
in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

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Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.

- Alphonse de Lamartine -

I sat in silence for a time last night. No music, no television, no talking. The rain fell outside, rather unseasonable considering it's mid-November, and I was thinking about many things. Silence...Well, let's call it silence other than the cacophony or thoughts that raced through my mind; those thoughts were loud.

I asked questions of myself and even found a few answers; not nearly enough though, and most of those brought more questions anyway. But ask and answer I did, and accompanied as I was by the falling of rain on the roof and the otherwise silent room I felt I moved thoughts forward, parked others for later and highlighted yet more again; it felt rather productive even though I didn't always like the answers that came.

Mind pop

Something kept popping into mind over the course of that couple hours and the more it did the more I came to understand its importance.

For almost two years now we've been dealing with a scenario that completely changed how the world looks and feels, how we think and act. It's been good for some in an isolated way however in general I believe the situation has fundamentally changed life as we knew it and in the future those changes will become cemented, further develop and change, and not for the good.

I've had to adapt along with the rest of the world and despite not liking where things are headed I've accepted parts of it and denied others. I could talk about control mechanisms and loss of freedom of choice which I feel are worrying issues, however the mind pop I experienced wasn't related directly to that, it was about something I've missed terribly, and need desperately, that has been denied me.

The travel

Don't misunderstand here, there are very big issues and concerns in today's world and in comparison it could be considered that travel is quite low on the list of priorities however, if I may be a little selfish for a moment, I'd like to call it out as something so important to me personally that being denied it for so long is beginning to weigh heavily upon me.

I've travelled around the world quite extensively and have been fortunate enough to have positioned myself to have the time and finances to do so - Ownership, responsibility, discipline and action really do pay off it seems. I've traveled to favourite places multiple times and have a long list of places I need to go but have not. I say need but it's more of a want thing. I'll die eventually and I figure it's best to live-best whilst I'm here and, so I want to go to and see so many places. But that's been denied.

Thoughts and plans

I don't know what travel is going to look like as things move forward: Masks in airports and aircraft for sure. Check-in apps, vaccinations, social-distancing, restrictions on sizes of gatherings and other such control measures are a certainty. I think many business operators may also struggle; many here are unable to reopen as they cannot find appropriate staff who want to return to work. How we eat out and interact with others is controlled, longer queue's at attractions, frustrated staff and tourists and many more challenges...So much has changed and all of that combines to change how a person travels in general. It certainly doesn't make it appealing to do so, but it's a need thing for me and so I hold out hope that it'll be possible to travel, and not offensive to do so.

Last year I had two trips cancelled, one was to Scandinavia which, for a fellow from Australia, is a big trip; lengthy and costly. Disappointingly it meant I didn't see my niece and that makes me very sad. I have no idea when I might see her and feel I've missed out on so much of her young life. It's more than that of course though; I'm getting older myself and as I do I change as a human. Sure, I'm fit and strong as an ox but that may not always be the case. So...Do I have time to waste? No is the answer. I'll be dead soon enough and so I'm keen to live while I can...But travel? It's not much of an option currently. It'll change I know, but when? It makes it hard to take my thoughts and turn them into plans.

I'll be honest and say I'm disgruntled and overall unhappy about the situation. I feel cheated out of parts of my life that I find to be so incredibly valuable.

It's not the act of travelling that I miss so much although I love everything about it; there's more to it than the simple process of moving from one place to the next. It's the experiences, the moments, people one meets, the conversations, understanding and enlightenment one gains and the satisfaction I get through visiting the places I study and research. It's the overall experience I get from travelling that I long for and whist I have tentative plans none of them are able to develop with much confidence.

During this whole debacle I've worked hard to furnish my life with experiences on a smaller scale although it's generally been limited to day trips and just under a week away within my own State; travel restrictions have prevented anything more. I need more though; I need a holiday - A real one. I need the excitement one gets as the wheels go up and that aircraft takes flight, the smile of the hostess as she offers a glass of champagne and the feeling I get as that aircraft carries me towards new moments of life.

I'm not sure what y'all have felt like since the beginning of this worldwide situation, what you miss, who you miss and why but I'd say we all have a story. So many things have changed for me and not being able to travel is just one element. It's a big thing though considering how much I gain through travel; it's impacted me greatly. It's not the only thing that's missing of course, but not being able to travel leaves a huge hole inside me. How about you?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

All images are my own - In-flight on my way overseas and in the hotel swimming pool, Singapore.


It's killing me, without me even realizing it. Well, I realize it, but, I try to ignore it.

I hate to admit this, but, I think I have aged at least ten years since the beginning of the pandemic. It has been hell, to begin with, but, being denied seeing my family?

