
in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

fuck off and die you cunt.jpg

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

- Oscar Wilde -

I like my privacy and respect that of others. I don't intentionally ask intrusive questions or those I know may push too far into people's private lives or comfort zones; a simple courtesy. If I happen to overstep, (I'm human after all), I'm quick to offer a genuine apology if I do happen to overstep the mark. #simplecourtesy

In real life I'm fiercely private; this doesn't mean I'm not open, just selective with my private life and those I share it with; the blockchain also, but I like to hide personal information or thoughts, between the lines of my posts occasionally. Generally, I'm cautious with how much I share as should everyone on the interwebs.

A mask of sorts isn't a bad idea right?

I've been here for a while and have written a lot of posts so I've shared a lot. People form opinions and perceptions and I've got supporters and haters, and haters that were once supporters, and that's fine. It's the interwebs and people have freedom to be themselves; on the Hive blockchain freedom of thought, speech and action is actively promoted, so have at it folks. Just like others, I have my own thoughts and freedoms and the same right to act in accordance with my wishes. Right?

Recently, a poor unfortunate chap took my personal image from my profile and drew me. It was actually quite a good likeness and reasonable artwork, and he posted it tagging myself and my brother @tarazkp. Ok, so what of it?

He didn't ask my permission.'s the interwebs and he can do what he likes right? Well yeah of course, but with that in mind, and for the very same reason, so can others - I may feel however I like about this matter, or anything at all.

I didn't take kindly that he didn't do me the courtesy of asking.

I would have denied him permission of course, and he would have complied with my wishes, wouldn't have drawn me and that would have been the end of it. But he didn't ask. I saw the post...the one using my personal image without permission and designed around his own financial gain in which he tagged me and my brother into, and had no choice but to address it.

I immediately sent a comment telling him to delete my image and muted the post from my community as it wasn't in line with the community theme. The user deleted the post, but not before copying and pasting it into another post which he immediately posted into another community! Unfortunately for the users, I saw it too. I sent another comment, more firmly worded. I wanted to be clear and, unfortunately for the fellow, I wanted to send a message to others who may think showing such bad manners in respect of me might actually earn them something positive. It won't.

A compatriot from the same country as him leapt to his defence suggesting I should have been kinder...hmm predictable. That's ok too though, it's the interwebs right? Freedom right? But I have the same freedom...right? The freedom to act or react as I choose, just like the two characters I mention above.

When people do what that fellow did, and other such things, they are removing the freedom of others just to feed their own entitlement to freedom. I don't like people taking such liberties and thinking there will be zero ramifications. I know, it's the internet and I can't control it, but I can control how I respond to it in comments, who I mute and who I downvote on Hive when their actions cross lines I feel shouldn't be crossed; that's my freedom of choice.

I have my own reasons for not wanting my image used in this way, perfectly good reasons that I don't need to justify in any way, to anyone. All that individual needed to do was ask for permission. That's all. It wouldn't have been difficult either, a comment to any of my posts would have worked well. Something like: "Can I draw a picture of you and do a post about it for my own financial gain?" Sure, a hard no, would have been the answer, but he would have avoided the other situations and I would have been happy knowing he'd had the common courtesy (decency) to ask me first. #commoncourtesy

It's a sad story really; the fellow has some artistic talent and in a different version of the above events would have gotten a solid vote from me, say he'd asked to draw my cat Cleo; I would have permitted that and happily upvoted the post and promoted it to curangel perhaps. I'm not about to reward bad manners and lack of courtesy though, hubris or the sense of entitlement.

I like my privacy and am selective with the information I divulge in real life and here, I think it's ok to be that way. I also like to show personality here, some of the real me, so there's an image or two of me and words that open doors to my real world life, thoughts and opinions and I'm ok with it. I'm also ok knowing that means people like this fellow may take liberties...but if they do, they need to be ok with the repercussions of those actions, and the fact that others have the same freedoms to act as they do themselves.

What are you like with privacy?

I know many of you hide behind usernames and profile images that don't show your true self and that's ok. Are you open and free with your personal lives on social media like Facetwit, Instabook, TicTwat and those other stupid things though? How would you feel if someone took an image you photographed from one of your posts and wrote their own post about it for their own reward without your permission? That's image theft right? What about in your real life, are you cautious with your personal life and information or don't you care? Comment if you'd like to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[All original and AI free]
Any images in this post are my own and are not for your use.


One story for me that stands out (from more than a handful incidents) was when one dude took some of my art and placed it in a virtual gallery. Basically a picture of a room, with my art on the walls. Super easy to do. But some was upside down. Some was cropped. Some was sideways. Colors were off. And somehow this guy was proud of himself.

I got a mention and quickly went to see. My jaw hit the floor. And his intention was to "promote" my work. Didn't ask for permission. Just went ahead and did it and of course attempted to monetize.

I felt uncomfortable asking him to take it down but I had no choice. Turned out to be a reasonable human and took it down. Also said he's a fan of my work and thought I'd like what he did. So I didn't want to hurt their feelings but at the same time: WTF?

