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RE: Masking

Dude! We already know you and Taraz are secretly the Hemsworth brothers. You can't be in a billion films and not expect someone would draw you... I'm surprised it took this long. The tie-in with all the viking stuff was super obvious.

 2 years ago  

Haha, yeah man that's us...I'm actually surprised it took so long before someone actually noticed. You're the first so, lifetime movie pass coming your way, VIP access to every Hemsworth brothers movie until the end of time...and a replica Thor Hammer as well.

You're welcome.

Seriously though, why anyone would want to draw me is a mystery...well, it was for votes I guess, unfortunately, it didn't go go quite to plan. It was more like one of those plans Wile E. Coyote devises to capture the Road Runner. That user got ACME'd

Thanks for the comment, it made me laugh.

Yeah, the thing is, that the Hemsworth brothers hold quite a lot of influence on Hive, so I don't think it was necessarily just for your vote, per se, but for the votes that you might encourage.

Obviously it's super important to whack down that behaviour as soon as it pops up.. cos if it did become a viable avenue for a lot of votes... well, I'd start learning to draw... just for you.

 2 years ago  

It's true that people approach things in specific ways to target users with greater stake or perceived influence, I also curate for curangel so there's another possible benefit. I see it almost daily to be honest, and people Discord me a lot. I just wish they'd approach it differently because I'd probably give a lot of them some support if they did. I've even told people that, given them a roadmap if how to engage with the G-dog. Do they? Some, for a while, then it diminishes and they bugger off. Ok, bye then.

Get your crayons and drawing paper out! 🙄

It's that whole instant gratification thing hey?

Speaking of... it took me a lot of tries... but I think I got your features perfect. I can send this to you to frame if you like.


 2 years ago  

Haha! Sure, I'll do a post with my personal address in it, just for your eyes only.

That's gold actually, a perfect likeness in every way!

Is there a Swimsuit Viking Edition post that I missed?

I've honestly never seen someone use an entire longboat to cover their modesty, and it still wasn't enough.