This is not a drill nor a joke but the real deal.
I have never spoke about this outside of my family until now. It was brought back up last weekend when a few of my new friends asked why I am not on Facebook Fakebook (this is the name I will refer to it by because that’s exactly what it is).
I was on there for about four years. I enjoyed the aspect of keeping up with old friends and even family I hadn’t seen in awhile. I shared my life through many posts; pregnancies, about my marriage, my job, my health journey and many more things.
The longer I stayed the more I realized that platform wasn’t really for someone like me. What I mean is I am a person who likes to be real and not fake the front just to get likes and followers. It was obvious that a lot I saw wasn’t real life as people claimed it to be.
If you are someone who is already bummed out about life or depressed about the way things are going, Fakebook will only make it worse for you. The thousands of posts that look shiny as if everyone’s life is all well and perfectly put together will make you feel like a complete failure.
I knew once I stared comparing my life to others (old school mates etc.) that I needed to slowly exit as it was becoming like a cancer to me. Comparing your life to others is not a good practice. You will never know their full story and what lies on the other side of that post.
Furthermore, I started seeing how people were looked down upon and even harassed by speaking up or stating a different opinion than the masses. If you beg to differ on a hot topic be prepared for all the backlash that comes with it.
I felt like people were hypnotized zombies there because of the way they acted. I kept asking myself
Do they really feel that way or are they just afraid to say how they really feel?
Living in a time where social media status has become everything (to a lot of people not everyone thankfully) I shouldn’t have been surprised. People are willing to lose themselves for the sake of being liked which is so very sad to me.
Well, my last straw was when I received death threats for speaking out differently than anyone else. At this point I was so fed up and sick of all the fakeness, I couldn’t stand it any more.
There was a popular case being spoken of on how someone was murdered. I simply raised a question on someone’s post and challenged people to do more research and start thinking more in depth about situations before they draw their conclusions. I even stated instead of following the mass think for yourself and think about all aspects before jumping in on a side.
I finally stated an idea (I’d rather not go into details here but will just say crisis actors) for people to ponder and that statement is what caused all the drama.
Within minutes I had death threats in my inbox along with other vulgar comments that infuriated me. I couldn’t believe the messages I was getting just by stating what was obvious (at least to me). These messages were coming from people I didn’t know…
You better be glad I don’t know where you live or you’ll be dead in minutes.
You’re such a sick minded individual, it’s people like you that makes the world more crazy.
Get off of Fakebook you freak.
And there were many more.
My husband really helped me through that time and pointed out that these people really don’t know me and I shouldn’t give them the time of day or let them stress me out.
I learned a hard lesson that day and that was no matter how tempted you are, you can never be REAL on FAKEbook. I immediately deleted my account and haven’t looked back ever since.
I knew it wasn’t for me from the get go but stayed mainly to just keep up with folks. I shouldn’t have got caught up in all the social and political stuff that was going on but after so long I got tired of being silent and wanted to speak up on some things. You can’t share truth with people who don’t want to see it.
Even if I wasn’t right about my theory/belief did I really deserve death threats?
People are drove to violence instead of talking things out. Back then we used to have disagreements and then move on. These days if you don’t go along with the majority you become a target.
Shortly after my departure from there I came here and made Hive my home for the last almost six years. It’s a place where I have been able to be myself and not pretend or fake it just to be liked. I’ve been muted and unfollowed along the way but as I stated before in a previous post it’s okay. I’d rather someone do those things if they don’t want to listen to me rather than get death threats and have them speak vulgar things in my comment section.
So that’s the reason I left Fakebook. What hurt me the most was my longtime friend blocked me after that because she didn’t want to be in between all the drama. Instead of reaching out to me to ask me to remove my comment from her shared post or whatever, she just blocked me and never spoke to me again (on social media and in real life). It’s pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me.
Hi Crosheille
I am so sorry this happened. It is so wrong on every level. There were similar reasons for me leaving FB, I won't go into in detail here, but I simply didn't want people to be able to find me and stalk me or my daughter and I've never looked back. When I left, one person out of over 250 people noticed that I had left, the rest can happily assume I'm dead for all I care - and how much do I care? Well probably as much as they do to be honest.
The thing is that those platforms are geared to push an agenda and if you do due diligence on a particular topic that's "the latest thing" and your views go against those of the platform, well yes, you will be targetted. So many of the channels that I used to watch on YouTube were purged and shut down two years ago because they questioned the narrative around CV19 and political things around the world.
