I recently began this thing where I'll make a phone ring rather than message it when there's something the human on the other end should hear me say. Send buttons are totally different when the response is potentially a real voice of a real human in real time. When they don't answer I'm all.
Mufucker I know you saw that shit!! Everyone knows how a phone works. Dial, send - ring -- ring - it illuminates and dances across the counter and you didn't push the green button!
Some of the responses I get is like they're auditioning for 9-1-1. No hello or hi or anything.
Dude❗️ Did you mean to call me⁉️
I only recently began this experiment so the numbers are still rough but at first glance it appears the only thing on pace to decline faster than personable skills is bank trust.
I wish I could text message contacts in my phone like I can here with small words and italics.
Hello. What happened was, I found an old notepad with some opening sentences I wrote down and never did anything with. That, and I got these Joshua Tree images I've been meaning to save on the blockchain. They're only found in two places—Joshua Trees; Jerusalem and the Mojave Desert in Southwestern USA; Los Angeles County, California, where @DanDays - The Luckiest Guy I Know was invented. Take that, China!
I need to practice speaking in two's.
I need to practice speaking in two's.
Not just a repeat of my initial reaction but a duplicate me who reacts completely contrary in response to the same scenario. You look like you could use an example.
Instead of saying it'll never work when dude showed me his demo tape, I should've followed through with something positive.
It'll never work. Not in this country at least. Maybe Paris, Australia even, but not here and, in the same breath, big huge balls you got for sharing your voice like that. On a phone of all things. I didn't know you played that many instruments, impressive!
I'm a work in progress.
Just because you said it's not financial advice doesn't mean it's not financial advice. That's stupid. "This is not financial advice" IS precisely financial advice.
Talking about collapsing banks or unreliable stock options while offering refuge like Bitcoin or precious metals and claiming it's not financial advice is like me saying these words are not 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥.
This next one'll probably go down like a Stormy at Trump Tower.
I don't have much use for communities.
Likely because back when I started this they didn't exist and I'm the type who, if I can't fix it with a hammer, it ain't broke. I hear Reddit has them—communities. I don't have much use for Reddit, either.
I've never once gone to a community for content. I follow authors and #tags. One more.
Opening sentence, that is.
Ever wonder how people have you identified in their phone?
I do. Some of the contacts in my phone are very descriptive like Neighbor Mike White Toyota. Rainman, that's another one. Seems less descriptive than Neighbor Mike but if you know the original Rainman, it's not.
(Cat Lady in a Man Suit).Bet you'll never guess what Diamonds Tom San Juan Batista's name is or what he does or where he lives. Wannabe Wallawallalineman is another one. Who am I in your phone, @splatts? Coolest Upstaters aka @thebigsweed and @farm-mom or @krazzytrukker—Clams
I think I have more nicknames in my phone than real names which doesn't make this new experiment any easier. Live voice conversations in lieu of text messages when you only know them as IRS Agent Cruise Ship or Tires Guy 7-11 is awkward and sometimes embarrassing like the other day when I called The Crow Lady, Citrus Subie Girl.
She still hasn't taken me off ChatGPT.

"Arts M Dandays"
"Patrick Wizard Wayzata"
"Chris Vancouver Mom Scotland"
Those are my faves...
Basically all of my new contacts end in "Bucerias", lol.
Hey thanks man. Whaddup!
This comment section is a good time. A little bit of everything.
I'm happy for you guys, congratulations on all your new contacts. This world is desperately short on people who do what they say.
Curious, what's the WA for?
Funny. WhatsApp. Am I the only one why thinks that's funny?
I identify all my contacts with a description. I would never let them see 🙂
lol I changed an ex-boyfriend's name to "Weenie." He saw it.
Hey what's up Scott The Baptist?
I know.. Funny eh? Back when I plugged you in, autocorrect had a tough time with Bastage so I left it.
Autocorrect is often wise beyond what we think!
Tell that to delivery driver with the children sandwich.
Ah that’s a ripe entry for @krazzytrukker - Clam. He likes his clams I’m sure!
It is funny to call people, I’ve done that a few times. I do it to my wife sometimes too where I’m out and having fun with the little man texting her the whole time and then I call her. She freaks out thinking he got hurt. I said no we are eating a cheeseburger but wanted to not touch my phone with greasy fingers.
Clams, clams everywhere!
