Can't Say Anything Anymore

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

How's it goin? I know it, it's been awhile since I asked that, my bad, I can be real selfish sometimes. I hope this finds you and yours well. We good? Good. I'm uncomfortable pretending I'm not selfish.

That doesn't mean I'm uncomfortable in my own skin, that's not what I said. Last time I said that it turned into a huge debate about eat... eh! :time out:

Don't take huge the wrong way. What I meant was, last time I said that it turned into a full-figured debate about eating disorders. I haven't said lard ass in a room fulla farmers since. :time in:

Not farmers like DeFi, farmers like @thebigsweed. They surrounded me. I had to explain I meant no disrespect to pork, "the hell'd lard dew d'yew Pal?!"

I said pigs at first, 'my apologies, I mean no disrespect to pigs' but someone had a detective in the family or something so that went over like a sneeze in Wuhan.



That's an old photo, I like all the triangles in it. I used it for a couple reasons. Mainly because articles are naked without cover images but they're popular these days, too, like Ellen Degenerous—triangles that is. Not bribery, click bait.


Bribery is $1.5 million in science experiments when there's 1.5 million hungry people who would appreciate $1. Or a full-ride scholarship lottery to a major US university in exchange for science when not once has a graduating class in Compton, California been offered anything similar.

It's called incentive when they do it. Same dudes forced a pair of loans down my throat recently—stimulus. Didn't even ask. Increased my account balance on two separate occasions and now I'm paying 56% more for petrol. Good thing I avoid pig, bacon increased 19%.

In other noose—they said "plant-base fiber" on the radio the other day, didn't make sense. Still doesn't. I paid close attention, 'the what?!' It's an ad for a meal replacement drink because my phone knows I do gym stuff so of course my phone advertises meal replacement drinks. I paid close attention. I was tuned into the ad, so much in fact, I would've missed the green light in front of me had in not been for the friendly horn gesture behind me. :hon hon:

Something something "plant-base fiber," yup! What I thought they said. English is regulated differently depending where I'm at while media giants make their own rules. Either that or joke's on me and fiber has more than one source—plants.

In Arkansas, students identify with the pronoun of their choice but instructors are not required to respect that choice. Instructors in Arkansas are protected by law to disrespect their pupils.

In Virginia, both faculty and students can select their pronoun and faculty or students who don't respect that persons pronoun will face disciplinary action.

In California, pronouns are illegal. Don't get caught saying he or she in public in the Golden State, it's punishable by fine and/or jail time.

Communication is regulated differently depending where I'm at. It'd be cooler than the other side of your pillow if law makers did something like not insert themselves in the identification process of anyone other than their self.

No idea how many times someone called me she or her or dear on here. Thank you dear DanDays more times than I can count. If I don't care, why tf does Lawmaker Larry? I'm never all like, 'OMG! Like get your pronoun right asshole!' That's another one—don't say pronoun and right in the same breath in the south or they'll treat you like a black guy in the south.

Can't say anything anymore, gotta be careful. The other day I'm at the windshield joint again cuz I like replacing high tech - eyesight having - driver assist windshields twice a year. Windshield number two on the same brand new car in the same eight months. Hourglass figure that one out.

A lady in the waiting room needed help reading a message on her phone, "could'ya read this fer'me? I don't have my glasses." 'Anything you need,' I read the message to her, 'I'm blind without my glasses' I told her. Won't do that again! Like I cursed her favorite Nascar driver, "y'ain't blind! You shouldn't say that, howd'ya like it if'n you's really blind?"

I shoulda freestyled her message

An elderly gentleman's approaching the industrial glass door at the waiting room entrance. He's wearing a mask - using a walker. He's not just using it to get free shit, either, he can't walk without it. I got up and opened the door.

"I-I I'm vaccinated! I'm vac-vaccinated! I'm vaccinated" he announced to the four or five of us unmasked humans in the waiting room minding our own screen-time business as our vehicles were being repaired. I didn't say anything, I just held the door open. He approached the receptionist at the window who also wasn't wearing a mask nor was anyone else in the entire facility.

"I-I'm vaccinated va-vaxed, I g-got my card, ear's my m-my card mmkay" reaching to his back pocket for his wallet. Still masked and obviously uncomfortable, he's waiving around his credit card looking vaccination proof thingamajig to the lady at the counter as well as the rest of us in the waiting room. "Ear, ear's my card, I'm va-vax-vaccinated." He never removed his mask while confirming his appointment, instead drew a lot of attention to himself. She checked him in, "have a seat, a technician will be with you shortly." He exited the waiting room.

