That's why I returned to my home town last christmas. In Bavaria my 20year business broke down thanks the pandemics. Probably I could have find a new job there. But staying away from my family for long time and not beeing here if they would need me, not knowing what will be and come with restrictions, was the main point to return back home.
I'm sorry you couldnt see your little niece by now, because I know what this means and how it feels.
I am not a big traveller at all, but this simple fact, that I am not allowed to, thats the point where you want to run and fly away.
In 1h and some minutes I will be locked down again, because I didnt want this vacc. 64% got it, the rest wich has not has to go to lockdown, except working time and shopping food. I never thougt, they could do this, because its against all Laws we have. But they did. Crazy times.
Sorry, turned out a little long this comment :-)
I think many businesses broke down, although some pushed forward, pivoted, and have done very well. It's all dependent on what it was and where I guess.
I can't believe they have you locking down like that and that they can! Crazy times Beeb, crazy times indeed.
yea, seems nothing one can do for a change :-) except making the best out of the time, reading and answering your postings and replies for example :-)
Hahah, yes there's always replies to make huh?