Many of us try to be very prudent with our private lives. I also try to be very reserved, I am aware that sometimes I can let out some personal information, but from my past, some things that happened to me.
Now, when you described what happened, I find sense in the names of the photos, I also felt very good because I remembered the first time I asked you for permission to quote you in a post.
I think that some of us who are here many times by emotion and wanting to demonstrate their gifts, simply cross boundaries that are there, but we do not see them, I include myself, I hope that person has learned from what happened.
In another order, I have little time reading your publications almost from the first time I do it, I managed somehow to see that between the lines you let loose some things that only those who read between the lines can understand you. I don't know if I make myself clear.
I think there's a certain personality that comes through from sharing things on a more personal level, but I also believe there needs to be a line.
Ah yes, I remember you asked me if you could quote me which I appreciated. It can be a unique situation because one person may not mind but someone else will. I guess it's like in the workplace...A close colleagues may use a nickname for someone but some newbie comes along as says it and maybe that person takes offense. You know? The best practice is asking first.
I say a lot between the lines with phrases and words I use, and some see them clearly, others form their own perception and others miss it all together; I guess it comes down to how deeply a person reads and thinks. I've been very clear about aspects of my life, how I feel about certain people and other things...some miss it all, but I do it for my own enjoyment I guess.