It isn't plagiarism because it's italicized, "quoted," linked and I'm telling you MC Hammer wrote it. Now here comes the magic—don't blink

Abra Cadabra!
I toured around the world from London to The Bay.
Sorry about your luck Mr Hammer but I, too, toured each of the above destinations. I, however, took it a step further by calling each home for an extended period of time so guess what Ham? Your shit's dated, that's what. Mine's fresh, regards! Next up—based on actual events:
I toured around the world from London to The Bay.
That's bɒɔʞwɒɿdꙅ. Our journey began in The Bay and ended in London, not the other way around. Jordan's the farthest we got. Two years deep in a world tour when the G7 seven edited everything they used to want us to think so around the world is only ha/lf true.
In less time it takes a NASCAR parrot to change Biden to Brandon we sourced original content, stole it fairly and squarely and, lastly, inserted "based on actual events" which means NOTHING—blink
Well if it's that easy for mios, it must be reeeaal easy for someone trained and backed by an army.
I only have Facebook to stay in touch with family.
You and everyone else.
No one cares anymore that's why. I stole MC Hammer's lyrics right in front of you like it was nothing and he's famous. Welcome to Web 3.0 or Wild Wild Web, same thing, where plagiarism matters and nothing else does.
Cough! I'm about to ban covid from my vocabulary—file it away with the b-word. It's too easy to misunderstand manipulated misinformation. I just showed you how easy it is to twist a 90's chart topper. If you don't like regulations in such and such country because yata yata, turn the channel. It's paradise on the other one.
There's only one fact you need to know about covid delta echo charlie, trust me, you can bet the house on it. Gather'ound everyone, get the whole fam, you don't wanna miss this earth stopping info in 3 - 2...
Everyone's a scientist now.
Dear cardiologists and respiratory therapists who studied at the University of YouTube and BitChute alumni tuned in who graduated with a doctorate in Technology and Science: If you can't explain the genetic or scientific or molecular makeup of a Coke Zero I won't believe anything you say about covid injections so SHUT THE FUCK UP. Thank you. Stop talking about it and it'll go away like handshakes.
Ever been about half way through a piece of content and try picking up where you left off but the last thing you said was shut the fuck up in ALL CAPS? Me either.
this sometimes—talk shit. Pura says only when my mouth's moving.
Lopsided, that's what it is, the Wild Wild Web's lopsided like a budget boob job. Plagiarism is an act of treason or worse in Web 3.0, digital sexual battery whereas flat out lying, ransom and deception, psychological experiments, thievery, algorithm marketing, hostile takeovers, malicious organizing, etc is acceptable like facial disguises at the bank.Thanks @cmplxty! He created this channel, #rant or, as I like to call it, #comedy. I do
Some chick at my wifes work brags every Monday about how many hundreds of dollars she made over the weekend selling her panties to her Fansonly audience whose slogan is 18+ (just kidding, don't make this weird) but don't plagiarize.
I can have a dozen semi automatic 12 gauge shotguns and thousands of rounds delivered to the house next day shipping but don't plagiarize. Look, I'm as anti snakes and liars as you are but doesn't that seem backward? Maybe it's just me. I think we're doing a lot of things backwards today like dudes wearing booty shorts at the gym.
Like this. Not just one dude, either, two or three dudes consistently rock booty shorts in there now and not just one gym. National Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Golds, they're everywhere and they're all different. Wasn't like that a minute ago. Not sure how I missed that cop.
Reminds me of the time I got pulled over for speeding on Ocean Boulevard and said I didn't have ID on me. Stopped by law enforcement in LA County is playing with fire with proper identification. Without it however, well, looking back now I don't recommend it given the circumstances but it's the best option I had on short notice—hindsight.
Clocked you at 55 back there, posted speed limit's 30. License and registration.
It's golden hour on Ocean Blvd, sun's glaring off the Pacific in my eyes, I could hardly see. I used my hand to block the sun like a hat bill. I hear him but all I see is a silhouette.
'I don't have ID,' I told the officer, 'my name's Hugh G. Rekshun. My license is suspended.'
