What happened to being genuine?

I was going to write another post on POSH and some of the activities surrounding it I've noticed lately after it has gained some momentum due to the recently increased activity in Hive rewards along POSH tokens, but I think my followers are starting to get bored of hearing me talk about the same project over and over. It did bring up some other thoughts while I was browsing the web looking for some tools people may be using these days on their socials which would explain the recent behavior I noticed from some accounts.


I searched for "genuine" on pixabay.

I remember when I first got on this chain, it was quite a long time ago and somehow feels like a lifetime but not that long to not remember a lot. I was lucky because I was into crypto already for a few years and constantly looking for new projects to mine or invest into during the altcoin goldrush, even luckier because I was dabbling with the idea of a Reddit-like blockchain media platform myself having been an avid Redditor for so long. Even more so lucky because I initially forgot my "human password" to this account and wasn't active for a couple weeks after initially joining but after getting back to my own keyboard muscle memory did the trick to get me logged back in. That said I saw the potential, the advantages, the effects it had on regular users day by day and I decided to dive in hard.

One thing I remember particularly well after having read enough about how the blockchain works after having attempted to mine it as a non-dev and having wasted @smooth's time explaining to me how I go about it, was the immutability of it all and how that changed the way I'd treat Hive compared to other blockchains. Let's talk about my general activity on the other platforms before Hive first so we can better compare it later.

Facebook arrived some time in 2009, there too I wasn't much active early on but after more things started appearing there such as browser games, facebook pages, etc, it started grabbing my attention more and more. I remember receiving friend requests by some people I hadn't really talked to in a long time but the "x amount of friends in common" sign made it somehow easier to just accept it cause I may miss out on some interactions they may be having with each other, and hey, it was free, so why not, could always change my mind later. After a while it also started recommending me friends I may have not sent a friend request to yet based on the friends we had in common so I started sending out some requests to anyone who triggered a neuron in my brain. I remember when numbers started to mean things to you psychologically. Why does this person have more friends than me? Why does this person receive more likes than me? Why are more people interested in discussing things with him on his timeline compared to mine?

I found myself becoming more and more active playing the numbers game without there really being a goal or reason. Somehow I stopped caring about that after a while and spend most of my time playing games like facebook poker or FarmVille and what have you. By accident but looking back at it now most likely for the better, there was this one game I was playing consistently that had a bug where it wouldn't alert you if a certain milestone or achievement or win would share it on your timeline compared to how the others did which I always denied. I had also been neglecting my followers and timeline for so long I hadn't noticed how that had been going on for a long time pushing people to unfriend me or mute me or whatever options they had at the time but when I did notice the aftermath of the spam that game had caused it didn't come as a surprise that barely anyone would engage with me on things I started posting when I decided to get back to it. This "loss" so to speak drove me further away from facebook and I started looking for other things, I remember signing up on Twitter quite early as well, my account was created in June 2009:


but I didn't really find much to do there due to the lack of friends being on there from facebook or "IRL" as they say. Reddit on the other hand did manage to get my attention even without any friends being on there. Without making this post too long and going down the road of why I found Reddit to be better let me just say it was subreddits, a.k.a. communities we have on Hive and that friends didn't matter there, in fact they added followers and your own "timeline" sort of thing much, much later.

Alright so back to the point of this post. I didn't want to make the same mistakes I did on facebook and no, not the accidentally spamming my timeline with some random game ads that drove me to give up on it. But the "let's follow and befriend anyone and everyone to increase these numbahs bro!", not only did it make my feed a living hell but it also meant I'd have to scroll and waste so much more time per day to get to anything interesting before algorythm's arrived to assist you with what you want to see based on previous history of engagement, time spent on certain users, etc, etc.