Hey whaddup, No Vowels? = }
Good point, Pura is probably most concerned out of everyone if I make her phone ring. Her hello isn't normal when it's me calling. It's a very cautious and concerned hello?
Clams. <- Eh, I'm as proud of that one as I am Traveliving.
Nice selfie and don't think I didn't notice you making fun of my cane.
New Caller i.d. avatar for @dandays in 4... 3... 2...
Hey I resemble that
skidremark!Cure the itch!
@cmplxty has been eating chicken wings and texting again I see... 👀
He's got a 3?? Totally trumped Puras 6.
That's all soooo complicated, i don't have a phone for years now... what a relief.
You have no passport in a foreign country and no phone? Are you even real?
real? what the heck is real anyway...
Dial dial dial Ring ring ring Click Hey it's me, what's up? Hope all is well with you. Just thought I check in real quick. Been a while. Life, you know. Greetz 'n hugs from me to the whole bunch of you. Ttys! Beep beep beep
Rin.. Straight to voicemail
If you've finished recording, you may hang up or press 1 for more options.
Press 1
Saving people's numbers can indeed be funny and strange. I had several occasions where I had no clue what someone's name was and just saved them as "Redhead bank employee idiot" or "Bad mood & not helpful guy customer service" lol. You get the idea.
Sometimes I scroll through my contacts and wonder wtf these people were from :)
Giving them certain names doesn't make it easier sometimes lol.
How's your cute lady doing?
My handsome but scaredy-cat is currently at the VET, need to pick him up in the next hour or hours, hoping he's all good and came back negative from 2 tests that he needed to have before we can foster kittens. Can't wait to foster these bundles of joy / love :)
I had a tough time responding to you as you're about to find out..
I so heart fostering. Really, foster parents (pets, of course, cuz I'm horrible) are special. A neighbor of ours, she and her husband foster regularly. Good people.
Hello. Thanks for checking me out. Pretty funny huh? I have contacts in my phone that are actually important contacts for whatever reason and, to this day, I don't think they know I don't know their name.
Thanks for asking. Yesterday was her first full speed day. That was a rough month. 2 weeks no pressure, 2 weeks light and yesterday was full speed. I hardly notice an occasional favoring anymore. Typical sprain how it'll give us a tough time occasionally but it's in the past.
Thank you.
Ah <3 I respect everyone doing what they can to help animals in need. For us, it's also good to get in contact with some more people here and we adore cats, plus this way we can find the perfect play buddy for our scared cat (and us, lol).
I hope soon some kitten-ventures are going to be published :)
Your lady looks great, it's fun to see them play in the water, isn't it? I loved going to the woods or dunes so that my dogs (talking decades ago, haha) could swim there. They were so in their element.. seems like your lady feels the same.
Is everything else ok too? Do you guys have some cool spring weather over there too (seems to be the case in that picture at least)
Have a good one!
In the sun now. The days have been high 70's and blue skies for about four in a row.
Gives us a lot of play time. She loves the water. Any of it. Even the garden hose, attacks it. I have video clips I should probably load up. She's crazy. Never seen a dog flip out over a garden hose like a laser light.
Good on you guys. We fostered quite a few times before we left for EU last time. It's great. And it's a role that needs filled. Without fosters on standby, a lot of the no kill shelters can't accept puppies who may just need spayed/neutered and somewhere to rest for 10 days because they don't have the room for 10 days. If there wasn't standby's they would have to refuse the animal(s).
And watching them go to a new forever home is hey!! What have you done?! I got a thug persona to maintain here.
Have you tried calling a Joshua tree?
Yeah, the pricks wont pick up.
😂 The right receiver is required or it doesn't fit.
Many people purposely ignore phone calls from random people because they think "we probably don't have too much to say. Why not save my call card?".
Noo😂 this was where I couldn't take it anymore. I know I save people with weird names like "Ben the barber" or "Berry the Pooh" but this?! 😅. I wonder what the motivation behind that name was.
Hello, Wongi Support. = }
Thanks for always supporting my content, the reblogs, and these engagements. Sometimes I go too long without saying thank you.
Funny, right? As ridiculous as it sounds, it's actually quite logical. My trade is electricity, as is @splatts, he and I are in the same Union. His craft are called "lineman" which means he builds/maintains those overhead power lines you see strung across the globe.
