Telling you something about psyche, inconveniences, the naked truth. Those who followed a bit lately know the greater situation.
So here's the thing in all that tragedy. It happened in my home. Maiks home for 25 years, he was the constant in this big community house, I was the last resort. Over the many years people came and went. But all connected to Maik in one way or another. I joined this community 20 years ago for the first time.
So you are at your home, the place you shared with Maik, though each had its own apartment. The place where over the years everything became one, without being one. Stuff gets thrown together, one buys this, the other that, storage is shared...just daily normal freakin community life. You live in one house, you share what comes with it. Freakin normal daily stuff. Routine. Nothing you would waste an extra thought on. Freakin normal daily life.
Now your home is your home, your space, until you call the emergency number. I was home until that moment. The last time I was able to be home without knowing it was the last time because from that moment on my place got "invaded".
I hadn't had a moment to breathe and to be home again, people every day, people I saw the first time. My sisters support system. She needs all of it. But as hard as it sounds. It happened at "our" place so to say. My sister didn't live here. So still my home.
Imagine you are at home, the one you may look around right now and the next time you will be home, and I mean home alone like everyone's gone at a certain point in time, people have lives, so the next time you are home alone is when they have ripped everything out, people that never lived here went through everything that you have the straightest connection too and that's the moment you are home again. Empty house. The family comes and empties the house because legaly his "daily life family" is worth shit when there is no marriage certificate. Brother in law he was for me but not legally.
Anyways, my own freaking nightmare movie because the last time I saw my home, like my own-life-home was 1530 Sunday 29th.
Psyche...psyche. There are so many emotions coming with it. When you suddenly have ppl around 24/7 due to location and shit you deal with all their shit in your home because they sit at your table.
I just wanna be home for a moment... before home as I know is gone forever.
Emotions, interrogations, investigations, assumptions...a lot of noise.
My sister is Maiks spouse, her point of view is different. Counts for everyone as everyone has its own history with Maik. They all have voices and my sisters and the one of his parents side are the most important.
I am in this weird role. My place, my memories, my life with Maik as a buddy, landlord, family member, neighbour. Our own little eco-system. They don't know cause they didn't live here. Neighbours do.
Now they are all here, 1530 Sunday 29th, last time alone.
I'm not only the first at the "crime scene", the bearer of the bad news, the one exposed to the first interrogations, the one who opened the door hours after the hearse left for this psycho bitch without knowing, but the one who actually lives here and still does.
With all the people suddenly "invading" your personal, private space, there is no room for your own shit story to talk it out or deal with it because there are all those other needs and they are met at your place. Your home, your castle, my ass.
It feels like your head is exploding and it is draining, but you understand. In between you don't because, hey, it is your home!
They touch stuff, they see trash where I see Maiks chilli plant pots, they judge without meaning bad. If they wanna know about Maik and the house they should ask me, because I live here and know his routines which they just can't by nature. And it is also still my home. I know stuff because I live here. But my voice is the smallest in all those family and partner voices. Understand and don't. Still my home.
But another burden on top.
Thursday his family arrives the first time. I doubt I will ever have a chance to be home again.
It is this moment that I realize for a very strange reason that this place here, Hive, is what will get me through this. "You" give me what the others can't because you are neutral. I can talk it out. Therapy kinda. Don't give a damn from where you are if you read, I appreciate the read and a neutral comment if you will but I don't wanna burst inside and this is my space. My other home so to say, though I've been on vaca for a bit. I love my folks at home but I need to talk about my pov in a neutral home.
Oh I'm so sorry, this sounds so traumatic. I hate the "legality" of relationships and rights and titles and frikkin' homes in this culture. My family knows me and likes me the least, but the law would bow to them if something happened to me. It's crazy. :(
My thoughts are with you. 💚
Thanks, yah it adds an extra burden and an awkward feeling. Like the whole thing is so complex and multi-leveled. My say goodbye would have been walking through home. Not sharing everything with everyone suddenly. Zero privacy, out of the blue.
I am thinking of you every single day and can't even begin to imagine how it feels like when your life gets rugged like this. The only certain point of your life vanishes like that. Stay strong and try to eat, sleep, take care of your health as the road ahead of you is long and you will need strength. I'm here if you need me ❤️🤗
Thanks so much Erika! Today is the first day as of now with no twist and turn and drama in that whole thing. When you think it can't get worse, be sure in my life it will 😂. I haven't had a single minute to think what I am going to do now. My sisters network is there for her, I became a lone wolf again. Only worries is Joy, he got sick over the stress :(.
