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RE: The banality of cancel culture and the pendulum swing.

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago

Cancel culture is a bunch of weak and shallow minded people. These are the pathetic children you see screaming at others on the street for disagreeing with them instead of having a conversation they just stomp their feet like a petulant child. This isn’t all of them of course but that’s a pretty sizable portion.

I am a big advocate for free speech as well and could be considered an absolutist. I think the challenge here is that the financial interests are using this against us, as they do everything else.

THEY say the nasty things, like comparing trump to hitler, calling him every name in the book. If someone says the wrong thing about one of the high ups on the democrat side though, all of a sudden they are the scum of the earth.

This means they say as many nasty things as they want and we aren’t allowed to fight back with our own words and versions or they cry and try to get people cancelled. It’s a vicious cycle that’s for sure!

I think we may be getting to the bottom of the arc of the pendulum swing and could be on the way back up soon. The challenge with that though is being a pendulum, it gets bad on the other side as well, so who knows what’s going to happen in that regard.