Yeah it’s brutal that things are so toxic you can’t say things anymore. Thankfully I’m not a comedian or anything because those people have it bad now. The stuff they used to say will get them flogged, can we even say flogged? I have noticed that hormone depot does have a lot of women dressed slutty or the workers are looking to hook up with the customers or some shit. I can’t figure it out lol. When I was in my teens home depot was the place to work for the tradesman in school and stuff. Now it’s just attractive women, it’s strange. Hopefully I can even say that! Lol
That Peter with the lame name is funny, things only have value if someone else wants it as well. Welcome to economics, we can learn you some items along the way!!
Hey good morning dude! Pura's got me house shopping so I haven't been getting to my comments quickly. I swear I haven't been hangin out at hormone depot waiting for one of'em to need help reaching something high or anything sensual and by sensual I don't mean sexual."Flogged." Thats as far as I'm going, you're nuts saying it twice—can't say anything anymore.
I'm glad you liked this one, thank you. How's the boy? And what about you guys, is a move in the future?
Thank you @cmplxty.
Thanks man, the little man is doing okay. We are going through some cognitive changes, we notice every 6-8 weeks he goes through these changes and has different things going on. This one is an awful attitude and fighting with me constantly about stuff but each time he suddenly is able to do something a lot stronger so it’s a battle for good lol. We are hoping at the end of this one it will be reading and letters he will take to a lot stronger. He’s getting good but we are having some challenges getting him to commit.
We want to move to the sunshine state but that damn tick bite messed me up good so we are going to stay here another year or so. I’m thankfully feeling a lot better these past few weeks but it’s not been without it’s challenges. We had planned to buy something up here as well as Florida so we could live the lifestyle of spending time in warm weather as often as we can but it looks like we are buying the house up here first before Florida. I wanted the other way around but it wasn’t in the cards it seems! I’m looking for some place with hopefully an acre of land but that’s a bit tricky to find so fingers crossed lol. Going to visit a few places on Saturday in this nice mountain town.
You have any specifics for house stuff? One acre or more or what?
Trip out teaching a real life human how to be human. He's lucky to have you.
Land would be nice. I have my concerns though. Mainly is we weren't even supposed to be here right now and I can't tell you how long we'll be here. Looking like forever but even if it isn't, investing in the housing market isn't a bad idea. By 'here' I mean US. So should I go back to Ca where at least it ain't so fuckin white and I can have seafood or stay where I'm at—the hottest market in the country?
If the previous paragraph doesn't describe my uncertainty I don't know what will. If Pura had things her way we'd already have a 200+ year old cabin because "they have character." But I've been planning on raising dogs since I put my last one down in 2013 so if I sink my feet anywhere, even if only for a year, I'm getting two German Shepherds. Gangster ones, I'm in steady contact with Jurie at Been a long time comin.. A lot of things had to be in place. I'm a chess player, can't help it.
This is my long ass way of saying we've shopped everything from 10,000 square feet (1/4 acre) to 7 acres. I got that bad wheel though, so maintaining 7 acres ain't in the cards really. The most we've viewed in one day so far is SIX! Can you believe that?!
If I could just find the place with the windows Pura wants. The charm and character, neighborhood, kitchen, and value that she wants and, in our price range, with 1-2 flat acres surrounded by mature trees, I'd probably have an approximate arrival date for Knight.
He has a name too
And it's things like you guys' tick stories that makes me not wanna ride my bike!!
It’s strange teaching the young human how to be a human for sure. It’s one of those things where you hope you do it right but don’t really know what you’re doing most of the time lol. Definitely a lot of fun though! Especially now because he’s old enough where I can delegate tasks to him and he will do them most times so that’s awesome. Got a worker on our hands!
I forgot to comment on the old guy and his insistence on taking the injection but then going outside to smoke. It’s hilarious that people are so convinced that they are best off with an experimental thing, nothing else in their incredibly unhealthy lives is going to make them get sick!! But then smoke stoges, eat fast food and continue their diabetes medication and stuff. Interesting times for sure..
Like I was saying with bikes unless you are hauling through deep brush you should be fine. Trails aren’t the areas where the fuckers are spending time, they go for the grass near your ankles or the stuff at your knees when standing or feet when riding. It’s not impossible they will get on you but unlikely as long as you don’t sit down in some brush. I’ve done a lot of bush whacking myself and rarely got ticks so it’s a crapshoot as to when the pricks decide to be around.
I hear you on the houses and the stuff. My wife showed me a house in a small town New Hampshire and I was about ready to drive up there and shake their fucking hand with a check. It had a river directly in the back yard, two car garage and 1700 square feet! She thought it was too far up though and I was pissed, I told her don’t show me gorgeous houses if you don’t like something about it! I was so ready to snatch that house up lol. Gotta acquiesce to their needs too though. Two flat acres would be really nice, I’m hoping for at least half of or a full one. That’s a bit harder to come by around here for not 300k so it’s a little challenging. We saw one house that came with 31 acres but it had no heat or air conditioning lol. Wasn’t prepared to go that rustic..
That's another one cmplxty and I'm not talking about my autocorrect getting pissed each time I spLeL your name. They.. I mean her, I mean she, dammit!!!! Pura is a PRO at making me fall in love with the house on her phone that's about 30-60k over our budget, that's loves that's shit! And she's real good at it.
'You realize the bank approved x,y,z right and by coming out of pocket an additional 60k we've used up everything we got and you can't build that pool you want right?'
Then it turns into a big shit show again and we're right back where we started—house shopping.
Yeah... ALL that attention and then dude stepped out to suck off a carcinogen. WTF?!
Those women and their devious ways! Lol we get roped into something to get the rug pulled out. Brutal! Lol