Strong chance I was just being trolled as well. Sometimes I'll play along and see how far they'll take it. That time I wanted it taken down as fast as possible. It was brutal.

 2 years ago  

I think you and I are on the same page with our respective situations. and probably reacted the same way. My comment to that user is still on the blockchain and I'm not remorseful of how I dealt with it, quite brutally in fact.

Maybe it's a little different in that your case was your artwork, something you take time to create whereas mine was just my image, but I feel in both cases our reactions were warranted; if it's not dealt with it may open the flood gates...the reason I also mute non-community-related content in my communities without compromise...a deterrent. Moat are ok with it, they understand...Some call me a racist, red-neck, white trash, antisemite and give me reprisal downvotes...all because they didn't follow the guidelines and are too hubristic to edit their post. Remember that guy? I took action, including when he recently tried to come back. There will be no quarter.

I can't help but be confused about how/why a person can't show some simple manners and courtesy...but I guess society isn't built that way now.

I hope you're well mate, great to have your comment on my post.

If the situation naturally makes you uncomfortable, then one handles it accordingly. We all have our ways and the tools.

Can't collaborate without a conversation first. Hearing a "no" isn't the end of the world. And people don't need to be afraid to ask.

And yes. After seven years of encountering certain types and witnessing others having to deal with the irrational as well, I think by now most veterans at least have figured out the patterns and know what to look out for.

I haven't looked into your situation yet. Spent days snooping around everywhere, sifting through the noise, trying to get a realistic view of that drama over the weekend. I'm a bit drained but damn I just got back and this place was already popping off. Holy shit...

 2 years ago  

There wasn't much to it. I made two comments, added a couple DV's and that was that.

There was drama on the weekend? Didn't know to be honest; I've got better things to do I suppose.

Some drama. Plenty of confusion. And HBD finally got some advertising lol. Never a dull moment.

 2 years ago  

Lol...yeah I was chatting with the fellas about some stuff although never got involved. It's typical of this place huh?

It is what it is. But I can't describe it.

Way back on the old chain a well thought of popular blogger (who seemed to have a dislike for me) did a piss take image of me and also tweaked a photo of my daughter that was in the background. I was fucking furious and told him so in private. Claimed it was all joke. Sooner people just have no boundaries.

Interestingly though, in the context of here when you add the words for financial gain then it all becomes clearer.

If in doubt ask, it's not yours should be the rule!

 2 years ago  

did a piss take image of me and also tweaked a photo of my daughter that was in the background.

Not fucken legit man, that's heinous and, knowing you like I do off the chain, I know how you would have felt. I didn't know this actually. People are cunts huh?

Claimed it was all joke.

Yeah, for his own amusement without giving a shit about who was hurt. That's not a joke at all. Oops, sorry for putting a hot lead projectile into your brain and exploding your head from 1000 metres out...It was a joke. Hmm yeah, it doesn't really work huh?

If in doubt ask, it's not yours should be the rule!

Agreed...I know it's the internet and all, as someone has pointed out in a lengthy comment in this thread about the fact I should have been kinder, but WTF right? If someone hits me with a stick, I'm breaking out my fucken M777 155mm Howitzer artillery. (Never bring a stick to a Howitzer fight.) Lol.

I can't believe some asshole involved your lass bro. WTF!

Aye the man was a proper cunt. It was at least half fun to watch him eventually turn full cunt and lose support. Still made a packet though.

And I'm totally with you, someone funks with you for whatever reason you don't invite them into your house for tea and cakes. It's smackdown time!!

 2 years ago  

Yeah, it's funny that those doing the wrong thing often get their comeuppance.

I freely admit that I haven't used comeuppance for far too long and this comment is a shameless reason to use this legit word.

It's a fine old word. I might use it myself today!! 😀😀

 2 years ago  

Tell El Jefe, "he's going to get his comeuppance!

Haha, perfect. I bloody well will!!

He definitely should have asked for permission and of course you wouldn't have given it, but he should have.
That implies respect for the other whether the person likes to show himself or not, the first thing to do is to ask.
And it's very good what you did, you are free to do it, whatever they tell you. There will always be criticism.

I've been asked for my logo to mention me in a video, I had no problem with that, because I know who asked me.

You know that I am very careful with my privacy, a lot, for many reasons, I learned over time what is behind social networks.

And on all the platforms where I've been my name doesn't appear. Like you I tell part of me, but not of my most intimate personal life. Few people know my face for example and always outside of Hive.

Two years ago I was harassed by a platform, it was an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone, it seriously affected me both in what I did on the platform and in my personal life. That's why I'm so reserved and for other reasons.

Yes, someone once took my work, a design in a video and enlarged it so that you couldn't see the signature and the logo (it's a madman that I created years ago, many years ago). He said he did it because he liked my work and wanted to spread the word, so why did he make my logo not show?

