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RE: What happened to being genuine?

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

owwww mister POSH...

Not sure, but I'd be all ears for what you poor souls who read all this mess have to say.

I've been voicing already for years we need a Wall-of-Shame! It's the only way to get the leechers, the bad actors, removed from the system. At the same time, it serves as an example to all those that are in essence good actors but may turn into bad actors. We've seen too many of them in the past. I do believe most are good actors, though some of these may turn into bad behaviours when they see bad actors getting away with what they do. When removing bad actors completely, am 100% sure we will end up with plenty of good actors who will jointly build a future we all will like to be part of.

So please, continue calling out the bad actors. And if you wish to do so, please use engineering skills to create the so-needed Wall-of-Shame (I would think this is a dedicated website, in which for each bad actor the proof is provided, basically a document, link section, and some comment section, I would think). Maybe also some vote section added, so that the wider community can voice their opinion on each 'bad actor'.