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RE: Can't Say Anything Anymore

Ahhhh Weatherspoons in Leeds, especially the one on Leeds City Station is where all great philosophical debates take place at 10 in the morning over a black pudding butty and a pint of Stella.
The use of Spaz is generational, I'd suggest your friends were in their 30s as we over 50s would say Spaz, Spazzie or Spazmo as I preferred in the schoolyard, and it was short for Spastic, an olde English name for cerebral palsy whose usage can be traced back to Shakespearian times. Real spazzers drove spazmobiles , pronounced in the same way Batmobile is or similar to the place in Alabama, often mentioned in Elvis songs.


A Spazmobile, officially called an Invalid Carriage, it wasn't actually 'invalid' as in not official, it was invalid as in disabled, or for Spazzies. Using the word Spazmobile removed any confusion over the terminology.

The thing with these Spaz mobiles was that they were very lightweight, having only a 650cc engine and made from fibreglass. As such, on a walk home after a couple of sherberts with the boys, particularly on one of many Leeds one-way streets, it was very easy for a few chaps to actually lift one out of its parking space, and turn it around so it faced the wrong way! Now don't be too harsh in judgement of early 80's youth because as they were Spazmobiles, they couldn't be give parking tickets!

I thank my honourary Yorkshireman mate for allowing this guilt-free trip down a non PC memory lane and look forward to your next post when I hope you will teach everyone your verbal dexterity in the art of using the word 'bollocks' in all its grammatical forms :-)

Best wishes


PS Again, because I'm in my 50s, 'sissy' would have originally been used as a 'softie', it wasn't till the late 80's and the birth of VHS and the discovery that there was such a thing as being 'gay' when the usage changed.

In South Africa a sissy is still a softie... or your sister. In Afrikaans the word sussie (phonetically: sissy) is literally sister in English.

 4 years ago  

Where I come from, which is all that matters really, "sissy" is someone who throws temper tantrums and acts like a spoiled only child from time to time and says things like which is all that matters really.


 4 years ago (edited) 

When I first saw this I thought it said VH1. Now that I've read it, would you agree VH1 would've worked better or am I being a sissy?

 4 years ago  

Is your sherbert the same as my sherbet? I asked my spazzi innerweb just now and I think it is. I enjoyed a lotta things with the fellas, never a sherbet, spazztastic idea! <-- Spazz cheese. I'm doing it again ain't I? Yap yap yappin about myself...

Thanks for reblogging this one. And if you're gonna drop comments like this, stop by more often.

Had you not shared that photo and not said mobile, I would've thought you're describing a boat. 650, lightweight and fiberglass, sounds like it woulda made a better boat than mobile.

Really good people we met in England. They were cool, even with their made up vocabulary. I'd tease them, 'our language has enough bad shit already, don't make the the good words bad.' We still message each other regularly..... Well not so much now that Trump's out. 🤔