A Wenesday I Don't Want to Repeat

Some days are best to leave behind us. This was the case for me this past Wenesday. So let me take you through it. The day started off very early for me.

My son's car got dropped off at a mechanic last Friday so I had to give him a ride. He had basketball practice at 6:00 a.m. which meant I had to get him up 5:00 in turn I had to get up at 4:30. Normally no big deal but it was tougher because I was fasting for blood work later on. So no breakfast and no wake me up coffee was had 😞


After dropping him off I headed to work and just fiddled away on my phone in my car until it was about 7:20. My work day starts at 7:30. It was a fairly busy morning and I got to a good stopping point before my 10:15 blood draw appointment.

I arrived at my Doctor's office probably 10 mintes early. The normal routine, I told them who I was and what I was there for. I was told I had a balance from the last time so I paid for that. Soon the Doctor came out and brought me back.

Well first off, I hate getting blood drawn. It's one of a few things I dread. Hey I know it's necessary or else I wouldn't be here. Some of it stems to a few bad experiences I've had in the past.

Well it's time to give away my arm so they can get a few vials of blood. The rubber strap is put on and she approaches my vein with the needle (I don't look). She says, "A little prick, little poke and a little sting." Than she says,"Whoops I missed."

To save you all the drama I not only got pricked 1 more time but 7 in total! Here's the locations: twice in the right arm, once in the left arm, twice in the left hand, once in right hand, and once in the vein above the my right thumb(the most painful). I'm actually surprised I didn't pass out, there's was one time I almost did. I did have a good bead of sweat on my forehead. I can't lie I had a little anxiety.




I was a bit frustrated, angry and the worst part is there might not be enough blood to get all the test results. What's crossing my mind? I will never get blood drawn at this doctor's office again. I will elect to get it done at a laboratory where they know what the hell there doing. Well I left there with four band aids and later on ended up losing more hair than I anticipated taking them off, haha. Some light bruising and a pinch of pain in my thumb and left hand.

After this I got lunch because I was hungry. I got a burger and fries which satisfied my hunger. Than headed back to work a little earlier because I knew there was work to be done!

I ended up working 30 minutes past my scheduled time. I headed to a friends place who invited me over to eat dinner. Perhaps a little more than a friend but no time to talk about that right now 😉 While I was eating with her than I got a call that my son's car was ready for pick up. I had to finish up eating quick as the shop was closing in 20 minutes.

I got there in time and paid the bill. It defintely hurt the pocket. Well the good thing is it should be good to go for awhile. After that I drove home to pick up son so he could pick up his car. We than both drove home.

At this point it was about 6:30 p.m. I was feeling a little tired and was thinking of going to bed early around 9:00. That didn't happen because something else happened right when I was about to do that.




Well I was sitting on the couch watching television when all of the sudden I heard 3 booms, a loud scraping noise, and a thump. It was shortly after that I heard a car reving up. I opened my entrance door to witness this white car parked in my yard. The driver was trying to back out of my yard despite missing most of the front axle.

The first thing I did was yell, "What the Hell are you doing?" I got no reply but the driver did shut the car off and stepped out. By this time half the neighborhood was outside wondering what the heck just happened. He said in a very slurred way, "I got insurance, man." A few neighbors were checking on two of his passengers. They were both drunk too but one was saying with not much worry that I'm bleeding from my ear dude.



It was a quick response from the first responders. A fire truck and an ambulance were the first on scene about 5 minutes after I stepped outside. The one passenger was taken away by the ambulance. So talking to some neighbors the dumb ass driver hit three parked vehicles than kept going until he jumped a curb and hit a tree. Most of his front axle was about 150 feet from where he ended up on my lawn. The driver was 22 years old and you can see him resting his dumb ass on the back of the car.


Way before the tow truck showed up about 8 police vehicles were on sight. This is when we got to here a lot of details. One is the vehicle was just purchased because it still has the dealer plates on it. Second is it wasn't even the drivers vehicle but one of the passengers. The worst part there was no insurance on the vehicle. I feel bad for my neighbor because all three vehicles were his. One is totaled and the other two were clipped.

An officer asked me to pull my vehicle further up in my driveway and if it was ok if the tow truck used my driveway and yard to get rid of car. I'm not sure why but the driver was still not in the back seat of a patrol vehicle. I told the officer kind of in a loud voice, "Sure, he (driver) already messed up my lawn." Though the driver was drunk I knew he heard me and the cop didn't seem to mind I did that.

In the end, the tow truck pulled up on the lawn of my next door neighbor. I'm happy for that because it would have caused a lot more damage to my yard if he pulled it off from my property. It also didn't do much to thier yard. If it were Summer time it could have been really ugly. During the towing process the drunk driver was thrown in the back seat of the patrol vehicle. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight which is way past my bed time. Thankfully I slept well the next night.

There you have it my last Wednesday. Incompetent doctor and a dumb ass kid who I hope learns a lesson sums it up. Some us were boneheads in our early 20's but not having control of your alcohol can result in bad happenings regardless of age. Both events will be in my mind for a bit, too much no fun activity for one day! There are things you just don't tend to forget about, I had two in one day.

Take care, stay safe and happy weekends away. Until next time!


Sorry you had to go through all that. It sucks man. I hope you won't have to go to that doctor again and the blood test results would have no complications

Thank you Ive been stuck twice many times but 7 is outrageous. Everytime I heard the little stick, little poke and little sting. I almost was like skip it I know, I know, haha

I thought getting up at 0430 then having a useless doctor who can't draw blood is bad enough for a day!

I would have thought the same. Especially since i hate needles, hehe.

Who wouldn't get mad when a drunk, negligent guy suddenly broke his car in your yard? It must be really frustrating to you.

Do you always get your blood checked? 7 injections is too much! That would freak me out, as I am anemic! 😂

That young dude has a lot of hard days ahead. When he gets his own car he will pay insirance to the roof for quite a few years. Also possible jail and a probation period awaits. Hopefully he learns and takes seriously he did wrong. It could have been much worse if anyone was killed.

Usually I get blood drawn every 4 months to 6 months now. I dread it everytime but I will go back to hospital and the lab techs do it. They have more practice and it's thier full time job.

It's a close call which one made me more mad. Thiers laws threatening doctors so I didn't want to be on the tight rope with @ he said she said so I didn't voice my opinion. My body language did though.

I'm sure you will completely get over the two disheartening incidents that spoilt your Wednesday. Of course you'd never draw blood at the place the needle incident happened. It's good the crash on your property didn't cost a life just damage to property which can easily be fixed. Just keep thinking positively, life's full of ups and downs but we have to weather the storms however best we can. I pray your weekend will be much better.

Thanks and yes no more blood draws there. Yes it was 9:00 p.m. there could have been people out walking around. The weekend should definitely be better 😃


Oh my god, what a day really! About blood test that person was practicing with you as if I had never done it before. It's to complain, it's not professional at all. I see that there are increasingly worse professionals in general and on top of that, they are still there, nothing happens, they should be fired.
And the accident must have had a big impact on you, something so unexpected, the worst way to end a difficult day. Yesterday Friday I didn't have a good day in general either.
I hope that at least you have a good weekend, rest and are well, friend!
Take care!

Oh the next day surpassed that one. Jaja. Too much for one day and it was a long day! Bad blood draw and a crash in your yard it dont get much better than that right? Well to a good day ahead for you Amiga.



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Eh, when I am in the sched of drawing blood before it will be done I would tell them to do their job well!

I mean, it takes years for them to master right?

Ah I pity your neighbor who owns the car

I wish they were all masters. I prefer not be a pin pillow 🤪

Yeah neighbor had three vehicles damaged. I imagine it will take awhile to figure it out since other party has no insurance.

Shouldn't the drunk guy paid for it?

Yes but may have to go to court if neighbors insurance can't collect somehow. My thinking he's out drinking on a Wenesday night means there's a good chance he has no job.

Oh yeah as if he is working it should be on Friday 😆

Those drunk driver seriously mess around in your yard. It's a good thing though tht your car is safe. Though i feel sorry for your neighbor. That's a sure headache for them for sure.

