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RE: Can't Say Anything Anymore

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

You mean suckin on'em behind the corner market kinda way?

Story time—when we got to London.. put it this way, I've never as in never seen a woman in a burka other than on television. Hijab, yes. Burka, no—fact. Sheltered, whatever. Grew up in LA and been to plenty of states, all the big cities, Central America, wherever else, wasn't until 42 years later I saw my first burka. In London. Anywho..

We just landed. I needed a piece, went to smoke shop.. saw a lot of burkas on the way and then inside the smoke shop, a chick in there wearing one bought two packs of "fags!" She said fags twice! Never ever heard'em called that and I heard it from a burka. Ha. Oh fuck that wouldn't work here!

Then we left, a few cross walks later, another dozen burka's, on the other side of the street walking toward me, she's with two dudes. I don't know what they said or did but she said "stupit muddafukka's!" And they both kinda ducked their heads shamefully. I laughed out loud.

Alright Boom, dude behind me needs the phone.


Calling cigarettes fags is hilarious when there are non Brits around. We love to say, hey, you want a fag? Or you look like you could do with a fag - it is the gift that keeps on giving.

We also call them snouts which baffles many a tourist.

Better let that dude on the phone!!

Burkas are wild, I can't help feel it's oppression. But you never know, maybe the wearers pretend to be ninjas in their heads :0D

 4 years ago  

Snouts? Really?? Over here snouts are pigs.

All the sayings dude chap, it took us a minute but thankfully it's English so I could 'what?' ' Say again please?' "Can't be bothered" is one, just typing it is funny. Or "watcha make of it?" Which meant what time is it or something odd.

When we toured through UK though, if I'm being honest <--that's another one, you Scott's were much tougher to understand. South England the easiest.. get toward Liverpool and north, tougher. You guys though—real tough. I was "say again please" much more often but we sure as fuck curse the same ya cunt!!

Hahahahha, yes, when we let go and relax people do struggle to understand us. When we try though we become quite legible. Almost fully :OD

Sounds like you had a right good old tour of the place!

 4 years ago  

Miss it every day man. We never anticipated being forced to leave in such dramatic fashion. We were enjoying traveliving.

My wife's British but the hoops to jump through during Covid to get my citizenship started ceased completely—get the bloody hell out DanDays! Waited til the last day, Aug 2, no dice. First Brexit and then, well.. this.

It has all gone a bit tits up these days. The Brexit thing, the COVID madness. Tis a shame, could have caught up at a UK meetup!! When they start again that is. When anything starts again!

 4 years ago  

It's a date!

Hey google, add that date to my calendar!

Dont tell anyone I let google run my life, Its not cool to say these things on the blockchain. Down with GOOGLE!