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RE: Fruity fruits, you suck!

It is true they are diddling around with the genetics to make fruit prettier and take longer to decay, but what that also appears to do is take away the wonderful taste. I still do find some fruit at the market that turns out to be good, but it is always a toss up as to what you will get home with. It's all the crazier because it costs so much these days. I wouldn't mind paying a premium price if it could be guaranteed to be good, but alas, that is not the way it is.

So sad !

 3 years ago  

There's some good stuff around the place, I'm generalising of course, but it's not like the good old days any more. I have to go to a high-end farmers market to get good produce as the stuff at the supermarket is simply rubbish, if it's even available in the first place. And then there's the price as you mention. Crazy times, and sad as you say.