Let's say that to make more of me known I have to know the person quite well and it would never be through a network.

En mi vida personal soy tambien muy reservada, mucho, incluso hay cosas que son mias nada mas.

Siento como te sentis, es horrible. Hiciste lo correcto.

 2 years ago (edited) 


People can talk about it being the internet and public domain all they like...but that doesn't negate manners and showing common courtesy right? Or respect for others.

Being asked first simply seems right and is something I do. I said in a comment my brother asks if he wants a photo of mine and I ask him before I use a photo of my own that contains him or his family, common courtesy, even though I know he'd not mind if I didn't ask. I still do!

Being reserved after being harassed is understandable. I've had people here use my image before and for not very nice reasons, just one more reason I'm a little sensitive about it being used, any of my images at all really, without my express permission; I'd not use theirs, so punish them when they use mine without asking first.

He said he did it because he liked my work and wanted to spread the word

Go and read meesterboom's comment in this comment thread, and also that of nonamesleftouse...Similar situations to mine and yours.

Let's say that to make more of me known I have to know the person quite well and it would never be through a network.

Smart, and even then caution is advisable; people change, people lie, show one thing and then do another and reveal themselves as the wrong people to share with. So, caution is advised.

It triggered me seeing my image as used by the person I mention in this post. I opened the community and saw it and inside I felt...well, I'll not say, but it wasn't a nice feeling. He wasn't to know he would trigger that reaction, *but he would have known had he asked and that's me whole point.

I will keep that precaution until now except the stalker, who is from here, even told me that he would come for me a lot more .... because I said no to a proposal he made to me, you understand .... that no, he didn't accept it and that's when my ordeal began.

But it's over now. I learned from that and I'm moving on.

I read the comments, it seems that there are a lot of people doing their thing without permission.

That feeling must have been like .... I want to burn him alive or something, right?

 2 years ago  

Stalkers can be a little concerning for a woman, and I guess for a man also, it can end badly, especially with a person who was spurned and still hangs around like yours did.

That feeling must have been like...I want to burn him alive or something, right?

Later yes, but I mean the initial feeling (inside of me) at seeing my image used like that without having the right to refuse it considering it was really simple for that person to ask me for permission. The result of that feeling is what prompted my response.

I think I can imagine that feeling, I think I feel it, I don't understand why people don't ask for permission if it's so simple. Whether one gives it or not is another matter.

I know, it was the longest comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago (edited) 

You're a long comment specialist. One day I'm going to leave a complicated and convoluted 2,000 word comment on one of your posts and giggle my fucken ass off when I post it! 😂

hahahahahahaha well, I'll try to figure it out hahahahahaha🤣

I would not want anyone to publish without my permission any portrait that person has made of me. That person you mention, not only did it in one of your communities but after being silenced, posted the portrait in another, mistake after mistake.

I am pretty open around here, it is the only web platform where I have shown so much of me, however, the part I show of me is very small, the book cover and a few pages, I like to do that actually. In my case, if I didn't do it I don't think I would have enough creativity at the moment to show other kind of content.

In my tangible life I am more reserved, much more.

 2 years ago  

Yep, I'd be surprised if anyone was actually happy with someone doing this, and for post it twice? Bonkers, and not in a good way like me. 😁

You show some personality here which I think is a good idea. In real life people you interact get to see you, hear you and glean more about you in that way, here that can't be done in the same way and so I think it's wise to show a little of that aspect...not too much though.

Bonkers, and not in a good way like me.


I think showing too much of ourselves can be pernicious in some cases and boring in others.

You show some personality here which I think is a good idea.

Thank you for considering it that way. And thank you for having understood what I meant in my previous comment in the first sentence, I checked it later and saw that it was a complete mess, the good thing is that we understood each other, I edited that first sentence and I think it came out better, I think.

 2 years ago  

I understood, I'm getting good at reading English translated from Spanish...Sometimes. 😄

You have to translate what has already lost enough of its essence with translators. I imagine that some things must be laughable and some must be an insult to the English language 🙈

Thank you for being so forgiving to those of us who use translators, as I do, and thank you for your support 😊

Dude! We already know you and Taraz are secretly the Hemsworth brothers. You can't be in a billion films and not expect someone would draw you... I'm surprised it took this long. The tie-in with all the viking stuff was super obvious.

 2 years ago  

Haha, yeah man that's us...I'm actually surprised it took so long before someone actually noticed. You're the first so, lifetime movie pass coming your way, VIP access to every Hemsworth brothers movie until the end of time...and a replica Thor Hammer as well.

You're welcome.

Seriously though, why anyone would want to draw me is a mystery...well, it was for votes I guess, unfortunately, it didn't go go quite to plan. It was more like one of those plans Wile E. Coyote devises to capture the Road Runner. That user got ACME'd

Thanks for the comment, it made me laugh.

Yeah, the thing is, that the Hemsworth brothers hold quite a lot of influence on Hive, so I don't think it was necessarily just for your vote, per se, but for the votes that you might encourage.

