
ok ok ok. you said the L word.

shit. now you know my kryptonite.
FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. i will rejoice with the morning - even if it gets worse!!!! cuz LOVE!!!!!


 3 years ago  

😁 trust me my days gonna get way worse than it is now. I'm happy to have company

hahahahahaha you know... you COULD take a break and put down the liquor LOL

 3 years ago  

thats bull shit. put down the liqueur... sounds like an intervention

well put it down just to eat lots of dumplings. see? less interventiony

 3 years ago  

Ill accept that. Wanna do shots? whole family is invited.

Ok but I can only handle vodka.

And my limit is 13.

I know this because I was in Russia at.the time drinking the real deal.

 3 years ago  

Hello, this is your drunk dial Rubido calling.

 3 years ago  

thank fuck for that. I thought my booze might a spilled over, that took 10 minutes don't judge me.

at least its not a booty call

 3 years ago  