I almost said left. He 'left' the waiting room. Misdirection—they're pretty serious about lefts and rights around here.

I beat him to the door, held it open for him again, "tha-thank you, I'm vac-v-vaxxed." 'I thought I heard you say that. My pleasure, sir, let me know if you need anything else.' Before the industrial glass door closed behind him, his mask was down and he lit a cigarette.


Thanks Roy!

That's Roy Boy. Relax! We've been calling him that since way before the pronoun days. Can't say anything anymore. Don't call your spouse your partner, might not go down right, don't wanna rub anyone the wrong way.

Partners used to be Martina Navratilova and Stefi Graf at Wimbledon. Not anymore. They're a pair now and Martina Navratilova and Julia Lemigova are partners. Friends of ours in England who are partners or a pair or a married couple—two people who love each other and have been together for a real long time got embarrassed when I said 'sissy' in a crowded restaurant.

We're at a Wetherspoon in Leeds. It started when I explained spaz is short for spasmodic—resembling a spasm especially in sudden violence and not "a derogatory insult toward someone suffering from cerebral palsy" as our British friends insisted. It was something they said Kanye West said, anywho...

It's freezing outside, snowing from the ground up, I stepped out to hit the pipe. Put on my beanie, jacket, gloves and scarf, everything I had. 'I can't hang in the cold' I said while adjusting my beanie, 'I'm a sissy' which means I'm not going outside without all my layers on but no0Ooo. Sissy means gay in England and not gay as in happy. Can't say anything anymore.

Depending who you are of course. Pieter Hasekamp can say wtf ever he wants. The director of the Dutch Bureau for Economic Analysis recently said "The Netherlands must ban Bitcoin."

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value and is only valuable because others may accept it.

He said that

It's just us here right? Cool, cuz I've never heard of Pieter Hasekamp until now and I think he spells his name like a douche but that's not the point—Peter. Having never been there, the Netherlands, I still know Peter-less dude's about as wise as the pharmacist who gave Pura leukemia medication for her pancreatitis. Wouldn't be a big deal if the gentlemen with leukemia didn't already initiate his first dose of Creon—pancreatic enzymes.

Yo P: "Only valuable because others may accept it" makes you less credible than Fauci. All mediums of exchange are only valuable because others may accept it, Dick.

Don't tell someone they look great, 'hi, you look great!' Means one of two things these days; either a sexual advance or perpetuating an eating disorder. Better off playing it safe and cutting out great, 'hi, you look....!' Lame. I don't mean you look lame, I mean cutting out great is lame.

Not lame as in walks funny, either, that's not what I meant, we're not race horses. I mean lame as in stupid and not stupid as in uneducated, stupid as in Lame!

I'm at hormone depot the other day aka Home Depot. I call it hormone depot cuz all the chicks in there dress like sluts. So I'm looking at lights and it dawned on me, 'they should stop calling these things lights.'

You heard it here first, tiktok challenge in the works. The one where herds of'em gangbang the local hormone depot filming themselves in the lighting department—picking up lights, light bulbs and light switches, swinging lights over their head mid-selfie and whatever else tiktok'ers do and #WorthTheWait is trending.



I call it hormone depot cuz all the chicks in there dress like sluts.

We need pictures...😏

True story: My neighbor saw me edging the grass on front lawn with a shovel and said, "You need a hoe..."

I told him, "I know, but none of these lazy assed hoes around here, will help...!!! (He's Black, understood and roared with laughter)

 4 years ago  

We need pictures...😏

Challenge accepted.

Interesting. This is the first time I've read about someone using a hoe before the spade and by spade I mean, well, you know. <-- And don't just scroll to spade either you old white bastard homie.

Good morning @angryman! Thanks for keeping an eye on me sir. I heard it's Friday right now but I can't believe anything they say.

I heard it's Friday right now but I can't believe anything they say.

"The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure, while the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell


Ahhhh Weatherspoons in Leeds, especially the one on Leeds City Station is where all great philosophical debates take place at 10 in the morning over a black pudding butty and a pint of Stella.
The use of Spaz is generational, I'd suggest your friends were in their 30s as we over 50s would say Spaz, Spazzie or Spazmo as I preferred in the schoolyard, and it was short for Spastic, an olde English name for cerebral palsy whose usage can be traced back to Shakespearian times. Real spazzers drove spazmobiles , pronounced in the same way Batmobile is or similar to the place in Alabama, often mentioned in Elvis songs.