That's where Wannabe comes from. = }
He's from one of the funniest sounding cities you'll ever hear, Walla Walla.
Wannabe Wallawallalineman.
I'm guessing this is how you'd save my contact on your phone😅
It's always my utmost pleasure. I love reading from you :-P
Ohhh! I never would have thought of this. And yes, his city "Walla Walla" has a really funny name😅
I've got this whole text message versus phone call thing solved. I don't know how to text and I have no friends to call, that's just how I like it. I got a new phone about three months ago and I just went to my contact list. There's a total of 10 people on it and I'm thinking of erasing 3. The other seven are family and I guess you could call me old school, I've got them in my own storage bank, the old brain.
Human interaction is a good thing, most times. I for one have found that, besides a handful of people that I enjoy hearing from and engaging in conversation with, Idle chatter, listing to complaints, and prying questions, annoy the heck out of me.
We may be one of the few that still have a landline. If you call you will hear my voice. If you call, my message to the caller goes something like this, the condensed version.
"If you know me, leave a message, if you don't or I don't like you hang up and stop calling. That's the reason I moved to the middle of the woods, to avoid people like you." Robin has asked me to change the message more times than I can count, she thinks it's a little gruff. Hell no, it gets the job done and anyone that listens to the full message never even leaves a single word, they just hang up.
(This next one'll probably go down like a Stormy at Trump Tower)
Always some very imaginative, very funny lines in every edition of @dandays blogs.
So you don't care for communities. That's because they haven't come up with a community where your stuff would fit into like a glove. When someone starts a community called, I'm a Bad Ass and Refuse to Pull any Punches, I've got a feeling you would be all in.
Have a splendid day, tell Pura I said hi, and send more brownies, lots of them.😁
Not sure how I'm supposed to keep up with that comment but here goes.
I love the greeting. A long time friend, actually my friends' dad but we've been just as close since forever, has had the same message, too, for decades. No voicemail, just an old school machine with a cassette tape:
You and Owasco both have got great solutions. Check out her comment, I'm still working up a response. I envy you guys. My mother was the same way.
You must have a notepad full of opening sentences, too. = }
Chocolate—coming right up like Trump and Trump Tower. Wait for it.. wait for it..
= }
Not that I don't care for them, I do. Whatever the community chooses, I won't rock the voicemail. I just don't have much use for them. I'm probably doing it wrong.
Thank you Sweed. More than THIS.
TRAPtion that most people carry around with them every second of the day. If it ain't ringing it's buzzing, if it ain't buzzing it's vibrating, and for what, to bring you breaking news that is a week old.Landlines are almost a thing of the past. I read @owasco's reply and love her take on that ever annoying con
I'm trying to think of the last landline I had. I wouldn't put money on it but it was roughly 1995—true story.
And as much as I admire you guys' way of staying out of contact and even admit I'd love to get there, I never would've met any of you if not for this device.
Now that would have been a shame, phone on.
I met you sitting at a computer. Which is hardwired, not using wifi. Excuses excuses...
I didn't get my first cell phone until at least 2008. I started seriously not using it during The Great Confinement of 2020 - 2021 because I did not want to be contact traced.
I admit, I could be a nut job on this radiation thing, but I am alarmed by our unnatural dependence on devices that emit radiation. I think that shit is addictive, as if once on those dangerous frequencies, it is difficult to get off. And I have found it extremely important for my mental health to get as far away from radiation as possible, by going for phone free walks in the deep woods as often as possible. I live in town, so there's not much I can do there, except for not using wifi.
Sorry to go a bit preachy!
You know better than to apologize to me dammit! Apologies ain't shit here. = }
Preach, curse, rap, it's all welcome on DanDays page.
There's plenty of off-ramps in this world. They can't all be right and they can't all be wrong but there's plenty of room for all of them.
I won't tell anyone about your radiation paranoia if you don't tell them what I think of people who post content on the internet they're embarrassed to show their friends in real life.
haha my friends, my current ones anyway, would be proud of this content. I dumped the others, or rather they dumped me when I wouldn't submit to a certain experimental medical procedure.
Now that would have been a shame, phone on.