I hope Joy can recover fast as worrying about him too is not fun at all.
Will you be able to stay there or are you looking for another flat? I hope not and I also hope you'll be able to find peace soon and another network, a new normal for yourself.
Thanks dear, as of now I know nothing...I have my breakdowns now. Even for me, who endured some crazy shit in life and went through extreme situations, it is too much right now. Once I'm passed that state my inner Nikita comes out again. But today I am empty, weak, alone. I had no time to breathe, that's one point why I am close to Gaga !

In a bit the parents of Maik will be here.
You all are of help for my sanity! Thanks!
Oh God, looks like today will be tough too. Stay strong and keep writing. Must be hard but at least it helps you think (maybe). 🤗❤️
I'm not your therapist. I know all about your car troubles and home invasion and want no part of it! Now if I could just find a clever emoji to clear the air.
You sound like my therapist.
I need his number lol. Dude, I'm the only one who hasn't left the scene since 9 days. I'm on the verge of ⬇️😅

Haven't like haven't, haven't? Not to market or anything? You gotta be shitting me. Do you feel obligated to stay? I'm all eyes.
Haven't like haven't. I live rather remote in a village. I have to stay, Joy is too old to stay some other place, they all meet here, I sort of still live here, plus as long as the house is not emptied there is this stalker looming. She mentioned she wanted to get her fair share of Maiks stuff. Craaaazzzzyyyy ppl. Crazy pile of shit I found myself in...
I just wanted to have coffee and cake and celebrate the new furniture which exactly lasted like 2 days and then it was "gotta move out asap fuck you life crap bullshit wtf is going on bs 🤧
I'm pretty pro with death my fav German chick. There's no rules or instruction manual unfortunately. So you just have to know everything you're doing, you're doing right. The realest thing I can tell you is it gets easier.
People will say things like sorry for your loss or my condolences or something similar. They just don't know what to say is all. It gets easier.
How far away or how accessible is a slice of cake and cup'0 Joe?
Das muss so traumatisch sein, ich kanns mir kaum vorstellen. Mir ist mal meine Tasche geraubt worden vor vielen Jahren, die Polizei hat sie gefunden mit Blut dran und drin (Dieb hatte die Autoscheibe eingeschlagen) und sie mir zurückgebracht. Ich hab sie erst rumliegen lassen, aber ich konnte den Gedanken nicht ertragen, dass jemand anders auf diese Tasche geblutet hat. Hab sie letztendlich weggeschmissen und eine neue gekauft. Wegschmeissen geht natürlich bei Dir nicht und kaufen kannst Du Dir auch kein neues Zuhause. Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass Du Dir ein neues aufbauen wirst. Und moralische Unterstützung bekommst Du von so einigen Hivians wie ich so sehe. Babysteps. One day and night at a time.
Ach hör auf, Du glaubst gar nicht was alles war. Kann man keinem erzählen. Ja, das klingt echt doof aber momentan rettet mich das hier irgendwie. Ich schwankte so zwischen Seelsorge und Selbsthilfegruppe. Hab die "Selbsthilfegruppe" gewählt lol.
Reading the title I thought it referred to a butt plug reference, maybe I’ve been corrupted by the ugly of the world in that regard lol.
That’s brutal for sure, I don’t know much about the invasion of space like that but I suspect many people don’t understand that are coming to the house, that it is tragic but it’s your home and people need to respect privacy even in difficult times. Hopefully you can get some peace and quiet even for a few hours or one night even, so that you can get yourself back to a semblance of grounded.
It's been a crazy ride so far. Normal is not happening in my life lol. As of now I'm over it. I managed to push it away inside because there is no room for my shit in all that drama that unfolded since I found him. I haven't had time to grief and won't I suppose but that's ok. I lost everything and have to make sure I survive in this shit country. Funny thing, I was just about to finish renovations in my apartment. Quite some money went literally down the drain 😂. Oh and I still don't have my drivers license back, so I'm stuck on a hill with a house and I have like 10 weeks to figure stuff out before me and Joy end sleeping in my broken car...yah, wanted to fix it but sth came in between.
Sending you a big hug.
Thanks man, taken.
Thanks man, yah unity helps, but after all we are all alone. I function on single mode now. At least offline. Every resource goes to his fam and spouse, I was just a buddy if you will so.
I'm certain this space here is my only key to sanity right now.