Obviously it's super important to whack down that behaviour as soon as it pops up.. cos if it did become a viable avenue for a lot of votes... well, I'd start learning to draw... just for you.

 2 years ago  

It's true that people approach things in specific ways to target users with greater stake or perceived influence, I also curate for curangel so there's another possible benefit. I see it almost daily to be honest, and people Discord me a lot. I just wish they'd approach it differently because I'd probably give a lot of them some support if they did. I've even told people that, given them a roadmap if how to engage with the G-dog. Do they? Some, for a while, then it diminishes and they bugger off. Ok, bye then.

Get your crayons and drawing paper out! 🙄

It's that whole instant gratification thing hey?

Speaking of... it took me a lot of tries... but I think I got your features perfect. I can send this to you to frame if you like.


 2 years ago  

Haha! Sure, I'll do a post with my personal address in it, just for your eyes only.

That's gold actually, a perfect likeness in every way!

Is there a Swimsuit Viking Edition post that I missed?

I've honestly never seen someone use an entire longboat to cover their modesty, and it still wasn't enough.

Let's see, I totally agree with you. I think it's a basic problem, that they are bad-mannered all their lives and have no limits.

I know people like that who have no ability to filter good and bad manners. Sometimes they don't realize what they are doing because they don't have a scale of what is right and what is really wrong.

The saddest thing is that they waste their life and talent. I say this because of this case you mention. And additionally they earn the distrust of many people, even those who may be close to them.

 2 years ago  

People's idea of manners and courtesy differs greatly, and then country to country and across continents brings more disparity, something that the interwebs highlights on a second by second basis I'd say. Of course, some are just ill-mannered.

It was a pity this guy neglected the first step in drawing someone and promoting it on his own post...the asking of the subject part but that's what happened and I reacted in what, for me is, a predictable way. I could have ignored it, simply downvoted or muted, but I wanted him to know what that was happening and impress upon him the benefits of showing courtesy. I'm actually ok with people having some (good-natured) fun at my expense, it's happened many times, I just like to be asked first.

It's not the first time it happened and won't be the last.

Thanks for commenting, I hope your day went well...almost, you're probably asleep I guess, about 01:30 there?

Thanks Galenkp for caring, I'm actually curating a bit for La Colmena, as I had a bit of a weird day today and got stuck with the post of mine and the video. But in the end I liked it.
Last night I was writing the rules for a literature contest I'm a promoter of and that kept me up all night. Soon the call for entries will be published. Ugh, I have a super busy few days. And I feel a bit tired, to be honest.

(I do worry about privacy in Hive, I don't deny it. It's just that everything is visible here. I think it is somewhat dangerous to give details of our life.)

 2 years ago  

I think you deserve a good rest, you should make it happen; I've functioned on very little sleep and whilst it's possible, it's not advisable. I have trouble sleeping sometimes, for various reasons, and yet have to keep going, and in the past operating on little or no sleep was usual...but sleep has to happen, quality sleep.

(I do worry about privacy in Hive, I don't deny it. It's just that everything is visible here. I think it is somewhat dangerous to give details of our life.)

I think a little here and there is ok, I'd certainly not publish my mobile phone number, you know, +61 456 986 478...that would be crazy. 😁


Ok... if you want to have a date via whatsapp just reach me on discord hahaha / You're crazier than a kangaroo.

 2 years ago  

I feel sorry for whomever has that actual number...probably going to get a thousand phone calls from Hive members. 🤣


I didn't even try, 😜 thinking of that poor person, at least my call won't bother him.

I definitely agree that it is only polite to ask for explicit permission before collecting or using data pertaining to another individual. This practice promotes accountability, and would empower individuals to control their information in a world where data privacy is increasingly important.

Sadly to say it is difficult to navigate the challenging landscape of privacy in today's digital world. It's a constant battle to safeguard our personal information, and your experiences must be quite unsettling 😥

 2 years ago  

Sadly to say it is difficult to navigate the challenging landscape of privacy in today's digital world.

You're right, so I do the only thing I can do, state my displeasure and exert my own freedom to do as I please on the interwebs. I'll do it the same next time, may more brutally though, depending on my mood. I have my reasons which no one here knows.

It's absolutely justified to advocate for your beliefs and protect your image rights. It's disheartening, however, to learn that despite the "warning," the individual proceeded to engage in similar behavior elsewhere. They seem to miss the point of respecting your personal privacy and intruding once again 😣

 2 years ago  

I'm not sure if it was simply because he doesn't actually have a clue, or if there's a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock (crazy). Either way, I dealt with it in the only way I could, my way.

