I'm actually a pretty open person. I don't hide too much, but I also don't fully dox myself to the world either. I try to keep my brand intact here. The real life me is probably a bit different from what you see here. I have a feeling though if you read my posts closely and did a little bit of Google Fu, you could probably track me down. Some people that follow me on other platforms have actually slipped here and used my real name. I'm surprised the person who defended the artist didn't accuse you of racism. That's usually the go to when people feel they aren't being treated fairly. I dealt with that a lot when I was moderating plagiarism and abuse in one of the communities here. I don't blame you for being mad. I get a little scruffy when people mention thing so said in Discord on Hive. Asking permission isn't that hard. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, and I am sorry for the long comment!
Self-doxing...now that's an interesting concept. 😁
Oh yeah, there's always that old chestnut huh? Censorship, racism and so on...I've been called it all, including a Nazi, antisemite and satan-worshipper. It's a bit funny really, but the result of doing so is always predictable, my response I mean.
This chap I mention here, I really took no pleasure at all in falling on his head like Thor's hammer; I just wish he'd asked. There's better ways to get my attention: Downvotes don't work and neither does what this guy did...Just comment on my posts. Job done. You clearly understand as you've dealt with it as you mention...humans will be humans though I guess.