Real cute, HUGH. Driving on a suspended's against the law. Speeding down Ocean on a suspended license is just plain stupid and lying to a deputy sheriff is the worst mistake you made all day. I'm gonna need to see proof of insurance and vehicle registration. Step outta the vehicle.
He stepped back motioning me to exit the vehicle. 'It's not my car, officer. I just stole it, the house I got it from is right over there' pointing behind me. 'I got outta there as fast as I could.'
I'm trying to stay calm. He's on high alert now so I'm making a solid effort to diffuse the situation by smiling and laughing at the silhouette. I don't want him to think he's in danger. Unfortunately he didn't think I was funny. He got on his radio and called for backup.
Step outta the vehicle sir!
'Alright, alright, I'll get out. But the loaded pistol in the glovebox doesn't have a safety.'
All things considered, that's probably the worst thing I could've said. Now he's yelling "don't move!" We're attracting a crowd of onlookers. I got my hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel, moments later sirens approach from every direction, I'm surrounded.
I see weapons drawn in every mirror, "don't move!" Silhouettes and police officers everywhere. 'Relax, I'm not going anywhere' I said with my hands glued to the steering wheel, 'I think there's been a Hugh G. misunderstanding.'
My door opened. An officer with the fanciest brim hat out of all the hats I'm surrounded by opened my door. He calmly insisted I step out of the vehicle. I calmly complied.
Sir, I'm Captain (whoever he said his name is). My deputy here informs me you've got a loaded firearm in the glovebox, is that true?
'No heck no! Of course not! There's some napkins in there, air freshener, vehicle registration and proof of insurance, that's about it. I have no weapons on me.'
Vehicle registration and insurance in whose name, yours?? I've been briefed this vehicle's stolen.
'You've been briefed incorrectly, officer, I've never stolen anything in my life. This is My car.'
Seems we've got ourselves a situation. My deputy here insists there's a firearm in the glovebox, the vehicle's stolen and you're the unlicensed individual responsible for stealing it.
Without hesitation I said 'I bet that lyin bastard told you I was speeding too!'
Ha! Ha! Ha! Captain what's his face laughed out loud, surrounding officers reacted to the captains laughter with a little chuckle of their own. "He did! LoL!!" I pretended to LOL at the whole thing myself but it was fake. I fake laughed as much as possible so he didn't think I was laughing at him and instead with him. He motioned me to return to the driver seat and take off, apologized all over himself how the whole thing's a misunderstanding and gave me a parade wave goodbye, "have a nice day, drive safe!"
Just before I turned it up and took off, he love tapped the roof of my car with the palm of his hand, stopped laughing long enough to wish me a farewell, BIG HUGE smile, shrugged his shoulders and said:
Well, at least he's not a plagiarist!
Imma hang this one out there. When I next steal one of your lines I'll put it in italics. As we both seem to agree everything's better bɒɔʞwɒɿdꙅ.
I been absorbed with myself and a 24 pack today, somehow ones empty and the other keeps cussin at me. Lyin bastard. Dont believe a word he says.
As for the coppers... well we all know they only good for a good frisk and occasionally spottin the graph on the paternity test.
Imma hang this one out there. When I next steal one of your lines I'll put it in italics. As we both seem to agree everything's better bɒɔʞwɒɿdꙅ.
Appreciate it Rubido. Thank you.
Pretty sure the fucker just does what he wants anyway,no matter how many bottles are left in the box. Dickheads always causin me grief. I agree about the plagiarism man,I borrowed bɒɔʞwɒɿdꙅ from some dude on here now everyones usin it.
all use of bɒɔʞwɒɿdꙅ credit to @dandays borrowed by @rubido and lent out on occasion to the Furry Conventions.
The conversation between Rubido and DanDays is true and correct and was previously fact checked by a nonprofit third party fact checking LLC.
They also paid you to say that but I appreciate it regardless
True True...
Italics... √
Quotations... √
Disclaimer... x
Payment sent... x
Credit to... √
Minimum 3 Requirements to cover...
You know where happy oranges come from right? Or wait, was that cows? Might've been cows. Shit! Something comes from Florida and I know it's not just old white republicans.
Nah just old white republicans, I had a Florida orange once, they put it in a box and told me to concentrate... Never did figure out how to peel that fuckin orange
How do you change font color man? I haven't figured that one out!
book marked this comment!
I just Fucken Plagerismed this...
wow whatta cat
How do you do letters backwards?
OK At this stage its all gone terribly wrong, My time machine has fucked up and I ended up in 1999. I tried before but always ended up on Jan 1st 1970. At this point I feel its only fair to send back a warning.
Maybe sent forward?
@dandays, @edprivat, @cmplxty,@dreemsteem,@brandt I hate to say... but now is my last chance. I just finished a bottle of tequila and...
I'm a Cunt.
Thanks for listening to my confession
blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that word!!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
someone pour acid in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take a deep breath its only gonna get worse in the morning
now i will resist the morning's arrival.
no point, I'm so hammered I wont remember today tomorrow. Still sharing the love.
ok ok ok. you said the L word.
shit. now you know my kryptonite.
FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. i will rejoice with the morning - even if it gets worse!!!! cuz LOVE!!!!!
😁 trust me my days gonna get way worse than it is now. I'm happy to have company
Hello, this is your drunk dial Rubido calling.
Did I hear someone ask for !ACID? Full or microdose?
dude I got tabs come visit
Hey I'm here where you at?
I have never done drugs lol
But I will take some gluten. THAT stuff is my crack.
P.s. my family cannot know. I won't tell if you won't tell.
Acid isn't a drug and it's absolutely slam-packed with gluten.
Acid isn't a drug?!?!?!
they..... me!!!!!!!
They're good at lying I'll give 'em that. I bet they told you bread was gluten-free didn't they.
It is alright my son. The Lord forgives. I will say a prayer to our blessed mother Mary on your behalf.
Summoning anddumbcunts…
ahh for fucks sake I completely managed to fuck that up. Want some tequila? Gotta spare bottle.
Gimme. I'm almost out of whiskey.
Always happy to share 😁 misery and hangovers love company
If anyone understands blockchain drunk dial it's Brandt.
Hey I've been meaning to tell you my phone doesn't call you Brandy anymore, it spells Brandt every time now and even capitalizes it.
Plot twist: I changed my name to Brandy.
I did not see that coming.
Brandy is kind of hot.
Did I just witness a blockchain drunk dial? I'm not sure I've seen one before so I could be wrong but I've only been wrong once and divorced her. So even that time I was right.
That was a blockchain drunk dial!
This was a blockchain drunk dial if I've ever seen one!
Tagging people even!! LoL Hell yes @rubido!
fuckin right @dandays and @cmplxty and lets add........ @bulldog-joy . Lets get this fuckin party started. And btw someone cut off my booze supplier 😁
We're so lucky I don't drink. I'd get us both downvoted to zilch and have the blockchain as evidence so I couldn't deny it.
Yeah we would probably end up with some serious issues in providing everyone else psychologists and shit... I only just managed to drag what's left of myself off the sofa.
I somehow think challenging myself to a drinking contest is a bad idea...
Lot's of reading until I made it down here 😂...What's your status now?
Hahah I think so!
hope that girl is alright
I think it’s best someone cut you off! Lol
Time did the job nicely, that and the bottle magically emptied!
I am the definition of a drunk dial, Id say skill but that took some effort.
Yeah I’m stuck in 1/1/1970 too! We bought the same fucking time machine from Walmart didn’t we? Damn it!
yeah false advertising, they're all deserving of what's gonna happen. Lets fuck Walmart up.
Effing Priceless..!
I just about pissed myself laughing at this one...
This one took off it seems!
Isn't this place a whole lot of fun and fuckery? I'm quite pleased with the community at this stage! I get to read about the shitshow in Venezuelan hospitals (Sorry Henry, I am just glad your mother in law is okay!) to other random and awesome stuff, without people getting butthurt!
I can't imagine that situation being pulled over, got a set of balls the envy of people with elephantiasis would be jealous of.
Reading your comments, I'm glad you and Pura went out for some Tennessee sushi, lacking fish and all. How did that go? Is she doing okay? Prayers she is!