The war in Ukraine is the current thing now and if you voice anything about the previous 8 years history of fighting in that region, the previous atrocities or what NATO had agreed on previously that they've now totally gone against, or the dabbling and corruption of certain high up politicians that may have had a hand in what has transpired - bam - you're on the hit list. I'm not in any form of denial about the war there or how it is affecting the people in that region, but this has been in the making for decades. It wasn't just something that happened overnight like people have been led to believe.
The issue is that most people on the platforms like FB are not willing to take a step back and see the bigger picture, they only focus on the latest headline and what the media is feeding them immaterial of whether it is actually the case or not. My views I refrain from even putting onto Hive. It's kinda sad that we end up censoring ourselves but what option is there when you get death threats for having an opposing opinion to the masses?
Thanks Andrastia.
It was really wrong and shockingly disturbing. The ones that noticed I was gone reached out to me irl and gave me their emails and phone numbers. That's when you know people actually care to keep up with you and as of today we still keep in touch. I feel like most people think that platform is the only way to stay connected but it's not.
You have spoke a lot of truth here and I agree with you. Even though I feel safer here on Hive I am still careful of the views and opinions I share.
There are big agendas being pushed on us constantly and you’re right about being attacked if you oppose any of them.
I believe this to be true for many events that have occurred.
Right?!! I learned my lesson the hard way about people not willing to take a step back from what they’re being fed. There was no way I was staying in a place like that where people went so low to spew out death threats to me.
Thanks so much for this response, I really appreciate you adding this here ~
Reminds me of some of my last interactions on Facebook;
tl;dr, for some reason the scam known as Onecoin was very popular in Finland (it was ranked #2 in users after China), myself having already dabbled quite a lot with actual blockchain and altcoins saw the red flags instantly and attempted to sway some away from investing in it but to no avail. The group had already become so big that me being the only one speaking against it and alone was not doing much, on top of the ones highest up on the referral tree earning quite a lot of money and gotten some of their friends to do so as well at the cost of others under their referral line they all started attacking me and stuff. Luckily some of my closest friends listened to me and rather than investing in onecoin bought a lot of ETH sub $1 and are now pretty big holders. That day I realized what a shithole that place had become and that I should have listened to Reddit earlier when they recommended I delete facebook, although Reddit is pretty much becoming the same thing lately so probably time to delete that soon as well, though I may wait a bit longer til Hive gets a bit more of an upswing in new users.
Wow! You simply just tried to warn them and share about those red flags but in return got attacked. It seems those top people didn't mind taking advantage of the situation and other people (risk of them losing monies) as long as they stayed on top making their money.
Yep, if you speak up alone within a group it’s most likely you’ll be the one getting attacked. At least your close friends listened to you ;)
Thanks for sharing that Acid. I know some people still love that place, even some who are here now, but I’ve always wanted to share why I left and so now you know. I’ve never had experience with Reddit but too bad if it’s becoming anything like Fakebook.
"... it was becoming like a cancer to me." Indeed.Good for you @crosheille! 👍
Even as a child, there was something about peer pressure that left me stone cold. And became a key reason why I never did sign up for any of these "social media" platforms. Real life peer pressure was ugly enough. Add to that the "virtual" version, where people can portray themselves in whatever way they wish? And conduct themselves in whatever reprehensible way, without any meaningful consequences?
No thanks. Not interested in "playing the game" ...
Well, of course, I don't know this person at all, but ... Given this example alone, it does not appear you lost much. Being a "rock" for those close to you, no matter what the situation, is an essential part of being a good friend, in my uhhh ... "book" ...
Since it goes "against the grain," reports are relatively limited so far, but there are a growing number of them that suggest a very dark side to this "social media" aspect of modern life. I personally expect these reports to continue to grow in both number and "volume" => suggesting there is considerably more "downside" to uhhh ... "indulging" ... and considerably less offsetting benefit ...
P.S. On top of this, reading about how Zuckerberg and his wife, with their resulting billions (from "monetizing" your private life details), have influenced the political "flow" in our beloved country generally and the 2020 elections specifically ...
Well, I will stop, before I start ... 😏😉
Thanks @roleerob.
You summed it up well here. I think being able to be somewhat anonymous on that platform leads to people acting all sorts of different ways not having to worry about repercussions of what they say or do.
