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RE: Can't Say Anything Anymore

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

It’s strange teaching the young human how to be a human for sure. It’s one of those things where you hope you do it right but don’t really know what you’re doing most of the time lol. Definitely a lot of fun though! Especially now because he’s old enough where I can delegate tasks to him and he will do them most times so that’s awesome. Got a worker on our hands!

I forgot to comment on the old guy and his insistence on taking the injection but then going outside to smoke. It’s hilarious that people are so convinced that they are best off with an experimental thing, nothing else in their incredibly unhealthy lives is going to make them get sick!! But then smoke stoges, eat fast food and continue their diabetes medication and stuff. Interesting times for sure..

Like I was saying with bikes unless you are hauling through deep brush you should be fine. Trails aren’t the areas where the fuckers are spending time, they go for the grass near your ankles or the stuff at your knees when standing or feet when riding. It’s not impossible they will get on you but unlikely as long as you don’t sit down in some brush. I’ve done a lot of bush whacking myself and rarely got ticks so it’s a crapshoot as to when the pricks decide to be around.

I hear you on the houses and the stuff. My wife showed me a house in a small town New Hampshire and I was about ready to drive up there and shake their fucking hand with a check. It had a river directly in the back yard, two car garage and 1700 square feet! She thought it was too far up though and I was pissed, I told her don’t show me gorgeous houses if you don’t like something about it! I was so ready to snatch that house up lol. Gotta acquiesce to their needs too though. Two flat acres would be really nice, I’m hoping for at least half of or a full one. That’s a bit harder to come by around here for not 300k so it’s a little challenging. We saw one house that came with 31 acres but it had no heat or air conditioning lol. Wasn’t prepared to go that rustic..

 4 years ago  

That's another one cmplxty and I'm not talking about my autocorrect getting pissed each time I spLeL your name. They.. I mean her, I mean she, dammit!!!! Pura is a PRO at making me fall in love with the house on her phone that's about 30-60k over our budget, that's loves that's shit! And she's real good at it.

'You realize the bank approved x,y,z right and by coming out of pocket an additional 60k we've used up everything we got and you can't build that pool you want right?'

Then it turns into a big shit show again and we're right back where we started—house shopping.

Yeah... ALL that attention and then dude stepped out to suck off a carcinogen. WTF?!

 4 years ago  

Those women and their devious ways! Lol we get roped into something to get the rug pulled out. Brutal! Lol