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RE: How Does Anyone Meet Anyone These Days?

So true. It is one reason for the fertility collapse. People aren't meeting and forming relationships.
The online world is full of fakery.

Hive is rare because it has real people mostly being real and at HiveFest you get to meet in person.

 4 months ago  

I also speak to a lot of young people who say they can't afford kids! Or that the world is fucked, so why bring kids into it. Or they're resisting biological and peer and parental pressure as they know that kids do not actually mean happiness.

Hive IS rare..m but you know in seven years I've never met another Hiver face to 👀 face??

What!!! You never met any of the Aussie team? Aren't there any nearby you?

I wished we'd caught up when you were back here. So near 😖
