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RE: My absence in Hive including a fun stroll through philosophical breakdown

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

Hello You. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you made a point of going to the sea and that you're learning to prioritise self-care and learning to speak your boundaries. These are all wins in my mind 🙌😍😁

I'm like you: I get stuck, frustrated and feeling like I'm getting nowhere when I try to 'figure out my life', but when I do something that feels soothing and good and helps me get present then I feel better and my problems or worries seem easier to deal with somehow. Even if my problem isn't different, because I feel different, the problem feels different. I think that's what you're saying, right?

Bummer that school/work feels so hard. I think that just managing to function right now is actually a huge achievement. We're living through unprecented times. Sh*t is hard. We can't be (you can't be) expected to be an emotionally intelligent, super kind, awesome genius all the time 🤣 Besides, in case you forgot, on top of everything you currently mentioned, did you forget that you also lived through a Super Typhoon??? That's epic my love. Truly epic (in size and difficulty, not awesomeness 🙄😂)

So I do hope you're giving yourself a break. If you haven't killed anyone, haven't completely lost your sh*t at anyone (in such a way that it wasn't repairable) and you haven't hurt yourself more than getting a bit too drunk once or twice (or thrice!) then, in my books, you are doing okay.

Roxanne, even if you feel like crap (mentally/emotionally), even if you "think you could/should do better", even if you're cranky at yourself for not being the amazing role model you know you're capable of - you're alive, you're breathing, you're expressing yourself and tomorrow or the next day or next week or next month you'll have more clarity about your life and you'll be able to do "better" at the things that are important to you because you'll feel better... if you just keep looking after you.


Okay, that was my attempt at listening in a non-judgemental way. It turned into cheerleading and encouragement and, it seems, advice to keep doing what you're already doing.

Do I need to be slapped for being another annoying person who doesn't listen or did we do okay? 😂😃🤔🤐😝😉 !LOL

🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘 Sending !LUV either way!


🥺🥺🥺 Thank you @consciouscat. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I got caught up in work and a lot of stuff.

Do I need to be slapped for being another annoying person who doesn't listen or did we do okay?

And yes you did well. Very well actually. In terms of clarity I need for my life? I'm getting there, and I have a good feeling that I'll definitely get there. The only thing I have to deal with now is the patience I need to get there, because just like everyone else, I realize have been impatient a lot, mostly towards myself.

Thank you for the reminder ❤️ and for bringing me down to earth from the feedback loop from hell 😅. You're a great person @consciouscat.💙💚💛💜

🤗 I'm glad it helped. And you're so very welcome @proteancreator. 😘😘😘

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment