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RE: This is A True Story

ugh... let me curl back up with my silly stealing.... because i need distractions from evil like that. My heart is sore today. I'm tired of the wars and they just don't stop. and evil feels like its winning when I know it wont - but it FEELS like it is. Give me His eyes.... please. by the way - i woke up wondering how the sushi was??? please tell me it was divine. I need to know that you both had an incredible time eating last night

 3 years ago  

I sure do love your nice ones which is like all. Virtual hug ain't enough sometimes, how'bout a virtual back crack?!

Sorry about those links. Dang man. Yesterday or whenever they went along seamlessly with the theme, today's like meh. What's even worse is I swear all I did was search a few keywords and found those stupid links faster than it's taken me to type this.

That's so cool you care. First time she had an appetite, it was great! Sushi.. Knoxville.. so it was a challenge cuz no fat which means just vegetables but not fried vegetables in Sushi of all things...

But we made it work. And I was like "here, eat this too, here, and this! Bring s'more of these please and can we see a dessert menu??" First time she's had an appetite. Short lived but progress.


praise God. I'm not kidding you - that was my prayer. Lord give her an appetite today.

you remember my actual words right??? that was so serious.

this is what i needed today.

thank you

 3 years ago  

Chills. Thank God!

You're the best!

That was a close one... Autocorrect had heat instead of best but I caught it!! I win this time autocorrect, me, not you.

I'm the heat... probably. or something.

 3 years ago  

Hi. I'm back. You know those compulsive laughs like someone you know is getting married? She let out one of those when I told her you pressed for an appetite. 💖

Back to nine now but last night was nice.

LOLOLOL its ok. it was needed, she had it, and more is coming - just takes time :)

 3 years ago  

LoL. Funny guy allowed me to type pressed instead of prayed. God's still got the best sense of humor in this conversation.