Time to Slow Down when the Heat Hits ... / 暑い時にはスローペースで

This year, Germany hasn’t been too hot—until yesterday, that is. Now, we’re stuck with temperatures over 30°C for the next days. Compared to Japan, where I used to live, the lower humidity here is a relief, but without air conditioning, it’s still pretty tough. My partner is practically melting and not in the best mood.

When it stays this hot for a while, it’s hard not to feel a bit foggy-headed, isn’t it? I usually handle heat well, so I kept up my usual pace; going to market on bike, working, cooking etc. But, I finally slipped up. At lunchtime, I accidentally broke a glass container, and as if that wasn’t enough, I later knocked over my glass of tea while working, soaking everything in sight... 😅

But honestly, I guess it could’ve been worse. At least I didn’t get hurt, and the tea was easy enough to clean up as it didn't contain sugar. Moments like these remind me that it’s important to take things slow when it’s hot.

So, take it easy during these hot days. Think of it as nature’s way of giving us a summer break—no need to rush, just go with the flow.

Have nice summer days, everyone!

🌞 🌞 🌞







I love the hot days! When I remember how the bone chilling cold makes me feel sick, I can't complain about the heat. But I understand how irritated one can get from being so hot, above 30° is crazy

I love heat too and summer should be hot 😁 Ja but it was too much yesterday breaking and falling things 💦

 7 months ago  

Heat with high humidity is tough. What I would do when I was in Italy with no air conditioning is clean it, then lay down on the bare tile floor. It was the coolest place in the house and worked well with keeping temperatures down!