As I mentioned earlier, in today's challenging environment where data can be tracked or stolen so effortlessly, our options are really limited. We can only strive to safeguard our data to the best of our abilities, even if it means confronting potential "identity thieves" 😒

 2 years ago  

If someone what's my identity they'rw welcome to it, and the complexities and problems that go with it...can't have one without the other. 🙄

Haha that's very true, please take mine away as well in that case! 😁

Ah the cost of being a celebrity. 🙃

I've had a couple of people use my picture on social media with the "u put ur photo onto the internet so it's public domain"

U have a fair bit of clout & are quite famous... but where are the Royalties? 😀

It is sort of like when the younger sibling copies the elder.

I remember when I complained to my Dad that my younger bro was copying me.
My dad said, "It is because he respects u."
But i still punched him 🤣

 2 years ago  

Lol, yeah I relate to the brother punching thing for sure. Been punched and handed some out too! 🤣

Yes, someone else mentioned the public domain thing and I alluded to it in my post; I get it. But, and here's the thing, if that person has the right to do what he did because of the "public domain" thing...well so does everyone. So, I guess that means there'll be no fucken whinging when the downvotes fall like Thor's hammer right? Nope, they still complain, they want it both ways of course, but that's not how it works sometimes.

I'm not really concerned about the public domain thing, I'm not the internet police, but I certainly have the right to fall on some asshole for...well, any reason I like I guess, but certainly for this bullshit.



 2 years ago  


Many of us try to be very prudent with our private lives. I also try to be very reserved, I am aware that sometimes I can let out some personal information, but from my past, some things that happened to me.

Now, when you described what happened, I find sense in the names of the photos, I also felt very good because I remembered the first time I asked you for permission to quote you in a post.

I think that some of us who are here many times by emotion and wanting to demonstrate their gifts, simply cross boundaries that are there, but we do not see them, I include myself, I hope that person has learned from what happened.

In another order, I have little time reading your publications almost from the first time I do it, I managed somehow to see that between the lines you let loose some things that only those who read between the lines can understand you. I don't know if I make myself clear.

 2 years ago  

I think there's a certain personality that comes through from sharing things on a more personal level, but I also believe there needs to be a line.

Ah yes, I remember you asked me if you could quote me which I appreciated. It can be a unique situation because one person may not mind but someone else will. I guess it's like in the workplace...A close colleagues may use a nickname for someone but some newbie comes along as says it and maybe that person takes offense. You know? The best practice is asking first.

I managed somehow to see that between the lines you let loose some things that only those who read between the lines can understand you.

I say a lot between the lines with phrases and words I use, and some see them clearly, others form their own perception and others miss it all together; I guess it comes down to how deeply a person reads and thinks. I've been very clear about aspects of my life, how I feel about certain people and other things...some miss it all, but I do it for my own enjoyment I guess.

I'm actually a pretty open person. I don't hide too much, but I also don't fully dox myself to the world either. I try to keep my brand intact here. The real life me is probably a bit different from what you see here. I have a feeling though if you read my posts closely and did a little bit of Google Fu, you could probably track me down. Some people that follow me on other platforms have actually slipped here and used my real name. I'm surprised the person who defended the artist didn't accuse you of racism. That's usually the go to when people feel they aren't being treated fairly. I dealt with that a lot when I was moderating plagiarism and abuse in one of the communities here. I don't blame you for being mad. I get a little scruffy when people mention thing so said in Discord on Hive. Asking permission isn't that hard. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, and I am sorry for the long comment!

 2 years ago that's an interesting concept. 😁

I'm surprised the person who defended the artist didn't accuse you of racism

Oh yeah, there's always that old chestnut huh? Censorship, racism and so on...I've been called it all, including a Nazi, antisemite and satan-worshipper. It's a bit funny really, but the result of doing so is always predictable, my response I mean.

This chap I mention here, I really took no pleasure at all in falling on his head like Thor's hammer; I just wish he'd asked. There's better ways to get my attention: Downvotes don't work and neither does what this guy did...Just comment on my posts. Job done. You clearly understand as you've dealt with it as you mention...humans will be humans though I guess.

Oh, so you are both brothers. By your rep I guess you both got into Hive at nearly times.

Well, I am not hiding my face because I don't want to be perceived as a fake person. Actually, before hive I didn't have initiative or interest in pictures but since I tried, figuring it might give me some sense of authenticity, it doesn't feel bad.

I get you might thread carefully because of your rep. People will want from you your vote and so much more. Personally, I like your post and of your brother because you often board deep questions and feelings, and if you knew me in person you would notice I am into all that pretty much all the time haha so I guess it is a happy coincidence I like your content. Have you ever met a real nut case in the blockchain?

 2 years ago  

We are, he is younger than me by exactly nine years (born on the same day) and smarter too. I'm the dumb older brother.

I actually don't relate well to accounts that don't use a profile image, it's not personal, and even any old image is better than none. Showing just a little personality, as you do, is a great way to attract like-minded people and (like with you) we start engaging and that's where things start to take off. It's what I did with my own account and it built from there. Of course, there's other things that need to happen, but it's a good start.

People will want from you your vote and so much more.

