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RE: This is A True Story

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

until now. I can change a recipe by a few spices and call it mine, uhm, what else? UK officials traffic 16 year old American girls across the Atlantic and and and and.. and.... but whatever you do don't plagiarize.Very nice @joeyarnold. I haven't heard the woman version


From the words of Leo in Titanic, "Never Let Go, Ow Owwwwwwwwwww."

 3 years ago  

Leo's such a bad ass even Blood Diamond was bearable. You ever seen that one? Now imagine it with Keanu Reeves....


I've not seen it but are you saying Keanu Reeves is a skinny version of Arnold? I would say Keanu usually only plays himself regardless of the characters he plays on screen. Leo as an actor was always like in my mind a younger brother of Brad Pitt in the early 2000s.