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RE: Masking

I'm sorry you had to experience that. I am a very private person, and I try to avoid sharing any information about myself online. Because of social media, and people always sharing everything, a lot of people seem to forget about privacy and common decency. People having an argument in public will find a video of it uploaded online.

People forget that regular persons are not celebrities. Not everyone wants to be in the limelight. A lot actually want a private and peaceful life. Maybe they considered you a celebrity in hive, and thought it ok to do what they did, but that is still wrong.

 2 years ago  

Because of social media, and people always sharing everything, a lot of people seem to forget about privacy and common decency.

A very good and valid point; people are almost desensitised to the fact that they, and others, are entitled to some common decency. One can talk up the fact that the internet is a free-for-all, but that doesn't negate the basic human trait of decency.

People forget that regular persons are not celebrities.

Also true. I am not a celebrity and don't want to be...I'm a user like anyone else...I wonder why he picked me...Oh yeah, I have a good-sized vote. Nutbag.