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RE: Sometimes You just gotta wing it

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Glad you got out and spent some time just looking around at the place. Sometimes that’s the easiest but at the same time most difficult thing to do! We are focusing on technology and all that but we often forget the simple ness around us! Glad you got to enjoy that, some never do!

Posting daily is a bit challenging. You eventually find a rhythm of what works for you. I like to switch things up and post about all kinds of shit. I’m now on 10 months straight of posting once a day at least. It’s a strange feeling but I’m managing to keep it going to I enjoy that. One of the good things I’ve found is to have at least one day a week you can dedicate to something specific. For me it’s music Monday. I know that Monday I can relax a bit with some music but also not have to figure out what post to finish.

Another big thing is scheduling posts. That’s helped me a lot! I try to schedule posts 1-2 days out so I’m not trying to slam through them just to get it done. I write a few posts in a day then schedule them to post at the same time each different day. That’s helped me because you can then schedule some and come back the following day to write another one or two and just keep it going.

 3 years ago  

Thats some great advice! Ill look into making a rhythm as I work it out. As it stands I do what I can to get the next post started as soon as I finish, then polish it up and edit to the best of my abilities the next day.

I usually have a few ideas in the pipe at a time so Can manage to finish a post. still getting the hang of the daily posting tho!

 3 years ago  

One of my issues is drowning in draft posts lol. I have anywhere between 4-10 drafts at a time. It's hard to sit down and finish some of the longer ones. I love doing it but it's a little daunting sometimes hehe.

The rhythm is good and feels right once you get into one.