Fruity fruits, you suck!

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago


Nothing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.

- Epictetus -

For a long time now I've avoided most fruits and fruit juices with berries, strawberries mainly, being about the only fruits I regularly eat. It's got to do with the types of sugars in fruits that are not great for diabetics. I miss fruits though: Watermelon, oranges, grapes, mandarins, rock melon (cantaloupe), pears and many others...and their juices. Bananas..nah those things are fucken evil...unless baked into a banana cake that is.

Over the last few days I've had a maddening craving for fruit though, citrus fruits to be more precise. I'm not sure if it's because I currently have that illness that's be going around for a couple years, but I needed fruit.

It started with orange juice which is not very good for me because it takes a lot of oranges to make just one glass and that means the sugar intake is greater. I had a glass or two though, but wasn't satisfied. My teeth wanted to rip into the flesh of some real fruit and so I made it happen and the result was glorious fucken depressing.

Fruits aren't fruity anymore. Fruits actually don't taste like much at all, and I don't just mean because I have that bloody virus, it's been happening for years.

I ended up with some mandarins, a few oranges and a pineapple. I've not had much to smile about these past few days as I feel like shit warmed up, but I smiled when I saw those glorious fruits...only to have that smile wiped right off my face by the taste of those bitter, stringy, juiceless fucken mandarins. I had a bag full so tried another. Same. One more...Same.

On to the oranges I went. I had four of them but only found one that was edible, but just barely. I was, by this point, getting my grump-on...At the moment, my tolerance for fuckassery is low, my patience also and these fruits were pushing their luck.

I haven't dared try the pineapple yet, I'm worried if it's not good it'll tip me over the edge and I'll lose my shit. I'm leaving it to (hopefully) ripen up a little more but I think I'm asking too much of it.

I remember when fruits tasted fruity and one rarely found a bad one. Sure, we couldn't get what we wanted all year round but that's why they call fruits seasonal. These days we want what want so we eat fruits (and vegetables) that have been picked early and stored for months; that's not to mention the genetic modification of them to grow faster, for longer and to look better. It's disgusting. Typical behaviour for humans though.

I've been growing my own vegetables for a while now and have some fruit trees also. What I have harvested has been magnificently tasty and there's simply no comparison to the store-bought produce which is largely disgusting. Sure, there's farmers markets where great produce can be found, but they're not open on weekdays and usually far more costly. I pay it of course, for better produce, but as I can't leave home right now...Well, I was back onto the orange juice which tasted good enough...I just chewed it on the way down.

And you? Have you found fruits and vegetables taste different these days, that they have hardly any taste at all? I don't mean the one's you grow yourselves but one bought from supermarkets. What's up y'all, tell me about it.

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The image in this post is my own


My experience has always been that store-bought flavour is worse than home-grown

I think it only makes sense; industrial farming is quantity over quality

Home-grown is the opposite

Have you ever tried a home-grown banana? I never have, but I'm sure it would blow my socks off

 3 years ago  

I agree, home grown is best. My parents had a fruit tree alorchard and a fairly extensive vegetable garden so I grew up with food produce. Now I have my own, just on a smaller scale.

I'm not a huge fan of bananas but lived for a while in the tropical north of Australia and they grow them there, avocado, mango and so on also. So good. But what we get in supermarkets these days is just rubbish, most of it anyway.

It's sad but true. I'm looking forward to the day I can grow my own vegetables!

Gosh I feel your pain man, sorry you are going through lots of shit right now and the juices just added more sourness to the already bullshit ring. I did get a pineapple last night and I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the change in taste. I thought it was my taste bud acting funny but thankfully It seems fine after having this read.

 3 years ago  

I chomped into my pineapple today and it was reasonable...I ate the whole damned thing over the course of the day. 😊

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fair enough

I hope you will begin to feel yourself again soon. Enjoy the oranges - it will hopefully help with the sickness.
I totally agree with you. I am so fed up when I buy mandarins that are just stringy and taste like nothing or at worst dirty water. I have stopped buying them as I gave up. I also have a major issue with my beloved avocados. Inevitably - they are all bad. If I get one good one - it has zero taste. Tomatoes - they last too long to be any good. Hence they are genetically modified. Pineapples are half the times - rotting before they are ripe. I am always excited when there is a nice one as I love them but I have to choose wisely. I am longing for the tropics to eat tree ripened fruits. I might need to wait a bit though.
Take care and get better soon.