Knowing things were going to be immutable here I wanted to go about it "the right way", meaning certain things such as:

  • if someone started following me I wouldn't just blindly follow them back as a courtesy, rather check their account out, what they posted about, what they commented about, and if it was aligned with my own interests then maybe I'd give them a follow
  • if someone was upvoting my posts I wouldn't just blindly upvote them back as a courtesy, there as well check out what they posted about, if it was things that interested me, etc

I didn't want to play the numbers game any longer but that doesn't mean certain actions I did didn't affect my numbers for the better either way. As I decided to focus on becoming a curator, which in hindsight should've been my focus for later considering the amount of SBD and SP people were making with ridiculous APY at the time when inflation was rampant while I was just setting up a voting trail having people follow my votes for proper curation of new users and retention, etc, which didn't really get me a lot of stake. Luckily I also spent a lot of time commenting, engaging with the users I'd curate so in a way the trail helped give me a bigger influence on the reward pool thus got me followers, whether or not they were "good followers" is another thing because as you can see I have over 30k followers now, a majority gained during the 2017-18 bull run, but percentage wise I don't do much better in engagement compared to some other popular stakeholders with way less followers who weren't around during that time or weren't actively curating with a lot of stake. In the end I don't have a lot of regret, my focus on proper curation and my contributions were well rewarded with delegations when they were implemented and other advantages. As for me sticking to doing things the right way, I also shifted a bit from that when I took the role as a curator because I wasn't just thinking about things I personally like and enjoy to read but more about what it is the platform needs, what would help the ecosystem as a whole and a myriad of other things that lead to the people I follow today.

I've often considered creating a personal account, maybe even one where I wouldn't be anonymous but not show any connections to who I really am on the platform but I've kept pushing it off until "the ecosystem doesn't need me anymore", i.e. does a lot better and is on the right way to mass adoption. Any day now. :P

Over time I saw a lot of other accounts not doing "the right thing" on purpose and playing the numbers game, some times I called them out, some times not, some times I privately asked them why they're doing so even though I knew why. I remember way way back there was a user who prided himself in being the "most engaging" account on chain, kept mentioning how many comments he's made last month, how his number was the highest among everyone else excluding bots, etc. Only to be found by (I believe) @ausbitbank that he was using a glitch where he'd post a comment then quickly delete it because the total number of posts+comments would still count the deleted one. It really makes you wonder why some people went through certain lengths and what their endgame was. There was another one, very popular author to begin with who did a lot on chain who I noticed that he was following over 60k accounts one day. I asked him what's going on and why he's using a bot to spam follow every account, he said not to mind it and that he's going to unfollow everyone soon again. Now he's only following a mere 60 people while having 24k+ followers. He of course wanted those numbers up by any means and didn't care how it affected his engagement ratio or anything else.

Over time I noticed a lot of other things like these that really made you question things and gave you this image that some people would do close to anything for some higher numbers or earnings or attention. Although to be fair if they already did it in web2 where the potential for earnings was so far out in the future then it makes sense that if they could already earn something here off the gate they'd do anything to maximize it.

In a way it's just kind of sad. Here we are with this insanely wonderful technology that enables us to do so many things all built up through the innovation of Satoshi and we don't really respect it. It's not just that we don't respect the technology or others here but also not ourselves. I often also had this thought in mind that if Hive does become the next giant in social media, considering everything is immutable, yes even those posts some of you abusers keep editing out, what will the people of the future think about you and your activity? Now maybe you won't care cause you'll be long gone by then but maybe your family or close friends might. Would you be proud of yourself if you've spent a ton of effort into plagiarising or spinning content to earn a little stake and lose your reputation? Or does all that not matter due to the nature of accounts here being quite anonymous if they so choose and the way inflation is built meaning that those who earn it early won't have to grind it as much later so they'll just focus on "doing the right thing" later on in the chain's life instead on a different account after having moved some stake around through exchanges to remove any traces of how it was earned and by who.

There's a lot of possibilities, mindsets and people from different backgrounds. Not all alays obvious as to what their agenda is, what their goals are, etc. It's a lot to process and even the things I've said here is probably a lot to take in for some and honestly I'm not even sure where I'm going with this post anymore as I went quite a bit wide there at the end.

I'm just really tired of seeing some Hive accounts choose to cheat their way to more posh or hive through web2 just because they can and they make it easy for them. It really begs the question that if they do that then what do they do here? I am also not sure about the process of calling these accounts out, do I just tag them and provide evidence as to why they're being banned from earning posh or Hive through posh? Is it rude of me to use them as examples as to what not to do in a post of mine? Is it unfair if I'd decide that their posts should receive downvotes based on their non genuine activity and earning posh and hive while directly taking it from others in unfair ways? Not sure, but I'd be all ears for what you poor souls who read all this mess have to say.