Anyways, like you got poked 7 times? What the heck, why that doctor has still has her license? That's sh*t!

Yes glad my car didn't get hit. I just recently spent a good penny doing a ton of routine maintance and other things.

Oh yeah it wasn't Dr. Blood. Maybe she should hire a lab technician. That was rough I'm surprised I made it through it. Don't know if I want her to hold a scalpel near me, hehe

 22 hours ago  

Jeez dude that’s wild! For one that lab tech sucked, but I guess the additional point for you is to make sure you stay well hydrated before the appointment and drinking electrolyte water is usually a good idea for that.

Crazy story about the drunk driver I’m glad nobody got hurt, especially for you or your neighbors! Sucks they lost a car but thankfully nobody was in it that got hit.

That will definitely ruin a night! Lol.

Oh man, I’m glad to hear of a friend :D I never ask but didn’t know what was happening on the lady front. Glad you’ve got a friend!

I might not have been 100% hydrated but enough for sure I had drank a gallon of water in the past 12 hours. Three misses and a mostly the wrong veins chosen. I didn't say but she was really looking for them which was freaking me out. I will just go the hospital to have a lab technician do it. Afterall they do it every day all day. Being a doctor with 8 years of college doesn't mean there good at drawing blood. Most doctors don't do it.

Hopefully the young man realizes he was lucky . I hope he doesn't gripe about what he receives in punishment. Also hope he accepts it all and changes his path in life. I know it won't be easy for him for a few years.

That was a harrowing day, @coolmidwestguy. You have an entertaining delivery and add enough detail to raise our blood pressure as we read😄.

I remember once a technician had trouble inserting an IV in my arm before outpatient surgery. She was irritated with me because she couldn't get the IV inserted properly. After two tries I looked at her and said, "You have one more chance. Then I'm leaving." She left the room, called the anesthesiologist and the job was done properly. You were very patient with that technician.

Also...very vivid description of the a--------- who ran up on your lawn.

What a day!!

Thanks I was patient during the blood draw. It was a doctor that should of been my sign as they don't do it near as much as some of the techs. I wasn't so patient when I noticed a car in my yard, haha

Oh, my... it was a busy Wednesday. And also, does that doctor have a mosquito complex or what?

I hope the 22 year old didn't have any serious physical injuries... he was obviously already a bit brain damaged.

Take care, Amigo.

Yes it was a long day filled with some sour tasting events. Brain damage is right hopefully he straightens his life out! It won't be an easy path for him to get there.

Oh my, it's such a long day for you. I thought your car was crushed, hopefully it wasn't. It'd be another problem for you if it happened, especially since your son's car isn't fixed yet.
take care out there and your health too.

Yes long day indeed. My car wasn't affected and my sons car got done a few hours before I added a car to my yard, hehe.

Take care of yourself as well, see you around 😃


thanks, you too..

Wow! What a day! It started too early in the morning and dragged on during the night. You did have a lot of patience and self- restraint! I would have kicked or punched the nurse! That young drunk guy would probably get a kick as well! 🙀😂

Fortunately, you could catch up with your sleep later on! Such a dramatic day!

Yes one I hope isn't similar in the future, haha. Kid was way too drunk 🥴 hopefully he woke up the next day realizing what he did but more importantly he takes on full responsibility of his actions and doesn't repeat similar behavior.

I bet he wouldn’t remember what had happened as he’s too intoxicated! I hope his parents would pay for damages as he would be too young to have much money.

it's hard to tell, parents may not have money. If it comes done to it his wages could be garnished if a judgement is made against him. Well if he even has a job.

I don't know how they can loss the veins. And poking mercilessly like your hand is a rubber😬.
Still lucky you were spared from that car mishap, though there's a small damage😐.

I think i learned a lesson with blooddraws don't do at a small clinic where there is one receptionist and one doctor. I was just told doctor can do as well so I went with that route. I'll leave it to a lap tech that doesn't it every day all the time from now on.

Yeah just some lawn damage it coukd have been a lot worse for sure 😃


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