Trap is right. It sucks people right in. When I stop to ask for directions now, the person invariably says "I dunno. I just put it in my GPS." People have lost geospatial orientations skills, in addition to communication skills. I used to print out directions on the computer before I drove anywhere new, but those directions have become quite incomprehensible, because they are giving GPS directions. So, I have been collecting road maps. Besides phones diminishing our cognitive skills, holding them on our persons, in our hands, or worst of all next to our heads, is physically dangerous. Everyone knows these things and nearly everyone keeps doing it anyway, as if they have no choice. TRAP
How many people can recall the phone numbers of their own family members or closest friends, very few? I've even seen people go to their phones to recall their spouse's phone number, very sad.
I'm not going to say that we don't use our car's GPS, but Robin is a map freak. The glove box in our car is stuffed with maps. As soon as she saw all the maps that the American Homesteader store had, which I pictured in this post,
she behaved like it was Christmas morning. https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@thebigsweed/market-friday--what-took-me-so-long
Funny story, a few years ago our sons invited a few friends up to the farm. They put the directions into their GPS to get to the farm. One young man, traveling with a buddy put our address in the system, but not the correct one. After they had been on the road for 8 hours they realized they were only a hundred miles or so from the Canadian border, listening to the GPS all the while. They had traveled north by 250 miles more than they should have, realized their mistake, and traveled another 300 miles to get back to our place, never having a clue.
So many people dismiss the facts about the harmful effects of always having a phone pressed to their ear can cause.
OMG that story perfectly illustrates just how stupid all our reliance on electronics has made us. 250 miles?!!!!
I used to know phone numbers, but even I have difficulty remembering them now. That's one thing I do use my phone for - number storage. When I destroyed a phone a while back and could not get a recent version of my contacts, I was pretty much screwed. I started hardcopy (an address book, which was really hard to find in the first place) a few years ago just in case.
Robin keeps an address book which includes phone #. She uses it for sending out Christmas cards, not so much for the phone #, but it sure is a good back up.
Hashtag WhatSheSaid. Had it not been for this phone, I would've never known how guilty I am of everything you said.
aaaand there's that catch 22. There's always a catch 22. lol
Landlines are almost a thing of the past. I read @owasco's reply and love her take on that ever annoying conTRAPtion that most people carry around with them every second of the day. If it ain't ringing it's buzzing, if it ain't buzzing it's vibrating, and for what, to bring you breaking news that is a week old.
lol use nicknames too. They're not as interesting as yours though, mostly just where I met them, or what they do for a living.
I have been trying to not use my cell phone since the beginning of covid measures - I did not want to be contact traced, so I simply left it home. Then, the phone became archaic and did not get good reception so I couldn't really hear well. Texting became unreliable, and vm's on the phone didn't work at all. So, instead of getting a new smart phone, I got a landline, and told people to leave me vm's if I didn't answer. It took a while for people to get into the habit.
Important People call me on my landline, now. Businesses leave me messages. I have long conversations on my landline, like in the good old days. I don't have my cell phone in my hand, on my person, or even anywhere near me, most of the day, and it is also more often off than it is on. It can be done!!
The upshot is I don't run the risk of:
I'm more likely to say "I forgot who I called" when they answer.
Hello, Lake House Inheritor.
I saw your comment this a.m but it was so good I've been composing a response. Not sure I'm ready yet..
I've been one-upped plenty of times but you just smashed my experiment outta the park like GOING Going going going going
The hell'd it go?
Not to get too weird but that reminds me so much of my mother. That was her, she didn't even have an answering machine. Had a cordless phone of all things, no shit, and this is only like 10 years ago, and that cordless was ALWAYS dead.
When she'd watch my dog, I'd take her a cell phone cuz I need to at least be able to check on my dog and she wouldn't answer that either. Always something like "I couldn't find it" or "I forgot how to turn it on."
I quit bringing phones. = }
Thank you Owasco.
lol I'm always happy to have entertained you!
It's always charged, because that's the one my inner circle calls me on. It doesn't take messages! I look to see who called and call them back. I have a second landline that is corded and takes messages. I give that number to businesses, agencies, and folks from whom I prefer to get messages, rather than take their calls. It's a good system. It's stupidly expensive, but it works, and I am almost smart phone free.
I have instructed people to not send images or links to my cell phone, and I do not participate in group messages, all because I have to turn on mobile data, which is a rip-off.
That's so funny you brought her a phone and she didn't/couldn't use it or find it. I have no idea how to use most of the features on mine, and I can often not find it.