There are a few accounts who are not just spamming a lot of POSH tweets daily, but also have a group of other accounts that consistently like and retweet everything of theirs. It doesn't even end there but they're going around selectively choosing which POSH shares are earning a lot of Hive so they can cheat their way into getting a piece of that pie from the comment upvotes while their shares obviously get no reach or genuine impressions due to it just being the same people over and over interacting with them.

I think the best course of action here will be that the team who are taking care of everything POSH discuss it among each other and ban people engaging in such activities because it weakens the project and in turn takes well deserved hive and posh from others who aren't doing these things. The thing is that keeping it all within the team will leave a lot of questions on chain such as "why did you ban this user?" or "omg centralized!!!" or endless drama about the banned person wondering what the limits of how much he can abuse are and if they can get a second chance. It has happened before and I don't think it's worth wasting so much time on such users but I'm all ears as to what you think is the best way forward. The other thing that could happen of course is that people also use bots to like and retweet someone who isn't even aware of it happening, so we wouldn't want users to get banned without it being in their control or publically shame them which may result in their hive experience (possible downvotes, etc) and them having been innocent.

Oh web2, so many flaws, so little care compared to what we do and are building here on Hive.

How are you treating your genuineness on web3?



I've often wondered if POSH shares should instead benefit the original poster of the HIVE blog, instead of the person who shared it.

I'm sure you guys and gals probably thought of this in the design phase and had reasons to attribute rewards to whoever shared it, but the last few I've done that weren't mine, I've been sending back to the original authors. (All like, 0.1H lol) it's not much but like... I didn't write the content. If I'm sharing someone else's work that's just making me into a middleman, and god knows the last fucking thing we need is more middlemen taking pieces of every pie they can. That's a huge part of what's wrong with the fiat system.

Not sure where I'm going with this. I guess for me, it'd just be nice to see the ability to at least maybe add a flag that would decline rewards for myself and send them back to the original author.

Not sure where I'm going with this. I guess for me, it'd just be nice to see the ability to at least maybe add a flag that would decline rewards for myself and send them back to the original author.

This is a good idea, though, maybe something we can implement later on once the more important things are working properly.

There's also the scenario where if you shared your own post, and others have shared it as well and you want to selfvote the poshtoken comment so it distributes the rewards to the others knowing you're forfeiting your rewards, currently it still calculates your tweet performance against the others and sends your share to hive.fund rather than distributing it to the other sharers. We could possible include your idea along with this change in the near future!

That would be super cool if it could be added! Thanks for considering it. I know I for one would use it a lot.

While I do agree that middleman suck I don't see the posh rewards that way and at the same time I also run a big curation project so while not all posts that get POSH'd get curated it doesn't have to be connected.

Think of it this way, most authors -as long as they aren't receiving unfair upvotes due to some backroom deals or whatever reason who don't want to be seen- do want the attention and more views. So you're leveraging your following on web2 to bring them more views, possibly new followers or even followers already on Hive who stumbled upon their post and account thanks to your tweet cause they're following you there but just didn't happen to catch your reblog, etc. Of course if the rewards get out of hand where those sharing are earning more than the post itself it's nice to give some back but you shouldn't feel the need to and at the same time I think curation is now at a pretty good place where most content and authors who've been around a while are getting curated somewhat decently. We have a big team of curators looking to make sure that happens and while we can't cover all of Hive (although we try) we're in a much better position today than where we were on the old chain.

Either way, POSH'ing is only a net positive for the platform as long as it's done well and not cheated. You bring it traffic, you grow our twitter presence for when its needed and consistently get more traffic towards our tags on there, potential new users and a lot of other various things. It benefits not just the authors you're sharing through views but by growing the value of their stake and everyone else's since a social media needs traffic and users, it's the #1 priority in my opinion. We still have ways to go, onboarding needs to be reworked in some ways or fine-tuned but overall I think things are flowing pretty well in general along with the technical side of scalability to be ready for when something clicks and Hive goes viral to be able to both welcome everyone with accounts but also maximize retention through distribution of stake being wide so everyone can chime in to assist the newcomers.

That's a super reasonable way to look at it. (See, I figured you folks had thought this through lol!)

