This reminds me of something I would say but when I get back to it and read it, I have no idea what I was trying to say. Feel me?
Hula girl—never thought of it. They got white ones? Dude this Bible Belt's a trip, I swear eye feel like a minority here. The windshield protectors I've seen are always Hawaiian and I doubt any of these fuckers know why how Hawaii became a state. Dangerous. And they're all packin!!!!
Lamps and fixtures. You're right, that's a much better trending idea than lights and overhead. I don't know where I come up with this shit.
Insights an wisdoms always to be found in the business end of the BIC
Can't get'em in Europe, bet you didn't know that shit! True story. I had to order my lighters from Amazon. Which was convenient, by the way, they only sold'em in 4-packs so every time I needed one, I got four and you know how Amazon is.
In n out before anyone knows.