A Spazmobile, officially called an Invalid Carriage, it wasn't actually 'invalid' as in not official, it was invalid as in disabled, or for Spazzies. Using the word Spazmobile removed any confusion over the terminology.

The thing with these Spaz mobiles was that they were very lightweight, having only a 650cc engine and made from fibreglass. As such, on a walk home after a couple of sherberts with the boys, particularly on one of many Leeds one-way streets, it was very easy for a few chaps to actually lift one out of its parking space, and turn it around so it faced the wrong way! Now don't be too harsh in judgement of early 80's youth because as they were Spazmobiles, they couldn't be give parking tickets!

I thank my honourary Yorkshireman mate for allowing this guilt-free trip down a non PC memory lane and look forward to your next post when I hope you will teach everyone your verbal dexterity in the art of using the word 'bollocks' in all its grammatical forms :-)

Best wishes

PS Again, because I'm in my 50s, 'sissy' would have originally been used as a 'softie', it wasn't till the late 80's and the birth of VHS and the discovery that there was such a thing as being 'gay' when the usage changed.

In South Africa a sissy is still a softie... or your sister. In Afrikaans the word sussie (phonetically: sissy) is literally sister in English.

 4 years ago  

Where I come from, which is all that matters really, "sissy" is someone who throws temper tantrums and acts like a spoiled only child from time to time and says things like which is all that matters really.


 4 years ago (edited) 

When I first saw this I thought it said VH1. Now that I've read it, would you agree VH1 would've worked better or am I being a sissy?

 4 years ago  

Is your sherbert the same as my sherbet? I asked my spazzi innerweb just now and I think it is. I enjoyed a lotta things with the fellas, never a sherbet, spazztastic idea! <-- Spazz cheese. I'm doing it again ain't I? Yap yap yappin about myself...

Thanks for reblogging this one. And if you're gonna drop comments like this, stop by more often.

Had you not shared that photo and not said mobile, I would've thought you're describing a boat. 650, lightweight and fiberglass, sounds like it woulda made a better boat than mobile.

Really good people we met in England. They were cool, even with their made up vocabulary. I'd tease them, 'our language has enough bad shit already, don't make the the good words bad.' We still message each other regularly..... Well not so much now that Trump's out. 🤔

🤣🤣🤣 ! I am glad we are not at that pronouns extreme here in Canada. Especially being french : we put a gender to every OBJECT !! Une table, un tableau, une voiture, un crayon (une is feminine and un is masculine). In english you would just say "a table, a painting, a car and a pen". So imagine how complex it woukd be here to have thoses wrirten or unwritten laws 🤔/😂. I can still see the trend where everything is analyze and can be interpreted in a different perspective: you gotta watch what you say. Great post, I had many lol while reading it !

 4 years ago  

Welcome everyone the Blockchains newest chalk artist. How's it goin Peg?

Now I know why chicks are all googley ga ga over French dudes, I couldn't tell if you were educating or serenading me.

I wish those jokes were just jokes dude but they're really outlawing pronouns around here. Each day I'm a little more concerned about leaders enforcing their will.... I better stop.

Thanks for checkin this one out. Funny is the toughest for me, the post button kills me. Satirical humor without the use of voice levels and hand gestures is challenging. Glad you liked it.

I would have to agree, "They" do need to stop calling them "lights".
Obviously it's "Lamp" and "Fixture".
Maybe it's not that "We" can't say anything anymore, it's more of a case of only using proper parts of the language in those tribes, an further more, usage of that language style outside that given tribe draws ridicule or anger. That in mind, situational awareness is key. Like the bobblehead hula girl I hope you invest in for your 2nd windscreen, maybe she'll see the next rock headed your way.

 4 years ago  

This reminds me of something I would say but when I get back to it and read it, I have no idea what I was trying to say. Feel me?

Hula girl—never thought of it. They got white ones? Dude this Bible Belt's a trip, I swear eye feel like a minority here. The windshield protectors I've seen are always Hawaiian and I doubt any of these fuckers know why how Hawaii became a state. Dangerous. And they're all packin!!!!