And I totally agree, more eyes on HIVE is a bonus, provided we can bust out of the bubble of existing HIVE users. (Which is part of why I almost exclusively share D&D/TTRPG/Worldbuilding stuff)

I feel guilty reading this for some reason. Ever since I joined Hive, I been thinking of ways to do the least work and make the most out of it. Not because I wanted to cheat the system, but because I was lazy.

Reading your post and seeing all your experience on other social media platforms just shames my impression about social media as a whole.

There are a lot of people who think like me and want easy money. They don't want to build real relationships, they don't want to be in a community. They just was the money no matter how it comes.

Recently I've changed my views on what passive income is...Tate Andrew with all his Red pill financial freedom wokeness changed that for me. He said you have to work hard before you work smart.

I want to unfollow accounts that are not posting what I am interested in. Before I read your post, I got a follow and I felt this weird feeling of tnit thinking about anything before following a person again...and I haven't followed the person back, I guess I'll take your advice and check what the person posts about first.

Tunde...a YouTuber I'm subscribed to says he doesn't follow people he cabt have a conversation with...I've been thinking about that for a while now...

Anyway...I'm one of the poor souls thinking about what POSH can do about the abuse of their platform...I think public warnings with clear reasons are best.

I think 2 months back Jordan Peterson got banned from Twitter without any clear reasons...just that he made sensitive comments against a protected group...I too got banned from twitter on one of my illustration accounts..I was making southpark cartoon characters from Nigerian celebrities and the account got banned without a reason. It hurts me to this day.

Nice post tbh. I havent read any of your POSH posts...I will probably check them out.

I was talking about something around this with someone "IRL" today, except it was about employee protections through laws. He had issues with some staff who were taing advantage of the rules at work in order to do as little work as possible for maximum gain. What ends up happening is, more people do similar and eventually, the laws change so those who actually needed the protection lose it, along with everyone.

It is one of those "this is why we can't have nice things" problems and we see it on Hive all the time, where a minority ruin it for the majority, just because they are lazy pricks.

I like the Posh project because it is useful for promoting Hive and the recent change has increased the exposure of Hive post links on Twitter but reading this post and the previous one it is evident that there are many accounts that see posh as just a way to make money.
I don't know if this is technically an easy thing to do (I am not an expert on the technical side) but I have been thinking about possible changes:

  • instead of grouping in the posh message under Hive posts all tweets related to that post maybe it would be better to put separate messages.
    That way you can vote only the authors of tweets that receive interaction on Twitter (min of likes and min of retweets)
    As it is now structured posh someone who creates a tweet that does not receive exposure on twitter earns HIVEs as someone who creates a tweet that receives a lot of likes because your upvote is divided among the users who shared the post on Twitter (I think I understand that to be the case)
  • The second change I thought of is to upvote only posh responses from those who have minimal interaction not only on Twitter but also on Hive.
    Almost always those who have a post/comment ratio pending on the post side only have a money-making goal.

instead of grouping in the posh message under Hive posts all tweets related to that post maybe it would be better to put separate messages.

We changed it from this to the way it's now because we didn't want posts spammed with many poshtoken comments, it also doesn't distribute it equally but depending on how each tweet did. The shitty thing here is that people are like-trading with each other on twitter just to take more from those who don't attempt to fake their likes and retweets.

The latter is true and we will take a lot of things into account when we automate the process.

I just think we need to be a lot more stricter in the way we block people from the program when we see these things happening. It's not like they can complain about it either way and it's not like we're going to use it as a weapon to remove people who we don't like or any ulterior motives, the whole project is created from the ground up with hive rewards and pure community funding in an effort to bring more traffic to Hive and build more things on top of POSH to give it value for those putting in effort not just to share on twitter but to also grow their twitter in an attempt to give hive links and our user community a bigger presence there. It's a shame that some just think short term while taking from other more deserving users, then again still a lot of the same issues on hive in general so it can only improve from here on out I suppose and another good thing is that abusers more often than not will just sell the tokens at any price.

Well to be honest I don’t even know what posh is about! And maybe stupid of me, I don’t care.

We also know or should know is that the number of followers do mean shit here. Most are bot accounts, other have stopped looong time ago.

