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RE: A Wenesday I Don't Want to Repeat

in Rant, Complain, Talk • yesterday

That was a harrowing day, @coolmidwestguy. You have an entertaining delivery and add enough detail to raise our blood pressure as we read😄.

I remember once a technician had trouble inserting an IV in my arm before outpatient surgery. She was irritated with me because she couldn't get the IV inserted properly. After two tries I looked at her and said, "You have one more chance. Then I'm leaving." She left the room, called the anesthesiologist and the job was done properly. You were very patient with that technician.

Also...very vivid description of the a--------- who ran up on your lawn.

What a day!!


Thanks I was patient during the blood draw. It was a doctor that should of been my sign as they don't do it near as much as some of the techs. I wasn't so patient when I noticed a car in my yard, haha