There's whole Discord groups that promote to smaller users other users with more HP like me who vote comments and give decent votes to posts. I get a lot of comments from such people and get tagged a lot I their posts in the hope of a vote...They don't get one. People who engage like you do get one, and more. I have many users Discord me asking for things too, votes, direct gifts of Hive and so on...One wanted a new Playstation and asked me for USD directly...all from one particular country too. They get nothing. This is one reason I don't use Discord much, although I certainly answer people who reach out to me for other reasons.

Have you ever met a real nut case in the blockchain?

There are many of these and they're not always exposed until they get caught out doing the wrong thing; it's then that they sow their true colours. I've been called many disgusting things, been heavily downvoted for months on end just because tarazkp is my brother and the user and his group didn't like my brother (jealousy is often the reason for such dislikes), my friends have been doxed (personal information released on the blockchain) for the same reasons and other such things. Human's will only ever be who and what they are; some know how to hold it back and others are just abusive, self-entitled idiots with low self-esteem (Pretty much the definition of a bully.)

Anyway, thanks for your comment and your nice remarks in respect of what my brother and I write and how we think, it's appreciated.

No problem. Thank you for making the blockchain worthwhile. Perhaps because of my personality It's not easy to find content I feel mirrored with, or perhaps with a heart I could enjoy, so the reflections community was a good find, including you two. Also thanks for the info. Now I feel like I need to be a little bit more careful about what I share in my post, even if I am spilling my guts out sometimes, just in case some nut case like the ones you mentioned happen to cross my way. Haha.

Anyway, reading you I feel like I am doing some right things on the blockchain hopefully.

 2 years ago  

I like to be varied, to show different things so it's reflective one post and something quite different in others; I don't think humans are one-dimensional and so like to show a few of my facets.

I understand your reaction and your right to exercise the freedom to expose what you feel when you don't like something. I am not very inclined to show my privacy, I talk and share the area of ​​my life that I consider can be shared. I am quite extroverted, but there are inviolable spaces that I respect a lot. Greetings from Havana!!!!🙏

 2 years ago  

It's clever to withhold certain information, sensible too, but showing some personality is also a good thing also, relatable and allows others to engage a little more effectively. I try to do this myself, and often those who I end up following are those that do the same thing.

I hope the hurricane didn't affect you too much! All the best for the evening and the day ahead.

I totally agree...

The hurricane passed quite far west, we only had a little rain in Havana. The land was thirsty and a little water came in handy. On Friday I am going to a yoga retreat and it is close to areas affected by the hurricane. We will help where we can by providing services.

 2 years ago  

Every time I read or hear the work yoga I think of when I yoga'd myself into a pretzel and stayed that way for three days.

Enjoy yoga'ing.

I think it was wrong of the artist not to ask permission to do this plastic work, much more here in HIVE where everything is monetized could be seen in a bad way, perhaps it would blind him in some way at some point his desire to get your friendship or if aseptacion, to take it to the more formal plane on the subject of naivety. Although there are better ways to please someone, to get to know someone, therefore he had every right to reject this behavior towards his image.

In my personal criteria I would also have been annoyed, although I understand the artistic part because I also draw and when I like to paint it, I do it without further ado, but in this case because it is a matter of ethics it should have been discussed. As for the issue of privacy, I don't have much of a problem, since my profile from the beginning I have always given my face because it is my life that I capture in my blog, anyway in the social networks of the web2 we spend it saying what we do to other people, at least here we find a little sensitivity. But I understand your point of view because you have every right to take care of your privacy. Greetings from Cuba 🇨🇺.

 2 years ago  

perhaps it would blind him in some way at some point his desire to get your friendship

Probably this thought was also behind the decision, but it was deployed incorrectly and there's better commenting on my posts like you have.

I know there's people out there who will see it (my) reaction as an over reaction and that's ok, they're them and I'm me,my own brother. I think it's a courtesy a stranger could easily employ. I just feel some manners would have been appropriate. You know, when my brother @tarazkp, wants an image of a gun or some firearms related image from me he doesn't take it from my posts...he asks permission,

All the best for the day/night and hopefully that hurricane didn't do too much damage.

You have every right to be pissed off about it but a photographer or artist (or anybody else), legally speaking, (in the U.S. anyway, if I understand the law correctly which I'm not promising...and I think the laws are similar elsewhere) has every right to take your picture or draw your likeness AND even make a profit from it without your permission. However, they cannot use your image to promote a particular business or product without your permission. But yeah, it would be polite to ask your permission first and to respect your wishes. Also, I have no idea what the laws are on this elsewhere but my understanding it is the artist who owns the art, not the subject of the art so an artist can make a likeness from you or a photo but can't steal your photo.

From your description, it sounds like he probably didn't have any intention to be discourteous and had no intention of offending you (at least initially). You got upset then he got upset because you got upset. People tend to do that, especially if they feel they haven't really done anything wrong. I am giving him a little bit of the benefit of the doubt but just thinking that if I were an artist (I'm not...not even close) that I wouldn't give a second thought to making a drawing from a publicly available photo. Invading someone's privacy wouldn't occur to me because it's already public. Just another example of how assumptions can get you in trouble and I'm probably making plenty in this comment.