Genuine comments I do prefer over upvotes, believe it or not. Just like most I do have a upvoting bot configured, but leaving enough VP to also do some manual curation.
Most people on the bot are there trying to increase my curation rewards.
And probably there are some in there with is more or less a vote exchange.

I have never checked if a person did upvote a post back or not. I do check however if I leave a comment if there was interaction there. If there is any interaction after a undefined number of genuine comments, I do know that this person is just posting for the rewards and will quickly loose my interest.
I will also try to reply on comments I do receive, which is easy for me because there are close to none 😳.
While I don’t read all your posts, I am blown away about how you do take the time to reply on all the genuine comments you di receive!


At my stage...every comment I get is genuine I guess...because I have nothing to offer. I think if you want to get a little of that type of energy you could loose the power...I guess...

After the curation trail finishes and I see the notifications...I just check to see the replies. I check how much I make though...but I'm mostly all about the replies.

Same here. I would be lying if I wrote that I don't care about the earnings, but I do love the interaction! That's more a drug for me than the potential income.
Just not enough time at the moment to engage a lot, which is a pity!

That happened to me once. We did a mash up of a song I wrote on Hive Open Mic community...the whole community had hundreds of post mentioning my account and with comments on my old post... at that time work was hectic and at the end I didn't get to reply some of the posts and comments.

I still feel a type of way when I post in the community.

and yeah, this place means a lot to me so I try to take the time to care and appreciate everything around it, especially my own account and the projects I have running here.

Yeah comments are one of the few remaining ways to tell if an action is genuine or not these days which in turn and it being
a proper comment like this can turn the other actions of the user genuine too such as upvotes and follows.

I've been wondering about how one could enforce it or build a front end on top of hive where manual actions would be the only way to use it but there's definitely not an easy solution in that front yet.

Your post another I did read today. Did trigger me to write a post a about the quality of a post.
I am not going to post to the link to that article here because that would be spamming.
If you are interested in it you know where to find it.
The spoiler alert is that quality can’t be defined objective and is always subjective.
Did want to write as comment but that would have been waaaay tooo loong 😁

