Lol, I was having a normal boring morning and then I read your post, now I have a smile on my face. You are a funny fellow.
Maybe next time they'll just amputate at the neck?
lol, my friend has a problem of kidney stones. After taking them out through operation couple of times, he once joked to me that they can't keep operating him like that. Maybe they will take out kidneys next time and put an end to the problem.
They cut you up, patch you up and drug you up then send you home - Good luck
lol, that's why I stay away from hospitals.😂
Oh just in case you're wondering, no it wasn't exploratory brain surgery to find out if I actually had one. Or a face lift. Just getting in early before someone suggests it. 😁
What about this?
Getting features like robocop😅
I wouldn't mind the installation of a Phalanx CIWS to be honest, the only question is where on my body would they put it? I'm in talks with the doctors about it currently.
Hospitals are a necessary evil for procedures like I had unfortunately. I'm the G-dog of course, so did investigate the opportunities of getting it done at the vet, but none had a vacancy so I had to go to hospital. 😜
Thanks for taking a look and I'm glad it gave you a laugh.
P.s. Kidneys get a good price on the black market you know. 😎