You can express yourself however you like because like you said, interwebs... But courtesy works both ways. He may have been discourteous from your point of view but was it intentional? Would it have hurt to explain your point and ask nicely? I get the impression that you were probably rather direct (or at least the other person interpreted it that way) but I could be wrong not having seen the conversation.

Again, obviously you are under no obligation to be "nice" or anything. But at the end of the day, if he feels like it, he can distribute his artwork of your likeness all across the internet and sell prints or whatever. Being nice about it, even if he is the one that screwed up, is more likely to get you want you want.


That artist should ask your permission. Because it comes in basic manners. Well, I am half open with my personal life and half private. I have social media accounts but there are only few photos to show myself to others. Those photos are with smiles, not showing my down moment. Social media is like an apple which is half rotten from one side but it shows only the bright side.

 2 years ago  

That's a good assessment of social media, it's not bad per se, it just gets used in inappropriate and quite senseless ways.

Yeah, the person should have asked permission and with it being so easy to reach me, as simple as opening one of my posts and responding, there's no real excuse for failing to ask other than no manners.

I'm sorry you had to experience that. I am a very private person, and I try to avoid sharing any information about myself online. Because of social media, and people always sharing everything, a lot of people seem to forget about privacy and common decency. People having an argument in public will find a video of it uploaded online.

People forget that regular persons are not celebrities. Not everyone wants to be in the limelight. A lot actually want a private and peaceful life. Maybe they considered you a celebrity in hive, and thought it ok to do what they did, but that is still wrong.

 2 years ago  

Because of social media, and people always sharing everything, a lot of people seem to forget about privacy and common decency.

A very good and valid point; people are almost desensitised to the fact that they, and others, are entitled to some common decency. One can talk up the fact that the internet is a free-for-all, but that doesn't negate the basic human trait of decency.

People forget that regular persons are not celebrities.

Also true. I am not a celebrity and don't want to be...I'm a user like anyone else...I wonder why he picked me...Oh yeah, I have a good-sized vote. Nutbag.

Funnily enough, last night before bed I put on the movie, The Fifth Estate, and the Julian Assange character used your quote!

The quote only registered because of your post 😀

 2 years ago  

The one in his post? That's coincidental! I'd love to say it's mine, but let's give Oscar Wilde the credit. :)

30 second mark of this preview. 👺

 2 years ago  

Hmm...he doesn't credit Oscar Wilde though. 😂

Well, I'm glad u set the record straight

I had to look up the script as I couldnt remember it exactly & they do mention Oscar Wilde in the movie ...


 2 years ago  

It's a great quote, no matter who repeats it and the more people that do, the more that will come to know it. 😊

 2 years ago  

I think I found what I was looking for. The user in offense! There’s two people muted in the comments, one I didn’t realize was muted but with a poor attitude so I’m gonna leave it. The other is likely the offender perhaps! I’ll do some digging later if I can.

I hear you man, I think it’s why I just keep it private rather than deal with the BS of people. I’ve wanted to post pictures and all that but it’s just not worth it. I would rather just use photographs from our adventures instead haha. Being the internet though, and even blockchain, it’s hard to prevent folks from seeing and using things once on there. Dropping the hammers on them is a good way to weed out the behavior though!

 2 years ago  

People blab on about their freedom to act as they choose...yep, I agree, and am going to act as I choose in return. It's a simple thing. #freedom

The problem comes when they don't happen to like how others use their own freedom...and then all of a sudden they don't want other people to have the same freedom as them...but they still want their freedom.

Fucken nutbags.

 2 years ago  

Hahah ya that is the freedom paradox. You are free to do something dumb and I’m free to provide consequences to said act. Fair is fair right?

 2 years ago  

Yep, people like the freedom to be heavily weighted their own way.

I am still thinking that how can that guy do this.? Wasnt he having any kind of manners, nowadays even animals care about their privacy. And we are humans, everyone has their own rules about their privacy and no one should interupt.

I am a kind of person who is really open, but to those who are really closed to me. Actually i dont share anything with everyone because i am not sure about mental level of every person, and they might pass a comment which can be hurting and sometimes offending, that is why i share my things with those who are capable to understand me.

Nothing for the random dudes. Just wandering for fun.

 2 years ago  

Maybe his version of manners differs to my own, it happens, however at what point does common sense come into play? My image is not his right?

I wonder how he would take it if I took his image without asking and super-imposed it on the head of a massive cock and balls and said, hey, look at this cock head, in a post...and got paid for the post. You think he'd be ok with it? I think not.

I think you have a good take on privacy and here on Hive a little balance is required. If you were so secretive that engagement was awkward, I'd just move on and ignore you. Balance is the key.

Yes it happens. Everyone has a different mindset.