Be at one with the blockchain. Challenge yourself to produce the content you deserve to provide.

~~~ embed:1566290319850606593 twitter metadata:UnVlbENoYXZlejV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUnVlbENoYXZlejUvc3RhdHVzLzE1NjYyOTAzMTk4NTA2MDY1OTN8 ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @taskmaster4450le, @rzc24-nftbbg ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

If anything the allure of "money" (crypto actually) corrupts interactions here and tends to make them less genuine than on web2. On FB at the beginning (never been a fan, even less an expert) you knew that if someone chose to engage it was because she cared about what you wrote, she would give of her time and effort to interact with nothing in return (except the satisfaction of the interaction). Here many people interact not because they genuinely want to but because they hope to gain something tangible from the interaction.

Well, I think people wanting to gain something from you in one way or another is not something new or restricted to Hive, but yes there's often some of those fake interactions around here instead of just being real with themselves and sticking to their interests and interesting people to them.

Para mís inicios siempre pensé en dejar a través de cada publicación una carta a mi hija, el disque no estuviera y ella se recuerde mi, pudiera leer algún mensaje, pero a través de los programa de curaciones en vivo de hispapro, holos Lotus, voto vzla, aliento, PAL, VisualBlock, empecé a sentir ese calor humano a través de la plataforma y eso hizo que me identificará con muchos, ir más allá de lo que escribe porque lo conozco virtualmente, y es genial, leer una publicación y tener que saber que está pasando, comentarle pero también hacerle llegar tu aprecio, eso cambio mi manera de ver hive, hasta hace poco tiempo, que tuve la oportunidad de ir a mi primer meetup en Barquisimeto, fue genia, cuando ví al señor Iych entrando lo reconocí por la foto, para mí fue genial, el voto una de mis primera publicaciones y me enseñó, corrigiendo las fuentes, me dijo como hacerlo y que le avisará para votar, así que de inmediato lo hice y brincaba de la alegria, y nunca los había visto, imaginate cuando lo ví real frente a mi, entender que lo que aquí es escribimos viene de personas, y las empecé a conocerlos, luego viaje a la Guaira y le escribir a muchos, solo pude ver a dos hivefs y fue increíble tomar un café juntos y conversar, pienso en la vida después de hive, pero con hive, entre los hive, hay mucho más que un voto, pienso que transciende, yo lo veo a usted o a ILych hacen un trabajo basado en la constancia, por ejemplo el posh y su proyecto no lo entendía sino hasta hace poco fue que empecé a recibir recompensas, y eso porque un curador en España me escribió y me dijo que me faltaba algo y lo hice, pero seguía pensando que era un bot, y que usted mismo visualice sus estadísticas y respuestas, que bien estaré pendiente de responder eso mensajes también, porque hay alguien detrás leyendo.
En fin me gusta hive y lo que veo y lo que siento más allá de una retribución económica, gracias por lo que hace no se rinda, ayúdenos hacer mejores eso repercute en la plataforma y en el valor de la moneda.
Ojalá hagas tu cuenta personal anónima, y puedes sentir este calor de interacción con muchos usuarios, eso te ayudará e irás mas allá de los números y estadísticas podrás sentir un lazo de amistad, yo conocí a gente en Indonesia que me escribe, en Rumania y traduce mis textos o sus respuestas a mi idioma y eso me gusta por qué siento que me valoran, conocí al señor r2cornell con su valor en hive y el con ese detalle que busca hacerse entender en el privado conmigo, yo pienso que he recorrido lugares y conocido personas algunas virtual otra en vivo y directo, son muchos proyectos, bueno es mi experiencia a lo mejor tu con tanto tiempo debes haberte tropezados con todo tipo de gente .

For my beginnings I always thought of leaving through each publication a letter to my daughter, the disque was not there and she remember me, could read a message, but through the live healing program hispapro, holos Lotus, vote vzla, breath, PAL, VisualBlock, I began to feel that human warmth through the platform and that made me identify with many, go beyond what he writes because I know him virtually, and it's great, reading a publication and having to know what is going on, commenting but also let him know your appreciation, that changed my way of seeing hive, until recently, I had the opportunity to go to my first meetup in Barquisimeto, it was great, when I saw Mr. Iych entering I recognized him by the photo, for me it was great, he voted one of my first publications and taught me, correcting the fonts, he told me how to do it and that I would let him know to vote, so I immediately did it and I was jumping with joy, and I had never seen them, imagine when I saw him real in front of me, understanding that what we write here comes from people, and I started to know them, then I traveled to La Guaira and wrote to many, I could only see two hivefs and it was incredible to have a coffee together and talk, I think of life after hive, but with hive, among the hive, there is much more than a vote, I think it transcends, I see you or ILych do a job based on constancy, for example the posh and your project I did not understand it until recently was that I started to receive rewards, and that because a curator in Spain wrote me and told me that I was missing something and I did it, but I still thought it was a bot, and that you yourself visualize your statistics and responses, that well I'll be waiting to answer those messages too, because there is someone behind reading.
Anyway I like hive and what I see and what I feel beyond an economic retribution, thank you for what you do do do not give up, help us make better that has an impact on the platform and the value of the currency.
I hope you make your personal account anonymous, and you can feel this warmth of interaction with many users, that will help you and go beyond the numbers and statistics you can feel a bond of friendship, I met people in Indonesia who write to me, in Romania and translate my texts or their answers to my language and I like that because I feel they value me, I met Mr. r2cornell with his value in hive and he with that detail that seeks to make himself understood in private with me, I think I have traveled places and met people some virtual others live and direct, there are many projects, well that's my experience, maybe you with so much time you must have stumbled with all kinds of people.