Lamps and fixtures. You're right, that's a much better trending idea than lights and overhead. I don't know where I come up with this shit.

Insights an wisdoms always to be found in the business end of the BIC

 4 years ago (edited) 

Can't get'em in Europe, bet you didn't know that shit! True story. I had to order my lighters from Amazon. Which was convenient, by the way, they only sold'em in 4-packs so every time I needed one, I got four and you know how Amazon is.

In n out before anyone knows.

In Britain we also smoke fags but not in a gunning then down on the street kind of way 🤣

 4 years ago  

You mean suckin on'em behind the corner market kinda way?

Story time—when we got to London.. put it this way, I've never as in never seen a woman in a burka other than on television. Hijab, yes. Burka, no—fact. Sheltered, whatever. Grew up in LA and been to plenty of states, all the big cities, Central America, wherever else, wasn't until 42 years later I saw my first burka. In London. Anywho..

We just landed. I needed a piece, went to smoke shop.. saw a lot of burkas on the way and then inside the smoke shop, a chick in there wearing one bought two packs of "fags!" She said fags twice! Never ever heard'em called that and I heard it from a burka. Ha. Oh fuck that wouldn't work here!

Then we left, a few cross walks later, another dozen burka's, on the other side of the street walking toward me, she's with two dudes. I don't know what they said or did but she said "stupit muddafukka's!" And they both kinda ducked their heads shamefully. I laughed out loud.

Alright Boom, dude behind me needs the phone.

Calling cigarettes fags is hilarious when there are non Brits around. We love to say, hey, you want a fag? Or you look like you could do with a fag - it is the gift that keeps on giving.

We also call them snouts which baffles many a tourist.

Better let that dude on the phone!!

Burkas are wild, I can't help feel it's oppression. But you never know, maybe the wearers pretend to be ninjas in their heads :0D

 4 years ago  

Snouts? Really?? Over here snouts are pigs.

All the sayings dude chap, it took us a minute but thankfully it's English so I could 'what?' ' Say again please?' "Can't be bothered" is one, just typing it is funny. Or "watcha make of it?" Which meant what time is it or something odd.

When we toured through UK though, if I'm being honest <--that's another one, you Scott's were much tougher to understand. South England the easiest.. get toward Liverpool and north, tougher. You guys though—real tough. I was "say again please" much more often but we sure as fuck curse the same ya cunt!!

Hahahahha, yes, when we let go and relax people do struggle to understand us. When we try though we become quite legible. Almost fully :OD

Sounds like you had a right good old tour of the place!

 4 years ago  

Miss it every day man. We never anticipated being forced to leave in such dramatic fashion. We were enjoying traveliving.

My wife's British but the hoops to jump through during Covid to get my citizenship started ceased completely—get the bloody hell out DanDays! Waited til the last day, Aug 2, no dice. First Brexit and then, well.. this.

It has all gone a bit tits up these days. The Brexit thing, the COVID madness. Tis a shame, could have caught up at a UK meetup!! When they start again that is. When anything starts again!

Ok two things!!!

I CAN’T STAND IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL ME DEAR!!!! I find it belittling and patronising and I just get annoyed when it’s used on FB or texts or DMs from people I don’t even know. Only my grandmother can call me dear.

And 2! WETHERSPOONS!!! Whoop whooop!!! Only good memories of curry nights and the best pub meals on the way home after a long cold day at work. Probably one of the places I would absolutely visit if I ever get to the UK again.

Hope Pura’s doing better??

 4 years ago  

We're eye to eye you and eye. Pura's got names for me, there's the names the fellas have for me. But there's this one that only grandma called me. She coulda called me anything she wanted.

How's it goin @Zoed? There I go again, not being selfish, not calling you dear, just doin all the right things I am and not me me me me me at all. When ya got it ya got it.

I miss Wetherspoons too. I miss the company and hiding from the rain but mostly the company. All they had on the menu I would eat was the fish n chips and, if I'm being honest (UK lingo), I had a lot of fish n chips.

Pura. Thank you so much for asking. We received all three tests results. Cancer negative, thank God. And thank you for your prayers. Never thought we'd be happy to say "it's just chronic pancreatitis" but that's all it is right now and we're happy. They can address pain, digestion, etc, but we're not looking forward to dodging billets. Annual MRI's now. Keep us in your prayers.