Yes I agree about the being a rock. I found out from being there who was really in my corner.
Haha I know what you mean about stopping before you start. 😄
Thanks for adding your input ~
Facebook to me is no more than social platform to keep in touch with friends and family I don't see often.
A few years ago I was quite vocal in some groups over the loss of freedom and democracy issue in Hong Kong. Then I figured some people's brain are hard wired wrong and can't be changed, and is not worth my time and effort to convince them. I defriended some to keep my feed nice and clean, and now it's much better. I use it for social purposes only. The only thing I hate is the amount of adverts that come up.
I wish I would have kept it that way, a way to keep up with folks. I made the mistake of trying to help people think differently and as you stated convince them otherwise. People will stick to what they believe and most don’t even want to have open minds anyway.
It’s good you know now and have cleaned up your feed. I knew from the beginning it really wasn’t my type of place but I tolerated a lot in order to stay in touch. I’m glad I can still enjoy the social aspect here and I tend to just stick to my circle in RL around those I know are really for me and have my back :)
Thanks for adding to the conversation ~
A lot of fake lifestyle is displayed on Facebook. It's a shame when people try intimidating their friends with a lifestyle that is not real.
Am not a fan of it anyway I have never been.
Thanks for sharing
Cheers 🍻
I agree fully. I honestly can't believe I was even on there as long as I was. When there's an outlet to make your life look like more than what it is people take full advantage.
Absolutely. I’ve been wanting to share for sometime now. Thank you for reading :)
Social media can be so toxic sometimes. That's why I decided to spend less there because I feel like it's not worth staying for especially that it will just ruin my well-being. I could still recall way back 2018, I kept on isolating myself on my social media accounts because I have been feeling inferior on myself after looking at the people's achievement around the platform, but in the end, I realized that the feeling I had was not worth feeling for because they're all fake postings and stuff.
Anyway, those people who are saying threats are so mean.
I’m glad you realized this. I seen how bad it can get with people comparing themselves to other’s “successes” and it was definitely not healthy or good for their well-being.
Yes, it was very disturbing to me how mean and cruel people will get off of a statement or idea. That was something I wasn’t willing to stick around and put up with.
Thanks so much for stopping by ,
That is so crazy! People do tend to be quite fake on there, that's for sure! I have some friends I don't look at anymore for various reasons, but one of the main reasons I keep my account there is because I wouldn't be able to keep up with any friends in the US or family since they all use it. Another is we use it to help talk to people who are planning to move here. I'm in a lot of "moving to Panama" groups where I can help answer questions. Anyway, I'm there for the time being, but I try not to let it consume me! So sorry you received the reaction you did. People are pretty crazy.
Isn't it though? At first I thought someone was playing a horrible joke on me but no, they were real idiotic threats.
I do miss that part about it, being able to keep up with family who live in different states.
I think it's great you make yourself available for people interested in moving to Panama. Smart not to her too consumed there.
Thank you, I learned a hard lesson that sent me packing. It’s scary how quick someone wants to hurt you over what you say. 👀
For real. People are crazy these days. Or maybe they felt safe being able to threaten you online. Crazy weirdos.
That's what social media is all about the positive and negative part especially Fakebook as been said because majority aren't real there so I don't see why waste time on what can be beneficial to me, I either stay away or quit. Since I joined hive as well I don't waste my time on other social media platforms instead I maintain my consistency here since hive is more beneficial to me in every aspect.
That's exactly it. When my brother found out about this platform he knew what I had just went through. He said
At that time I was just learning about crypto so I thought it was pretty cool to get rewarded that way on top of that we had no idea how much more free and open this platform was...it was a win win for me and has been ever since.
You and I both. I don't mess with any other platforms now, don’t have the time or patience to learn about a new one anyway lol :D
Thanks for the comment ~
It's a pleasure and I appreciate Hive coming through as well
I feel a bit nostalgic about Facebook, I still have the first account I had, created in 2009... I have so many photos and memories there that I can't delete it, it will only be until Mark decides. But it is true that there are many malicious people, it is only enough to see comments on shared news, those written exclusively to generate discord... People are very cursed and are not interested in hurting, whoever you are. That's why now I just limit myself to seeing memes and that's it 😅.
Oh gosh yes. The type of comments I seen on shared news was shocking at times. You can see the true maliciousness of people from those. 😧
Haha yes the memes were fun to view on there.
Thanks for the visit ~