He might be liking it as honour that galenkp made his pic(lolz)
Do you think on hive there are people who do flattery?

And yes on hive balance is required, but in start i think, because we might convert into good friends someday(might be) and after that things will be more open between us.

But this all is about future, for now, yes balance is required.

 2 years ago  

It was not an honour, although maybe he saw it that way.

Do you think on hive there are people who do flattery?

Yes of course, especially with those who have larger stake and greater influence.

Yup, I have seen many such people.
Well, i thought you ignored my text but em happy that you replied.

 2 years ago  

I don't ignore valid comments, but that doesn't mean I don't miss one or two here and there, I get so many that at times it's difficult to keep up.

Oh. I understand

Recently, a guy went over to Facebook, picked up an old picture of me and sent it over with a terribly written poem in order to gain my affection, I presume. I felt somewhat uneasy about that. So I can understand how violating this could feel. There are boundaries.

 2 years ago  

Hmm, yes that sort of thing happens. It's all about creeptly really, and while the internet permits people the opportunity to do things like that, I wonder at what point manners, courtesy and good sense come into play? Mostly never I guess. It's a selfish thing to do, and doesn't take into consideration the feelings of others.

I don't think it's particularly selfish, people are just unaware that there's a boundary. To them, they're doing something nice, they don't know any better.

They're not exactly aware that a certain level of relationship has to be formed first before that becomes okay. I've had close friends and family send me portraits of myself and I found it sweet because they're allowed to. However, if a random person does the same thing I'll find it creepy.

 2 years ago  

It's the randomness (creepiness) that bothered me as much as the fact the ill-mannered fellow didn't care to ask permission despite it being so easy to do. You're right too, there's people who could get away with such things,but a person should never assume they can, unless they know.

I would say I don't know how I would feel in the same situation.

I'm also only guessing that the photo he drew was from a photo you had already shared here? Of course I am only guessing, but I would guess they may have thought you would take it as a compliment and meant no harm, flattery using their talent and all there stuff. I would doubt they did it with the thought in mind that it would tick you off since they tagged you. Of course, once you poo poo'd it, they should not have copied and posted it a second time.

I understand it would have been better to have asked you. That old saying that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission evidently isn't always true !

... but as you say, you are certainly entitled to feel however you feel about it.

 2 years ago  

I'm also only guessing that the photo he drew was from a photo you had already shared here?

It was my profile image.

they may have thought you would take it as a compliment

Indeed. No harm was intended, but harm was delivered because he didn't have the manners or courtesy of checking. You know, I have people's addresses and phone numbers, some people from about I just publish them for no apparent reason and without asking and with the intent to mean no harm? A different situation, but similar. I know not to do that though. Common sense.

Of course, once you poo poo'd it, they should not have copied and posted it a second time.

Yes. A point some here have failed to grasp.

I think it's easy for some to say, but it's the internet so you have to deal with it...until it happens to them. It's a sickening feeling. You know, two of my good friends here have been doxed, real identities, addresses and so is a sickening, disgusting feeling of helplessness. This chap certainly meant no harm, I get that. But he should have asked first. He has no clue of how it triggered me, no one but me and one other knows that, but it did...and it's my right to feel that way because I'm me, and to react in any manner I see fit. That's what caused his issue...his feeling of acting in the manner in which he chose and independently of how the other person may feel.

Some may see something like this as a compliment, I do not. Had he asked I would have said no...but he did not. Had he asked I would have suggested that he draw my cat or some other thing and that chap would have gotten a 100% vote and a curangel vote for it, compliments of me...Now...he got what he got and I blame him, not me. He brought this to pass.

I guess I'm thinking if you had already shared your photo here, that would be a little different than sharing someone else's personal phone or address that they had never posted before. That seems a little deeper on a personal level to me.

Sometimes something seems like a good idea when maybe it isn't and it truly is impossible to think of all the ways someone else might take something you do. When you do find out, it's too late !

What is it "they" say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions? LOL...

Oh well.... sorry it made you feel all blustery.....

 2 years ago  

I told @meesterboom I won't dox him...But I also said I'd turn up one day, unannounced, (National Lampoons European Vacation style) and impose upon him and his family. It feels right. 😂

ha ha ..... I have seen how you can cultivate the trust, sending goodies and gifts for the whole fam. Sly... very sly. You just never know who you can really trust these days.


 2 years ago  

He thinks I'm being nice...little does he know there's going to be a reckoning!

Wow! Thanks for sharing this lovely content, I guess you are right with your point of view. I think asking for permission would have been a best way to do because it might be picture that you won't want to share with other people, thou this platform allow us to write or post on something we like or love but when it comes to other personal life or thing it should be ask for before doing it. Privacy is always be private and it not meant for anyone to dig into it.

 2 years ago  

asking for permission would have been a best way to do because it might be picture that you won't want to share with other people

I agree, and in the past I have had others ask permission and I gave it.

Would you let someone draw you? I'm thinking not considering you haven't added a profile picture.

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