Ok that’s good news!! One step at a time right? Just need a little miracle and who knows what could happen.

We’re all good here. I’ve been making Guava jam til it’s coming outta my ears. Luckily there’s very little left on our tree so seems season has come to an end. Oh and hiking hiking hiking. Loving it so much.

Sending love to you both from the tip of Africa.

 4 years ago  

Have you always been this sweet? I think I mighta been too concerned you're laughing. 😉

Funny stuff right there.

 4 years ago  

Thanks @chuckrick I'm glad you liked it. Speaking of, you've been here a few months now, how you liking the blockchain?

Thank you for asking. I'm really enjoying it. I spend just about all my "free" time either hanging out hear, reading articles about crypto, or playing games on the Hive blockchain. Still no taking the deep dive into defi, but trying some things here and there.

 4 years ago  

I just barely started delving into DeFi too. Barely as in earlier this year. I needed to teach myself how to work with stablecoins so I could use them like a money market. Soon as I started swapping with DAI I realized I could gain interest and yata yata I'm being selfish talking about me me me again.

Got any neat trick I need to know? Not a fan of the whole ETH gas fees but I guess that's a general consensus.

Well I'm glad you found the joint, wasn't the same without you. I'm a strategy game kinda nerd, never could get into video games.

Don't be stranger!

I've realized that I'm actually losing money having it sit in a bank account. I'm trying to figure out how I can make passive income on these coins. I have some in Coinbase, some in Celsius, and trying our CubFinance. Like you said, I'm not a fan of the gas fees. So getting my coins where I need them to make money is the real trick.

 4 years ago (edited) 

I've never done this before, really. It's not a quirky pick up line, I'm serious. I do my swapping at, it's super easy and they host an offline wallet as well. I won't hold anything anywhere that I don't control the keys. Anywho.. it's simple, the ROI's are in plain English. I'm the dumbest guy on the crew and even I think it's easy.

If you use my referral, you receive $25 worth of CRO. If you stake however many, I'm not sure, I get free $25 CRO too, ithink. but I know for sure you get free $25. In earning 11.9% right now on DAI.

Don't be a stranger!

Cool. When I click the link it is still asking for the referral code. Is it cy3gzr7jus ?

I will come right out and say this though, If Caitlyn Jenner wins the governorship in CA, I will never even consider visiting the golden state again. She/he/ it makes me want to puke.
To think what a great athlete he was at one time now she is an advertisement for bad plastic surgery.
Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it !!!Good morning @dandays. You always seem to bring some funny stuff to the table. Things I would never think of. I am so tired of all this political correctness, I have always been of the mind set of live and let live. I really don't care or even think of the he/she/it thing, but I don't see how it would be possible to fine someone for saying the wrong pronoun. I think you're making that up or the world truly has gone mad.

 4 years ago (edited) 

:cough cough: Tastes like plastic!

Sure am glad I can you entertained @farm-mom, thanks for letting me know. You know how I am with these comedy ones—sweaty palms even.

I'm pleasantly surprised with the acceptance this article got. I'm usually one of few when it comes to positions but this time it's more like an orgy. Original, I mean! Dammit.

They're making our language worse Farm-mom. We have enough horrific words like Sweed pointed out earlier, spade, we don't need people manipulating the only good words we have left.

Ps—I think jokes work best when at least one person is offended and they're factual.

 4 years ago  

Yeah it’s brutal that things are so toxic you can’t say things anymore. Thankfully I’m not a comedian or anything because those people have it bad now. The stuff they used to say will get them flogged, can we even say flogged? I have noticed that hormone depot does have a lot of women dressed slutty or the workers are looking to hook up with the customers or some shit. I can’t figure it out lol. When I was in my teens home depot was the place to work for the tradesman in school and stuff. Now it’s just attractive women, it’s strange. Hopefully I can even say that! Lol

That Peter with the lame name is funny, things only have value if someone else wants it as well. Welcome to economics, we can learn you some items along the way!!

 4 years ago  

Hey good morning dude! Pura's got me house shopping what seems like so I haven't been getting to my comments quickly. I swear I haven't been hangin out at hormone depot waiting for one of'em to need help reaching something high or anything sensual and by sensual I don't mean sexual.

"Flogged." Thats as far as I'm going, you're nuts saying it twice—can't say anything anymore.

I'm glad you liked this one, thank you. How's the boy? And what about you guys, is a move in the future?

