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RE: Sometimes You just gotta wing it

You were strong enough to do what I have been trying to push myself to do for months now- get off the computer for a minute and get out, get some fresh air to clear for brianfog away.

And I have had a couple of halfarsed attempts, which have been quite fruitful in terms of capturing and collecting content for my posts, aswell as giving me a fresher perspective (atleast visually anyway..)

So good on you for doing it and so glad that you were able to appreciate the little things, the every, otherwise, hidden, unseen, neglected and faded things around you!

I too need to pull my finger out and do it again soon too!

 3 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by, it's hard sometimes to take a bit of time and just have a wander around.But I think it's equally important to take the time to get out of the day to day mindsets. At least it felt great to me.

Have a good one!

Totally agree and usually do it, always advise everyone else to do it, but having a hard time doing it myself's these cold, gray days- when its supposed to be spring...
Plus I did it all everywhere last year during lockdown too and I'm sicking of walking the same paths and taking the same photos...

Anyway, first world worries...

You too take care and have a great weekend!