The creator himself, wassup man? Thanks for checking this one out. Thanks for the whole channel. Back before communities were so politicked, I'd just post on comedyopenmic, remember them? Well this rant channel is the closest we got now. Thanks.
Not bad. Real limited because it's sushi but can't do raw fish right now nor anything fried so if you could imagine how challenging that was at a sushi joint....
But that was the first time in awhile where she at least had an appetite. A good one too like 'nah, go ahead.. here take this too, dessert? Of course!'
That's great man, makes me happy she had an appetite! We gotta take the small wins as we get them, that's for sure!
Hooked you up with some skin in the game with this community, check it out! Reject the fuckery if someone gives you shit.
Oh whaaat? First I finally get to teach you something and now this? Someone pinch me.
Let me know if it won't let you set your own title for it, I can set yours. I didn't want to come up with something lame!
You mean you didn't give me Mod? Hm.
Alright, got any ideas? First that came to mind is Unfiltered but I don't want anyone to think I'm an alcoholic or I'll have to go off how I'm a big advocate of weed and they'll be "oh, unfiltered.. I get it."
Mod's much better. But now I'm have something to think about and that sucks!
Lol no I did give you moderator but I didn't want to fail at giving you a title. Mine is situational ranter I think. Kinda lame, I need to rework it but don't have any good ideas yet.
Not to poke the bear on it, but I was able to easily give you mod with the use of nifty Hive Keychain, just saying 😆
in all seriousness - I'll give you the "other side of the coin" hehehe
plagiarism is FAR down in priority on the List O'Sins, for me personally. lol
and I wrote a book and had it plagiarized - so that sucks but life went on about 2 minutes later. hahahaha
however....LOL also for me- I was on a platform that cost me mucho bucks and mucho time and energy... and it was taken down, brick by brick, day by day, from a bunch of plagiarizing scammers who literally raped the platform weekly - making not only the token unstable - but unstable and decreasing. LOL
we fought a very hard battle for a year - and lost. I lost a lot. many people did.
so when I decided to create DreemPort, plagiarism moved up a bit on my priority list LOL
it's still well below murder and underage drinking - but my business is to create a plagiarism free space so that writers can thrive. We don't do it perfectly but we do take it pretty seriously when it happens. cuz if they thrive, and they sneak into the daily pool - (that we have screened) that means its a black mark against our integrity.
Because we supposedly screened and OK'd it.
Which means now people are eyeballing the rest of the pool and thinking... "ummm isn't that THEIR JOB?"
so I guess it's all a matter of context hehehe
plagiarism is bad. but you're not going to death row for it. unless i catch you on my site plagiarizing. and then i'll kill you 😝
p.s. prayed very specifically this morning that Pura would not only have her appetite back - but that something SO tantalizing for her taste buds would awaken that tummy of hers and tempt her. How's that for alliteration. And i HONESTLY prayed those words and smiled. ❤️
James 5:16
You'll have no problem believing this but we already had a sushi date planned tonight. It's Knoxville, sushi means vegetable sushi only but it's still called that. I don't make the rules.
Hold on, did it downplay plagiarism? You don't think I don't think it's serious do you? That was so not my point. In fact quite the opposite. All I'm saying is the energy we (you, me, them) spend on plagiarism should also be considered when little Johnny and his buddies are selling tickets to underwater porn music. It's a bad look. But my point is, nobody cares about that, all they care about is the person who copies the music.
I think comfortable enough to talk amongst strangers about selling panties online to strangers is worse than stealing. But you know what? Not everyone has to agree with me.
A book was stolen?!? I'm so sorry.
Man... I hope the community didn't misunderstand me.
Hey DreemSteem, smooooch! Thank you.
The problem is everything is plagiarism. Well, almost everything. It's almost as insane as alleged digital copyright which is totally misaligned from the original fabrics of copyright laws which started at least by the 1500s (500 years ago) in some ways regarding tangible items and such as opposed to digital items which is a slippery-slope towards an attempt at copyrighting our thoughts on the basis that our brain waves are very similar if not identical to electricity and the things we find inside computers. Elon Musk, The Facebook Metaverse, etc, are like hold my beer with the Brain Net, etc.
i disagree that "everything is plagiarism" lol
concepts may be similar but I'm not talking about people who have similar ideas and write their own thoughts about those concepts.
