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RE: This is A True Story

You kill me, LOL! There are so many funny lines, I can’t pick out a favourite, LOL.

I strongly support you in editing words out of your vocabulary. Are you taking a page out of my book? (I edit out more than words, btw) Maybe that could be a new trend?

in Web 3.0

Where’s the mention of Human 3.0?

 3 years ago (edited) 

(Incoming comment with a title!!!!)

The One That Ends in 3 ?'s That Begin With "Ever Had"

Well what in the heck's goin on?! You always drop cool comments. I can count on conversation when you stop by. Ever had anyone stop by and drop Harmonious in one digital drawing?

I'm glad you liked this one. Thank you. Thanks for appreciating the number of punch lines. Ever had an unfollow today directly related to a Dave Chapelle opinion?

repeat. Ever had a reason like a real real super real reason to call someone human any number lately?I've been unfollowed and ignored more due to comedy than #AnythingElse, even when it's tagged. <-

Knows 3 kNOws

  1. No and thank you.
  2. No and you're welcome, always my pleasure. I am never disappointed.
  3. No and that's probably because I'm A. not a comedian and B. I've subtracted so much out of my world and replaced it with so much else that I'm only half connected to what is not my world at best lest than half the time.

Well what in the heck's goin on?!

Gearing up to stroke count one more completed at 5:58 pm sharp tomorrow. About to be Done and Done.

 3 years ago  




Yes. Counting the minutes down. 💖 I should blow bubbles in the rain to mark it.

Also, I found out I'm in the less than 2 percenter category. How about that one?

 3 years ago  

No way, congratulations! I just found out how to recline and return the back seats from the back hatch, don't even have to open the doors.

LMAO. It's the red factor. I was doing some, um, research and stumbled on that. I laughed and then thought of you and had to share. Most red goes with green, so I bet there's some red in you somewhere. Blue is a secondary with red. Can't be all pink princess with a 2 percenter. At least that's not how the jeans work. 😉

 3 years ago  

We were just talking about that a few days ago—pink. I started doing that so long ago mainly cuz it was kinda taboo but also cuz it was hard to do. Pink belts and pink phones weren't around.

Now everything's pink. Not only is it not taboo anymore but they're crampon my style.

😂 You need to up your pink game and outpink these pinkers. Do you have hot pink reflective shoes yet?