, but mostly it's worked to my advantage. :)
I'm always focused on the weekend and am hoping to be able to get out for a drive in the country on Sunday, maybe a little walk around.
glad to read these words of yours. I am sure that everything will be for the best and you will see that with the arrival of the weekend you will also return to a nice walk
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Good to know you are recovering. Lots of love and cheers to you on your recovery process
Thank you, It's going slowly, but some improvement is being made I think. Thanks for your message.
I am happy that you came out alive from the surgery G.! , it was pricey for sure. It is almost unfair that the assurance will not cover you when you need it the most. Sitting still and not hiking will be tough on you, but I am sure you will make it!
Hah, yeah, I managed to pull through...My wallet hurts a bit though.
Lol, I've told you that nothing can beat you, you are indestructible.
Well, in my mind I am sometimes, but overall I'm just as breakable (and broken) as the next person.
My initial thought was hernia surgery but now I’m not sure. In any case it doesn’t matter, just my curiosity lol.
Sucks there was a bit of post op infection, that’s always a pain - literally lol. I’ve thankfully only been under the knife once and that was to remove a mole the size of a testicle. Not that big but too big for my comfort so off she went. One of the other times was to patch back up a slice in my finger from irresponsibility. That was fun, they had to stick the novacaine needle between the patch of skin a couple millimeters in diameter between your fingers. That was a fun thing to watch, better hope they don’t have shakes hands lol. They find it weird that I watch them when they do that stuff, I’m keeping an eye on it so you don’t mess it up and have to wave the wand with bibbety bobbity boop! Lol
Not hernia bro, or breast enlargement. 😆
It seems Americans use the bibbety bobbity boop method of practicing medicine and why not indeed, it's is so effective.
I've had a few surgeries in my day, nothing super-involved, although there was that one time they surgically implanted me with adamantium...Hurt a bit but my claws are awesome.
I tried the adamantium bid but I couldn’t get past the needle poking into my bone without crying like a bitch so I backed out. Breast enlargements it is!
It’s sad that the boop method is used more than we realize with some of these practitioners. I’ve seen it first hand lol
I think there's a university that specialises in it within every country on the planet. One of the semesters is on boop-method-accounting where they teach the boopers to charge exorbitant costs for the booping they deliver.