Thank you @cmplxty.

 4 years ago  

Thanks man, the little man is doing okay. We are going through some cognitive changes, we notice every 6-8 weeks he goes through these changes and has different things going on. This one is an awful attitude and fighting with me constantly about stuff but each time he suddenly is able to do something a lot stronger so it’s a battle for good lol. We are hoping at the end of this one it will be reading and letters he will take to a lot stronger. He’s getting good but we are having some challenges getting him to commit.

We want to move to the sunshine state but that damn tick bite messed me up good so we are going to stay here another year or so. I’m thankfully feeling a lot better these past few weeks but it’s not been without it’s challenges. We had planned to buy something up here as well as Florida so we could live the lifestyle of spending time in warm weather as often as we can but it looks like we are buying the house up here first before Florida. I wanted the other way around but it wasn’t in the cards it seems! I’m looking for some place with hopefully an acre of land but that’s a bit tricky to find so fingers crossed lol. Going to visit a few places on Saturday in this nice mountain town.

You have any specifics for house stuff? One acre or more or what?

 4 years ago (edited) 

Trip out teaching a real life human how to be human. He's lucky to have you.

Land would be nice. I have my concerns though. Mainly is we weren't even supposed to be here right now and I can't tell you how long we'll be here. Looking like forever but even if it isn't, investing in the housing market isn't a bad idea. By 'here' I mean US. So should I go back to Ca where at least it ain't so fuckin white and I can have seafood or stay where I'm at—the hottest market in the country?

If the previous paragraph doesn't describe my uncertainty I don't know what will. If Pura had things her way we'd already have a 200+ year old cabin because "they have character." But I've been planning on raising dogs since I put my last one down in 2013 so if I sink my feet anywhere, even if only for a year, I'm getting two German Shepherds. Gangster ones, I'm in steady contact with Jurie at Been a long time comin.. A lot of things had to be in place. I'm a chess player, can't help it.

This is my long ass way of saying we've shopped everything from 10,000 square feet (1/4 acre) to 7 acres. I got that bad wheel though, so maintaining 7 acres ain't in the cards really. The most we've viewed in one day so far is SIX! Can you believe that?!

If I could just find the place with the windows Pura wants. The charm and character, neighborhood, kitchen, and value that she wants and, in our price range, with 1-2 flat acres surrounded by mature trees, I'd probably have an approximate arrival date for Knight.

He has a name too

And it's things like you guys' tick stories that makes me not wanna ride my bike!!

 4 years ago  

It’s strange teaching the young human how to be a human for sure. It’s one of those things where you hope you do it right but don’t really know what you’re doing most of the time lol. Definitely a lot of fun though! Especially now because he’s old enough where I can delegate tasks to him and he will do them most times so that’s awesome. Got a worker on our hands!

I forgot to comment on the old guy and his insistence on taking the injection but then going outside to smoke. It’s hilarious that people are so convinced that they are best off with an experimental thing, nothing else in their incredibly unhealthy lives is going to make them get sick!! But then smoke stoges, eat fast food and continue their diabetes medication and stuff. Interesting times for sure..

Like I was saying with bikes unless you are hauling through deep brush you should be fine. Trails aren’t the areas where the fuckers are spending time, they go for the grass near your ankles or the stuff at your knees when standing or feet when riding. It’s not impossible they will get on you but unlikely as long as you don’t sit down in some brush. I’ve done a lot of bush whacking myself and rarely got ticks so it’s a crapshoot as to when the pricks decide to be around.

I hear you on the houses and the stuff. My wife showed me a house in a small town New Hampshire and I was about ready to drive up there and shake their fucking hand with a check. It had a river directly in the back yard, two car garage and 1700 square feet! She thought it was too far up though and I was pissed, I told her don’t show me gorgeous houses if you don’t like something about it! I was so ready to snatch that house up lol. Gotta acquiesce to their needs too though. Two flat acres would be really nice, I’m hoping for at least half of or a full one. That’s a bit harder to come by around here for not 300k so it’s a little challenging. We saw one house that came with 31 acres but it had no heat or air conditioning lol. Wasn’t prepared to go that rustic..

 4 years ago  

That's another one cmplxty and I'm not talking about my autocorrect getting pissed each time I spLeL your name. They.. I mean her, I mean she, dammit!!!! Pura is a PRO at making me fall in love with the house on her phone that's about 30-60k over our budget, that's loves that's shit! And she's real good at it.