Travel comes with the job and so you can imagine how stunted I am feeling about now. A huge hole, Galen. A huge hole.

 3 years ago  

I agree with all of this and feel it too. Sure, I just harden up and deal with it, that is my way, but in truth there's a soft inside beneath the tough exterior that is hurting right about now. I'm not too proud to admit it. I'm hoping things improve, that travel is back on the radar soon but the borders in my State are about to open up and they're expecting thousands of cases...I don't think we're out of the woods yet and can't see it happening for a while.

It won't. They are getting thousands here. It is exciting to open, but, not really. Be carful out there anyway.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yeah, as I expected. In South Australia we've had an awesome run but I feel that'll come to an end in the next few weeks. I'm not looking forward to it.

On another, more positive note, you're happy to take me to Arlington Cemetary right? Devonshire tea after and we can tell some lies. Deal?

Just planning ahead for when things come good. 😉

It's a big thing though considering how much I gain through travel; it's impacted me greatly. It's not the only thing that's missing of course, but not being able to travel leaves a huge hole inside me.

I feel the same way. Life is too short and unpredictable to be shuttered in.. simply due to "the risk of living".

Spending much of my professional life on a plane 2x/week for ~50 weeks a year for the better part of a decade, not only did I rack up the miles, I grew very accustomed to being airborne. Thankfully, I had an "adjustment period" where I wasn't flying every week, pre-lockdowns, but I haven't been on a plane in nearly 2 years now and it's definitely eating away at me.

While the experiences that you and I are missing out on are not inconsequential, I struggle with how much damage is being done on those who are being conditioned into believing that the current environment of restrictions are in any way "normal" or "necessary".

 3 years ago  

eating away

Yes exactly...It gnaws away little by little and add to that the passing of time and the feeling of loss and it's leaving feeling quite annoyed for sure. The last I was on an aircraft was October 2019 and I miss it and all the rest as mentioned above. It must have been a huge adjustment for you considering the frequency you were flying. It's so shit.

damage is being done on those who are being conditioned into believing that the current environment of restrictions are in any way "normal" or "necessary".

Indeed. I didn't want to make this post a rant about the pandemic preferring just to get some of my feelings down and at arms length but, having said that, there's much to rant about for sure. I think the fallout from the last two years and going forward will take a long time to completely reveal itself...And by then, with all the brainwashing that's going on, will anyone really care anymore. Who knows.

It's so shit.


I didn't want to make this post a rant about the pandemic preferring just to get some of my feelings down and at arms length but, having said that, there's much to rant about for sure.

Without the 'pandemic', my life would be much different today- including how much I'm flying... so that fact makes it difficult for me to separate the lack flying with these cocksure lockdowns.

I think the fallout from the last two years and going forward will take a long time to completely reveal itself.

While sometimes it may feel like we're in "uncharted territory", if a student of history were to take a closer look at the driving factors of our current situation, it probably wouldn't take a significant 'jump to conclusion' that we've seen this exact scenario play out in human history before. The only difference that one might arrive upon is that the speed and scale of this perversion happened much more broadly and more quickly than prior human events.

with all the brainwashing that's going on, will anyone really care anymore. Who knows.

Yes, who knows is right..

 3 years ago  

I've often wondered what someone two hundred years from now might think when they look back, but then again two hundred years from now individual thought is probably not going to be a thing.

 3 years ago  

Jeez Galen, hottie you...nice fleur-de-lis ;). Sry but I bet a lot of ladies here don't mind that pic 😄 .

Anyway, to the serious part now...

I miss traveling too!!!!!!

And I'm afraid that it will take a while to really be carefree again, despite Corona.

 3 years ago  

Travelling means so much to me, the things I mention in this post I mean. I love it. This last two years has been hard on me in that respect. I see time marching without me, you know? It sucks.

 3 years ago  

I think millions of people out there feel the same. Life changed completely for many.

I feel caged in Germany as it is not enough dealing with the pandemic restrictions, but now one can't afford traveling anymore. To fill up the car to be able to drive to different places became a luxury with almost 2€ per liter. Train and stuff, not really an option either.

Creating new memories and stories is what I miss the most, besides being able to roam the planet freely.

I hear you on the time, José is in a very difficult position as well regarding that. He feels lost and I can understand that totally. What can we change? I try to keep my head above the water focusing on the good there is without denying reality. Not easy as you know 😅 .

I don't know what the future holds Galen, but I hope that our mission mode carries us through turbulent waters.

Army strong hu?

 3 years ago  

Yeah, hard for most indeed. All we can do is entrench and sit tight for what may come, you know? It's difficult at times though, to think of two years of life that seem wasted...With no improvement in sight.

Focusing on the good is a good plan Anna, that's all we can do. Thanks for reminding me.