 3 years ago  

I'm on the mend, although far from healthy. It's a time thing I guess. I'm not dead so that's a good though right?

I'm with you on the store-bought produce, it's total rubbish. I grow some vegetables and have some fruit trees and herbs also; it's not enough to feed myself with, but it supplements what I buy and it's a nice feeling eating things I've grown myself.

Anyway, thanks for your message and well wishes. I hope you're also well.

I don’t know where you are getting fruits from. We get most of it from Mexico;) and they are absolutely delicious. Both my kids lives of berries and Mandarins, like you pictured. I can tell yours are dry just by looking. Ours are excellent here. I get it from regular old grocery stores here, Kroger and HEB, which are the two popular chain here. No special grocery store. Food is just good here. Oh milk! Ohh boy. We get excellent milk in Texas. And eggs. Those are local!

 3 years ago  

You're so lucky to have good fruits available, here it's not so good. Even the berries are a bit tasteless to be honest. It seems like your food situation is pretty good huh? I have to go to the premium farmers markets to get the good stuff which happens, just not right now of course.

It happens a lot these days. Some fruits and vegetables!I eat do not taste as nice as it’s supposed to. Sometimes it would look ripe but then when you cut it open, you discover that it isn’t exactly. I hope it doesn’t affect our bodies in the long run.

 3 years ago  

I'm not sure if it will affect our health, but things don't taste like they used to, for me anyway. My parents had a fruit tree orchard so we always had excellent fruit and now, years later, mostly fruit is terrible

I just hope it gets better.

It is true they are diddling around with the genetics to make fruit prettier and take longer to decay, but what that also appears to do is take away the wonderful taste. I still do find some fruit at the market that turns out to be good, but it is always a toss up as to what you will get home with. It's all the crazier because it costs so much these days. I wouldn't mind paying a premium price if it could be guaranteed to be good, but alas, that is not the way it is.

So sad !

 3 years ago  

There's some good stuff around the place, I'm generalising of course, but it's not like the good old days any more. I have to go to a high-end farmers market to get good produce as the stuff at the supermarket is simply rubbish, if it's even available in the first place. And then there's the price as you mention. Crazy times, and sad as you say.

I do agree that the fruit one buys in the supermarket is mostly tasteless and I believe it's when they're picked too early with lengthy refrigeration on top of that!
I buy my fruits and veggies from a fresh produce vendor who comes straight from the market, my fruits & veggies on wheels I call him. His stuff definitely tastes better, although home-grown of course can't be beaten!
I think having Covid also makes it worse!
I'm sure you will start feeling better soon @galenkp especially eating all that citrus! Get better soon @galenkp 🤗

 3 years ago  

I prefer to pick up my fresh produce at farmer's markets but it's not always possible from a time perspective; when I do I grab a little extra as it tends to last a little better than th supermarket produce. I have a lot of farms in the areas around where I live which helps, but a lot of the time I have to rely on supermarket produce. I tend to buy in small quantities to ensure I don't waste any (things are costly here) and will work meals around what is good at any given point then supplement with my homegrown produce.

It seems you you have a good deal going on there, you're lucky.

I'm getting a little better now, but still getting massive headaches, hit and cold and coughing. My lungs feel really heavy, but still seem to be working ok. When they stop, I know I'll be in strife.

Thanks for your message.

I started buying from the veggie vendor's father around 40 years ago & when he retired, his son took over the business. Back then I had to go up to the van on our verge and choose my goods. Nowadays his son sends pics of what he has in store that day, via WhatsApp, I reply with my order and voila, my fruits & veggies arrive later that day. Almost like ordering online!
You need to overdose on Vit C (yep more of that awful citrus fruits) & all the recommended supplements for Covid (our doc(my nephew) prescribed vit C, Vit D, Thiamine, Niacin (Vit B3) & Zinc), but keep on taking it for a couple of weeks even when you're fully recovered. You're likely already taking those but just in case...
Here in SA, every second person has the new strain, they say it's like a very bad flu, some days feel 100%, then sick again the next day, so it seems that it can linger on for quite a long while.
My son described the virus in such a funny way; he said its job is to replicate, so it doesn't want to kill its host, therefore the strains start weakening otherwise it would die out. So they're actually very clever🤣 likely communicating and having fun while we're hosting them🤣
But, seriously, get better soon🤗

 3 years ago  

I like that set up you have with your fresh produce, there are similar things here but in the smaller towns, not so much in the cities. You're on a winner there.