I'm talking about people who sit on their lazy asses, go look for a post that is already written, copy/paste that post into their own blog, and then get paid for someone else's work.
One is natural, human, and almost unavoidable.
The other is clear theft, and I see it all the time and it pisses me off (as you can tell LOL)
People who are thieves should not profit off of other people's work.
Sometimes, two people can come up with similar things. To what extent can be debated. Sometimes, the one person can accuse the other person of stealing things from the other person. The other may or may not be guilty of purposely stealing. In those types of situations, it becomes a question of whether plagiarism should include pieces that just so happen to be too identical with items that predate the newer items.
In other words, what is identity theft and where and how do people draw the line between how similar something is allowed to be or not be? Who decides what is Fair Use? Who decides what is Parody or of Transformative Effect? On one hand, I can purposely take your words and lie and say they are my words. Most people agree that would be theft.
But what if I were to accidentally say the same words you said? What if I didn't know what you said? What if I had no idea you even existed? In other words, how do we navigate some of these things? Walt Disney stole art and ideas and things probably around the 1930s and/or after that too from his business partner or whatever that guy was and went on to copyright or patent those things. That is my concern. That is usually my go-to example that I like to point at.
I see some things as laziness as you mention. I see people stealing. But at the same time, I am concern with myself for example of accidentally coming up with things that others already came up with. I say, take people to court for theft and such. Take them to trial and also expose them in the court of public opinion. But I would not want to violate the 4th and 5th amendments.
You kill me, LOL! There are so many funny lines, I can’t pick out a favourite, LOL.
I strongly support you in editing words out of your vocabulary. Are you taking a page out of my book? (I edit out more than words, btw) Maybe that could be a new trend?
Where’s the mention of Human 3.0?
(Incoming comment with a title!!!!)
Well what in the heck's goin on?! You always drop cool comments. I can count on conversation when you stop by. Ever had anyone stop by and drop Harmonious in one digital drawing?
I'm glad you liked this one. Thank you. Thanks for appreciating the number of punch lines. Ever had an unfollow today directly related to a Dave Chapelle opinion?
repeat. Ever had a reason like a real real super real reason to call someone human any number lately?I've been unfollowed and ignored more due to comedy than #AnythingElse, even when it's tagged. <-
Gearing up to stroke count one more completed at 5:58 pm sharp tomorrow. About to be Done and Done.
Yes. Counting the minutes down. 💖 I should blow bubbles in the rain to mark it.
Also, I found out I'm in the less than 2 percenter category. How about that one?
No way, congratulations! I just found out how to recline and return the back seats from the back hatch, don't even have to open the doors.
LMAO. It's the red factor. I was doing some, um, research and stumbled on that. I laughed and then thought of you and had to share. Most red goes with green, so I bet there's some red in you somewhere. Blue is a secondary with red. Can't be all pink princess with a 2 percenter. At least that's not how the jeans work. 😉
We were just talking about that a few days ago—pink. I started doing that so long ago mainly cuz it was kinda taboo but also cuz it was hard to do. Pink belts and pink phones weren't around.
Now everything's pink. Not only is it not taboo anymore but they're crampon my style.
😂 You need to up your pink game and outpink these pinkers. Do you have hot pink reflective shoes yet?
Lmao 🤣
That's a true story!?! I'm guessing nawt.
For the first half I didn't even know what I was reading but I was laughing so I continued. It all comes together in the end. Well worth the read! lol
thank you. It's just you and I here, right? I rarely if ever know where I'm going with these things either....
..I really appreciate this @leaky20
Where was I?
I know how busy you are pinning the map, thanks for hangin out with me.
Its my pleasure
This one was soooo good even a cat loved it...=^,,^=
I watch people like Jim Carey or Bill Burr for example and I'm surprisingly amazed at how they're able to curve their energy and disorders for entertainment purposes. If either was admitted under a different name to the psych ward I don't think either would ever get out.
This has nothing to do with your owner or anything and everything to do with me talking to a cat!
Ya Weirdo...
