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RE: Masking

One story for me that stands out (from more than a handful incidents) was when one dude took some of my art and placed it in a virtual gallery. Basically a picture of a room, with my art on the walls. Super easy to do. But some was upside down. Some was cropped. Some was sideways. Colors were off. And somehow this guy was proud of himself.

I got a mention and quickly went to see. My jaw hit the floor. And his intention was to "promote" my work. Didn't ask for permission. Just went ahead and did it and of course attempted to monetize.

I felt uncomfortable asking him to take it down but I had no choice. Turned out to be a reasonable human and took it down. Also said he's a fan of my work and thought I'd like what he did. So I didn't want to hurt their feelings but at the same time: WTF?

Strong chance I was just being trolled as well. Sometimes I'll play along and see how far they'll take it. That time I wanted it taken down as fast as possible. It was brutal.

 2 years ago  

I think you and I are on the same page with our respective situations. and probably reacted the same way. My comment to that user is still on the blockchain and I'm not remorseful of how I dealt with it, quite brutally in fact.

Maybe it's a little different in that your case was your artwork, something you take time to create whereas mine was just my image, but I feel in both cases our reactions were warranted; if it's not dealt with it may open the flood gates...the reason I also mute non-community-related content in my communities without compromise...a deterrent. Moat are ok with it, they understand...Some call me a racist, red-neck, white trash, antisemite and give me reprisal downvotes...all because they didn't follow the guidelines and are too hubristic to edit their post. Remember that guy? I took action, including when he recently tried to come back. There will be no quarter.

I can't help but be confused about how/why a person can't show some simple manners and courtesy...but I guess society isn't built that way now.

I hope you're well mate, great to have your comment on my post.

If the situation naturally makes you uncomfortable, then one handles it accordingly. We all have our ways and the tools.

Can't collaborate without a conversation first. Hearing a "no" isn't the end of the world. And people don't need to be afraid to ask.

And yes. After seven years of encountering certain types and witnessing others having to deal with the irrational as well, I think by now most veterans at least have figured out the patterns and know what to look out for.

I haven't looked into your situation yet. Spent days snooping around everywhere, sifting through the noise, trying to get a realistic view of that drama over the weekend. I'm a bit drained but damn I just got back and this place was already popping off. Holy shit...

 2 years ago  

There wasn't much to it. I made two comments, added a couple DV's and that was that.

There was drama on the weekend? Didn't know to be honest; I've got better things to do I suppose.

Some drama. Plenty of confusion. And HBD finally got some advertising lol. Never a dull moment.

 2 years ago  

Lol...yeah I was chatting with the fellas about some stuff although never got involved. It's typical of this place huh?

It is what it is. But I can't describe it.

 2 years ago  

I think Hive, needs a thesis written on it and even then it probably couldn't sum up what it is.