I like your mother.
how do you do that successively smaller sub trick
It's my pleasure to help you. You would've loved her. My friends all called her mom, too, she was the coolest.
Do the normal sub with arrow brackets like you would for small text but add additional subs each time you want it to be smaller. I need to draw a picture don't I?
Nice photos. Nice stream of consciousness communicae to accompany them. There are some interesting thoughts in there if one can decipher them 😂
Hey whaddup, Double-Zoomin Roamer? = }
Thanks man. You're good at photos, if you like them, I might be onto something.
I'll go less cryptic and more funny on you tomorrow. Don't stand me up!
Haha I'll try and be there 😆
Good to know I'm not the only person who's contacts list is more descriptive than literal. If I had to guess, I'm most likely jethro in most people's phones. Part of the fun of using a nom de guerre.
I surveyed a couple people and they didn't say Jethro. Kodak Queen I think was one but I was told not to repeat that in public so you didn't hear it from me.
Whaddup Jethro? Helluva story you covered today. Your name takes up like three lines in my phone but Big huge huevos in the front row like no one else just seems appropriate.
Kodak Queen, I like the sound of that, may have to use that for an alter ego.
You know me, living the high life, trying to unwind after that nightmare yesterday. It was a helluva thing, I'd just as soon not had it to cover but c'est la vie. Lol, that'd be a lot to scroll past after a while.
Just came across this and I had to come drop it here.
This is not financial advice
That IS financial advice dammit!!!!
Financial, felony, what's the difference?
A good friend back home has pit bulls. One of my favorite females he had was named Felony. Gorgeous little blue nose. Her, that's the only difference I can think of.
That's a good point, we need more real human interaction, I'm gonna start calling my family more. I got no one else to call coz I'm Billy no mates
Talking of human interaction, just wondering, has my post card arrived yet ?
I've never been so excited to Just Say No in my life.
Hello, Closet Pet Lover. = }
Let me know how it goes, I'm enjoying it. The concern I sense is worth it. Not your average "hello?" Another common one is they'll ignore my call and then text me immediately, "did you mean to call me?"
Good times.
Much thanks. Now if you'll excuse me I got a mailbox to monitor.
Good morning @dandays, even though I know your real name you will always be dandays and pura, doesn’t feel right otherwise.
I have 4 Kathy s in my life, one sister, 2 sister-in-laws and a best friend so in my contacts they all have nicknames. One is Krapp 😜
I used to leave voicemails not anymore no one listens to them, they just see my call and get back to me whenever.
It’s a different world now, just type and get it right back
Hey friend hope all is well
Did you feel that virtual hug?
I'm a big believer of missed calls are as good as a voicemail. Might have a lot to do with I don't like leaving voice messages cuz it can be used as evidence. = }
Hey, does Krapp know she's Krapp?? Funny.
I'm enjoying this new experiment, so far it's been fun. The concern I sense with their hello is so worth it.
Thanks Coolest Upstater, much love from "D and A."
I love coolest upstaters
Yeah I felt that squeeze thanks.
Some bad shit happening in TN, seems like a lot of crazies down there , be careful will ya.
Stay away from schools , churches, malls, any government building, fast food joints, phew!
Know what, stay home
And be careful walking the dog cuz they can't drive either.
Did you see this one Jethro put up today? Two unrelated shootings in the same town at the same time. He's a gangster at keeping me updated. Don't tell him I said that, though, I still got him as Polaroid At Best in my phone.
Just awful. Yes I heard about it when it happened, I am a news junky didn’t you know?
It is staggering how many are happening almost daily
I did not know. I wouldn't know anything if not for you guys. I call it noose.
Noose is a good word for it, but I can’t help myself, inquiring minds need to know 😜
Too late for any rewards but i like your style!
Mobile phones are designed for texting, no one uses the call button any more! That reminds me, I have a call I was supposed to make the other day! I forgot to even send a message! Shoot! Technology will be the end of us!
You just grabbed another follower, seems you really are a lucky guy!
Only the luckiest, if that counts. Have you seen my wife? Rolls out the bed a 10. If russia'd let a little of me influence their arsenol they'd, well, they'd still be russians.....
Man, I should've called you.
Credit: drpanayiothss
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ HiveMe.me!
Now that Shit right there is Fun-Knee er than a crooked footed ex mountain biker loopy on allergy meds...
I don't care who you are... "Git er Dun"