An independent third party fact checked the above information already and verified everything the author said is true
Dude that was fuckin' brilliant.
Nice Brandt! Very much, thank you more than THIS.
You're welcome. Is my beer bot not working? Hmmm…
I know, I know.. you forgot your wallet.....
I thought I had enough staked. Maybe I am using the wrong command. Help.
for you
Thank you! I'm gonna see if this works for me...
lol you plagiarized that joke ;)
i'm gonna need to confiscate your human card please.
lol you plagiarized that joke ;)
i'm gonna need to confiscate your human card please. -DanDays
(because yes - i did steal that 'confiscate your human card' from someone the other day hahahahahahahahaah)
Human Card.... Pshhhh, I love stealin shit, what you got?
hahahahaha you know who i stole it from???
and I'm sure he stole it too
unnamedsource> @penderis > @dreemsteem > @dandays > @rubido
who will steal from you?!?!?! LOLOLOL
badaboom Imma steal everything from everyone. Grand theft HIVE
this needs to be a new game hehehe
let's create it
Electric! Ain't all this group stealing just the greatest distraction from this or God forbid this and one or two of these?
ugh... let me curl back up with my silly stealing.... because i need distractions from evil like that. My heart is sore today. I'm tired of the wars and they just don't stop. and evil feels like its winning when I know it wont - but it FEELS like it is. Give me His eyes.... please. by the way - i woke up wondering how the sushi was??? please tell me it was divine. I need to know that you both had an incredible time eating last night
Dude I swear I wanted to respond but I got distracted watching "Breaking Amish". I can't believe my-mom-is-my-dad-incest-guy and his second-hand-pity date got chopsticks that were glued together 😱. Damn you Mr.Wang, how dare are they supposed to eat Nr.2 now? Damn technology...everything is better in PA.
could be worse, could be related to me. 😁
No sweat I wanted to respond way more than you wanted to but I've never seen Breaking Amish.
They should put Weird Al on that show.
How come I get the impression you like playing with fire? If only in your thoughts. Don't get burned.
Knoxville must be getting to you.
Glad to here Pura is getting better, but sushi? Get the blender out and make some smoothies.
I think that may help the bug you contracted, plagiarismitis.
Oh she's all about smoothies and shakes. We don't have fruit like you guys but we're usually pretty stocked.
Thing was, she didn't have an appetite while she took those anti's like less than none, sushi sounded good. But vegetable only, no fish, oh and nothing fried too please which really makes us look California even more than normal I'd like to mention.
Thank you for keeping an eye on me farm-mom. 💖 You know when I drop F-bombs they're in invisible ink right so you're not offended?
Pretty funny story there - poor cop.
Glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate the follow too. Let me know if I disappoint and I'll kick my ass for you.
LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Damn, that story ended me!
Now I have to go find out more about Web 3.0, everything except plagiarism, Hugh?
Oh it's totally acceptable to talk about ending someone, suicide talk is always cutting edge. Why's and why not's? Shit like that. Don't do it because of this/that, think about your loved ones yata yata but what's important is don't repeat it!
Philip Hermansai
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Amazing, info for knowledge!
It's my pleasure to entertain you, thank you.
Yeah, I saw that joke somewhere except the version I heard was it was a woman. But to steal from Newsies, I'm the king of New York. So, you can't touch it. Have it your way. Just do it with Nike. Just do Nike in a hotel.
until now. I can change a recipe by a few spices and call it mine, uhm, what else? UK officials traffic 16 year old American girls across the Atlantic and and and and.. and.... but whatever you do don't plagiarize.Very nice @joeyarnold. I haven't heard the woman version
From the words of Leo in Titanic, "Never Let Go, Ow Owwwwwwwwwww."
Leo's such a bad ass even Blood Diamond was bearable. You ever seen that one? Now imagine it with Keanu Reeves....
I've not seen it but are you saying Keanu Reeves is a skinny version of Arnold? I would say Keanu usually only plays himself regardless of the characters he plays on screen. Leo as an actor was always like in my mind a younger brother of Brad Pitt in the early 2000s.
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Awwwwe! Thanks @rubido.
Only when its deserved. Limited by the old upvote. For now