 3 years ago  

I hear you man, there’s all kinds of mindless shit going on. Travel was something we’ve done a little bit, not as much as others but it’s been great to see some of the things we did. We are just thankful we got to visit Italy when we did. Don’t know if we want to bother going back there. It’s sadistic what bored, rich assholes will do intentionally to mess with other people. I guess it’s been that way for time immemorial, shooting tigers and stuff. They just upped the ante this time.

 3 years ago  

I am happy with the travel I've done, meaning if I don't get overseas again I'm content. But...You know how amazing travel is and so my goal is to travel a whole lot more. I will make it happen. I just don't know when.

 3 years ago  

Yeah for sure. We would like to do more traveling as well, don't know when or how but if there's a will there's a way!

I felt like a caged bird during the last 20 months. It was not as bad when I left Canberra in March this year, but I hear that situation is not normal although they have called workers back to their workplace. They haven't yet given me a green signal so I guess I will have to wait for a few more weeks. However, I am sure things are not going to get back to normal sometime soon. But we have to live the way the situation forces us to live our lives for time being.

 3 years ago  

I'd like to go to North America. Not the tourist places though, the wilderness areas. Also to Scandinavia to have that trip I was supposed to have last year and see my niece, brother and sister in-law. I'd also like to go back to New Zealand then Austria, Germany, South Africa, Russia, Croatia and Italy, France of course and Japan and the UK. Oh, and Vietnam as well. Let's just say everywhere.

I understand, people have genuine desires and then add a few in desperation. I wanna rant about climbing on Mount Everest but then I see no use so come down on earth :) By the way, I saw this community for the first time,.. nice one. Gonna join it, after all, I have a lot to rant myself :)

The truth is absolute. It's just that our perspective sometimes differs depending on which side we judge it from. May happiness always be with us.🙏🙏🙏

 3 years ago  

The truth is absolute

This is true...Although what is the truth these days in respect of the pandemic situation and subsequent control mechanisms. That's the true question I think, and one that is unlikely to gain an answer.

May happiness always be with us.

A nice thing to hope, but something that will never happen I believe. So, best to simply be the best version of ourselves as often as we can and live life as if it'll come to an end someday...Because it will.

I love your words "don't live it by default". 😇

 3 years ago  

Thank you.

The truth about life is we are not promised tomorrow but one thing is to live our lives as if it was our very last to make oneself happy as always.

 3 years ago  


Espero que pronto puedas volver a viejas como lo hacías antes, nada mejor que poder tener el control de tu tiempo u aviones de vida, yo también estoy disgustado con esta situación, sin embargo busco la manera de poder ser feliz en medio de todo esto, que buena descarga realizaste a traves de tu escrito, éxitos.

 3 years ago  

Hmm, I'm not sure what this says as I don't read Spanish but thanks for commenting regardless.

Sorry you missed your niece, Galen. And it's a bummer you have been held captive on that island. However,

I've worked hard to furnish my life with experiences on a smaller scale

I think you've done a fine job of making the best of it. And I'm sure you'll get to feel those wheels go up and sip that in-flight champagne soon enough. And quit talking about death and dying. You may live to be a 100 yet. You're talking like you'll only make it to 75, when you're hardly halfway through! Some of us might actually miss you if you only make it to 75 and we make it to 80 or 100. What a lonely place the world will be!!!

Tut tut. No more talk of that nonsense. Here's to 100!!!

 3 years ago  

Yes, the old boy isn't dead yet, you're right. I'm not sure I can afford to live to 100 though, but I'm working on it.

The old boy. LOLOL. Oh dear. You are a hoot.

 3 years ago  


That's why I returned to my home town last christmas. In Bavaria my 20year business broke down thanks the pandemics. Probably I could have find a new job there. But staying away from my family for long time and not beeing here if they would need me, not knowing what will be and come with restrictions, was the main point to return back home.
I'm sorry you couldnt see your little niece by now, because I know what this means and how it feels.
I am not a big traveller at all, but this simple fact, that I am not allowed to, thats the point where you want to run and fly away.
In 1h and some minutes I will be locked down again, because I didnt want this vacc. 64% got it, the rest wich has not has to go to lockdown, except working time and shopping food. I never thougt, they could do this, because its against all Laws we have. But they did. Crazy times.
Sorry, turned out a little long this comment :-)

 3 years ago  

I think many businesses broke down, although some pushed forward, pivoted, and have done very well. It's all dependent on what it was and where I guess.

I can't believe they have you locking down like that and that they can! Crazy times Beeb, crazy times indeed.

yea, seems nothing one can do for a change :-) except making the best out of the time, reading and answering your postings and replies for example :-)

 3 years ago  

Hahah, yes there's always replies to make huh?