Hey man, leave fruity fruits alone. All they want is to quench your thirst and leave you smiling with a 'mmm fruity'. They're trying their goddamn best dammit! Don't make me use a old man yelling at cloud gif, because I will.
Anyway, um, I dunno. I really just buy apples from the supermarket and they seem okay, but I know they've spent months frozen, so it's probably not surprising if they're bland. We're hoping to get our first real crop of apples, peaches, nectarines, peaches, cherrys and pears this year. We've had fruit trees for a couple of years but they've been babies. Hopefully this year is the year, I'm pumped. We did get some peaches last year and I swear they were the best tasting fruit I've ever had.
Hope you feel better dude.
The fruit here is fucken terrible, seems like you have better luck there though. All the best with your orchard, sounds like it's going really well.