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RE: Masking

I would say I don't know how I would feel in the same situation.

I'm also only guessing that the photo he drew was from a photo you had already shared here? Of course I am only guessing, but I would guess they may have thought you would take it as a compliment and meant no harm, flattery using their talent and all there stuff. I would doubt they did it with the thought in mind that it would tick you off since they tagged you. Of course, once you poo poo'd it, they should not have copied and posted it a second time.

I understand it would have been better to have asked you. That old saying that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission evidently isn't always true !

... but as you say, you are certainly entitled to feel however you feel about it.

 2 years ago  

I'm also only guessing that the photo he drew was from a photo you had already shared here?

It was my profile image.

they may have thought you would take it as a compliment

Indeed. No harm was intended, but harm was delivered because he didn't have the manners or courtesy of checking. You know, I have people's addresses and phone numbers, some people from about I just publish them for no apparent reason and without asking and with the intent to mean no harm? A different situation, but similar. I know not to do that though. Common sense.

Of course, once you poo poo'd it, they should not have copied and posted it a second time.

Yes. A point some here have failed to grasp.

I think it's easy for some to say, but it's the internet so you have to deal with it...until it happens to them. It's a sickening feeling. You know, two of my good friends here have been doxed, real identities, addresses and so is a sickening, disgusting feeling of helplessness. This chap certainly meant no harm, I get that. But he should have asked first. He has no clue of how it triggered me, no one but me and one other knows that, but it did...and it's my right to feel that way because I'm me, and to react in any manner I see fit. That's what caused his issue...his feeling of acting in the manner in which he chose and independently of how the other person may feel.

Some may see something like this as a compliment, I do not. Had he asked I would have said no...but he did not. Had he asked I would have suggested that he draw my cat or some other thing and that chap would have gotten a 100% vote and a curangel vote for it, compliments of me...Now...he got what he got and I blame him, not me. He brought this to pass.

I guess I'm thinking if you had already shared your photo here, that would be a little different than sharing someone else's personal phone or address that they had never posted before. That seems a little deeper on a personal level to me.

Sometimes something seems like a good idea when maybe it isn't and it truly is impossible to think of all the ways someone else might take something you do. When you do find out, it's too late !

What is it "they" say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions? LOL...

Oh well.... sorry it made you feel all blustery.....

 2 years ago  

I told @meesterboom I won't dox him...But I also said I'd turn up one day, unannounced, (National Lampoons European Vacation style) and impose upon him and his family. It feels right. 😂

ha ha ..... I have seen how you can cultivate the trust, sending goodies and gifts for the whole fam. Sly... very sly. You just never know who you can really trust these days.


 2 years ago  

He thinks I'm being nice...little does he know there's going to be a reckoning!