'You realize the bank approved x,y,z right and by coming out of pocket an additional 60k we've used up everything we got and you can't build that pool you want right?'

Then it turns into a big shit show again and we're right back where we started—house shopping.

Yeah... ALL that attention and then dude stepped out to suck off a carcinogen. WTF?!

 4 years ago  

Those women and their devious ways! Lol we get roped into something to get the rug pulled out. Brutal! Lol

Lol … I’m regards to pronouns …. I’m so sick of that shit …. I don’t care if your gay, lesbian etc ….. but your a he or a she … I’m not calling you they , it , them , or someone the other day said I’m a Mx. not a Ms. …. I can identify as a dog doesn’t mean I am one …… as far as the masks and vaccines … I’m sooo done with COVID … people are starting to get ridiculous ….it’s become a random topic of conversation… even at a check out line at the supermarket …. And then it becomes a topic of debate …. It’s none of anyone’s business … and if I tell you that I’m not vaccinated or if I am
Vaccinated …. It’s not up for debate … lol … why do people not understand that ….. and in regards to Home Depot …. That’s a new thing ….I went the other day … here I am a 40 year old … getting mulch …. And screws and anchors ( to fix my curtain rod ) … in sweats and my hair in a messy bun …. Barely brushed …. And the amount of girls in crop tops and full face of makeup … I don’t understand… 🤷🏻‍♀️ .

 4 years ago  

here I am a 40 year old … getting mulch …. And screws and anchors ( to fix my curtain rod ) … in sweats and my hair in a messy bun …

I wasn't following you, I swear I needed a curtain rod... plastic anchors... 1 home & garden magazine.. and a diet soda. 😉

I saved this one for last. Thanks for stopping by, always a pleasure when you do. WAY TOO long in between comments but I'll take what I can get you er... that er... I'm so Undecided.

Do you have a preferred pronoun?

I'm pleasantly surprised by the reaction from this one. Wasn't sure if it would work. Nice to know I'm not the only one who has no problem saying none of your fuckin business asshole if someone dares asks me if I'm juiced. If you catch a noose clip about dude who got arrested for asking the grocery checker if he's circumcised that was me... in response to their vaccination query.

for you

 4 years ago  

Thanks for supporting me these years Eii!

I identify as a "white Mexican nationalist from Flint Michigan"

 4 years ago  

Thanks for identifying yourself Phill. And by Phil I mean you, not Fill.

I think I should not say more than this, just in case I am already saying too much... Maybe we should all at once stop talking and all words should be banned.

That would be a great way to censor people by the way, putting something in front of their mouth (a mask would work) to prevent them to tal...Oh it.

 4 years ago  

mum hamna bree shminsotod hujiloph strembogot.

Take this fuckin mask off so you can Over stand me.

Wassup man? Happy Saturday! Don't trip, I just checked my trustworthy device that tells me everything I need to know, it really is Saturday right now. I can't believe I'm attempting this response without any Kush in me and it 7:12 in the morning!! I gotta go get right while I still got this mask off.

Give our love to the family please.

Big hug, refrain from interacting before the kush!!! This is mad!

 4 years ago  

Big hug

From a safe distance of course.

Fuck distances!

 4 years ago  

Not if they're Italian. :wink:

Have you been getting high with George Carlin's ghost?


You also reminded me of this song

 4 years ago  

Nice! Don't tell anyone I don't know this cuz I got this persona to maintain where I pretend I know everything... is that Folk? What would you call that?

That sure was nice of you Jethro, thank you. I forgot the ghost dudes name, though. Sorry. 🤔

Tell'em what? I think that counts as folk, it's from the Mermaid Avenue album where Wilco and Billy Bragg set a bunch of previously unheard Woody Guthrie songs to music.

It's all good, that just means the smoke did it's job properly 😎

I'm afraid to say anything in case I say the wrong thing. Sorry I used to call you...d..r mr...
Have to ask is Pura?

 4 years ago  

I know where it's coming from Lizelle, you can call me whatever you want. 💖

We received all three cancer results and she's negative across the board. Never thought we'd be thankful she just has chronic pancreatitis but thank God! She just has chronic pancreatitis.

Bi annual MRI's are recommended and they're working on the proper enzymes for her, they kinda need to be genetically specific. It's a process. Thank you for caring.

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