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RE: Fruity fruits, you suck!

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

I hope you will begin to feel yourself again soon. Enjoy the oranges - it will hopefully help with the sickness.
I totally agree with you. I am so fed up when I buy mandarins that are just stringy and taste like nothing or at worst dirty water. I have stopped buying them as I gave up. I also have a major issue with my beloved avocados. Inevitably - they are all bad. If I get one good one - it has zero taste. Tomatoes - they last too long to be any good. Hence they are genetically modified. Pineapples are half the times - rotting before they are ripe. I am always excited when there is a nice one as I love them but I have to choose wisely. I am longing for the tropics to eat tree ripened fruits. I might need to wait a bit though.
Take care and get better soon.

 3 years ago  

I'm on the mend, although far from healthy. It's a time thing I guess. I'm not dead so that's a good though right?

I'm with you on the store-bought produce, it's total rubbish. I grow some vegetables and have some fruit trees and herbs also; it's not enough to feed myself with, but it supplements what I buy and it's a nice feeling eating things I've grown myself.

Anyway, thanks for your message and well wishes. I hope you're also well.