Yeah, I'm on the vitamin C, been taking it for a while, some other things also. It's funny, humans think we're so clever, then get outsmarted by a virus.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little better thankfully.

 3 years ago  

Fuckassery on the shitty fruit man, let me tell ya!

I've got a secret with things like oranges that I've come to after many grueling days of scientific adventuring in the miserable environment that is the grocery store..

For oranges, you have to give them a heft! I love ripe, delicious oranges more than most things and I get very annoyed when those things taste like shit. What I've learned with them is you have to hold them in your hand and heft them. Pump it up and down in the air like a baseball and compare a few oranges you can see that look okay. The ones that are the heaviest are usually the ones that are edible. Not perfect but damn has it saved me a lot of grief and anger with the oranges! I usually get about 80-85% success with good oranges using this method. For one quick payment of 19.95 though, it can be yours and get a certificate of authenticity! Lol

No joke though, I hate shitty citrus fruits!

 3 years ago  

A good method indeed...I prefer the throw it at someone's head method though. If it knocks them out it's a good one. 😜

 3 years ago  

Ah the tried and true method. Can’t argue with that one.

 3 years ago  

It can be problematic depending on who one throws the orange at, and how hard, but it's usually most rewarding.

Hey man, leave fruity fruits alone. All they want is to quench your thirst and leave you smiling with a 'mmm fruity'. They're trying their goddamn best dammit! Don't make me use a old man yelling at cloud gif, because I will.

Anyway, um, I dunno. I really just buy apples from the supermarket and they seem okay, but I know they've spent months frozen, so it's probably not surprising if they're bland. We're hoping to get our first real crop of apples, peaches, nectarines, peaches, cherrys and pears this year. We've had fruit trees for a couple of years but they've been babies. Hopefully this year is the year, I'm pumped. We did get some peaches last year and I swear they were the best tasting fruit I've ever had.

Hope you feel better dude.

 3 years ago  

The fruit here is fucken terrible, seems like you have better luck there though. All the best with your orchard, sounds like it's going really well.

Ever since we've moved to Mexico from Ireland, we've been so blessed and spoiled with great fruit. The oranges here are the best you'll ever taste. Two oranges will give you a glass full...The toronja (grapefruit) aren't bitter or sour at all! I never used to like grapefruit that much but here I love them.

 3 years ago  

Now I'm just jealous. 😊

I can relate to all this Buzzy!
Growing up in the tropics with a wide variety of fruit trees in my backyard (top agricultural quality), meant that I spent my days having fruit for lunch, and basically anytime I needed a quick munch of whatever was in season.
It was when I left the tropics that I understood the rave foreigners had about our fruits such as papaya, mangoes, and avocados that matter.
I agree that many fruits are not that tasty for the reasons you've highlighted, and I find that people don't take delight in eating fruit as much as I do. I think it might be a culture thing?

It's nice to hear that some fruits are ok for you as a diabetic...
I do hope your pineapples will be tasty when you get to them. Pineapples are one fruit that I cannot eat unless fully ripe and sweet, otherwise I get a proper itch in my throat.
Get well soon man!... and maybe your taste will improve also...or so I hope 😇

 3 years ago  

I used to eat far more fruit when I wasn't diabetic and was a younger person when fruit tasted like fruit and not old shoes. I think things will only get worse when it comes to food: Additives, short-cut production methods, genetically modifying...None of it is leading to a good place. Progress, they call it. I don't though.

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No way! You don't like Bananas? Hahaha that's one of my favourite and I would take strawberries any time and any day too even though they are too expensive here.

I told people about the change in the taste of fruits many times over but no one seem to believe me. They think I'm nuts but being a fruit lover, I know the tastes of my fruits. I told someone how carrot isn't carrot anymore. I think this is due to the fact that they grow most now without the natural means. Sometimes they take illegal ways to make them ripen rather than allow them to get ripe at their own pace. These factors contribute a lot to the change in taste. Even now, I had the same effect with the pack of seedless grapes I had two nights ago.

I wish you quick recovery, sir. Keep being strong. You know we love you...for who you are and your awesomeness.

 3 years ago  

It's a texture thing with bananas, I just can't do it unless they're in a cake. Berries though, almost every day. 😊

Sweet berries 😍😍😍. Do you take smoothies? Those ones you can't eat, you can blend them. You can do that to the pineapple too.

 3 years ago  

I'm not into smoothies much, sometimes though. More in summer.

That's fair enough sir.