Saya Senang membaca komentar anda. Salam dari Indonesia. (Saya gunakan Google translate untuk membaca tulisan dari bahasa spanyol ke bahasa indonesia)

This is the nice thing that we overcome all the. Barriers even of the languages and we click with user that always comment us, hence the importance of making use of this platform a social network, look at not being properly registered and was pending was a user from Spain and I am from Venezuela makes me feel that we are close but far, support is reciprocal and this is what I like is great.

Ini adalah hal yang menyenangkan bahwa kita mengatasi semua. Hambatan bahkan dari bahasa dan kami klik dengan pengguna yang selalu mengomentari kami, oleh karena itu pentingnya memanfaatkan platform ini sebagai jejaring sosial, lihatlah tidak terdaftar dengan benar dan tertunda adalah pengguna dari Spanyol dan saya dari Venezuela membuat saya merasa bahwa kami dekat tetapi jauh, dukungan bersifat timbal balik dan inilah yang saya suka sangat bagus.

I read this long post until end :)
But I skip repeating sentences :))
Thanks for your Reflection and sharing

I'm still learning as I go with POSH, have made some mistakes but try to use it the right way and was using it before we even received Hive rewards. The fact that we get them is a great bonus that I appreciate.

It's a shame that some people are trying to game the system like that.

Some things I do are :
When I see someone has shared a post and there is already an upvote on it, I don't give it another share as I don't want to take some of their rewards.

I usually share posts from people I follow because those are generally things I'm interested in and want to support and promote.

I try not to share too many posts and spam my timeline on Twitter and try to add some regular content as it's not just about spamming people to earn a little extra hive.

I wait a while before promoting my own post to give others a chance to share it instead.

Any other tips appreciated 🙂

I really didn't know people were earning from POSH.

Whatever though.

Someone shared my post once...I hope he or she wasn't abusing the system too

I'm sure most people are genuine and not trying to game the system. With money involved, it always attracts some bad actors.

Yeah...but to say the truth a lot of these bad actors are just being lazy...the whole idea of passive income is the issue to me.

Very true, the active vs.passive income is a factor for sure.

Never get tired of you writing about #POSH.

Keep it up.

Playing games isn't actually my thing except am getting a w
Reward for it. Have always been afraid in investing in crypto how does that play out for you??

owwww mister POSH...

Not sure, but I'd be all ears for what you poor souls who read all this mess have to say.

I've been voicing already for years we need a Wall-of-Shame! It's the only way to get the leechers, the bad actors, removed from the system. At the same time, it serves as an example to all those that are in essence good actors but may turn into bad actors. We've seen too many of them in the past. I do believe most are good actors, though some of these may turn into bad behaviours when they see bad actors getting away with what they do. When removing bad actors completely, am 100% sure we will end up with plenty of good actors who will jointly build a future we all will like to be part of.

So please, continue calling out the bad actors. And if you wish to do so, please use engineering skills to create the so-needed Wall-of-Shame (I would think this is a dedicated website, in which for each bad actor the proof is provided, basically a document, link section, and some comment section, I would think). Maybe also some vote section added, so that the wider community can voice their opinion on each 'bad actor'.

Being here for so many years it is almost your home and you witnessed how much was done and how the whole platform is growing. The life is so that we are all different and there are many people who even though have the same goal and understand the logic of it still there is a difference in the approaches. Such diversity is also good, otherwise it would be boring.

To tell the truth I also do not know much about many things happening around and also do not know what POSH is about. I definitely need to take time and read a lot going back in order to understand better. I hope the time will allow me.

 3 years ago  

Sorry for the late comment, haven't had good chances to get to commenting!

One of the things that's lacking today is definitely genuine people sadly. I think it's a product of the Kardashian style shit that people see on TV all the time or see in the media etc. where they are just shitty people, don't contribute anything to society and are just overall fucking lame. I wonder if it was always this quantity of those types of people or if it has increased because of the access to people across the entire world the way we have it right now.

I think with Hive, Task had put it well the other day. With Hive and the future of Hive, do we really want millions of people on here? We all seem to wonder what "mass adoption" will look like. The thing is places like China have billions of people in it but the quality of living in China is atrocious. Whereas in a place like Monaco, the standard of living is much higher. Do we hope that we gain 50-100k more people and kind of cap it there, in the sea of billions of people across the world and crypto space? I found that quite an interesting thought experiment and not sure where I stand on that exactly.

As well, with a billion people on Hive, the price is likely going to be in the toilet with constant downward pressure on it. Price doesn't always mean anything but it's a good metric for the overall success of a blockchain IMO. If the price is in the toilet, it's not as appealing as if it were holding steady in a mid to high range price. It won't get to the status of like Bitcoin but I think it would be a pretty comfortable spot to be top 100 on Coin Gecko.

It's a bit of a round-about way to say that there will always be people looking to mooch and it's hard because we want to see how things develop and want it to grow. However look at Splinterlands. It's gone parabolic compared to where it was 1.5 years ago and we have thousands of bots extracting tens of thousands of dollars per week in rewards. Definitely some give and take!