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RE: Some Sentences I Put Where I Can Find Them

lol use nicknames too. They're not as interesting as yours though, mostly just where I met them, or what they do for a living.

I have been trying to not use my cell phone since the beginning of covid measures - I did not want to be contact traced, so I simply left it home. Then, the phone became archaic and did not get good reception so I couldn't really hear well. Texting became unreliable, and vm's on the phone didn't work at all. So, instead of getting a new smart phone, I got a landline, and told people to leave me vm's if I didn't answer. It took a while for people to get into the habit.

Important People call me on my landline, now. Businesses leave me messages. I have long conversations on my landline, like in the good old days. I don't have my cell phone in my hand, on my person, or even anywhere near me, most of the day, and it is also more often off than it is on. It can be done!!

The upshot is I don't run the risk of:

like the other day when I called The Crow Lady, Citrus Subie Girl.

I'm more likely to say "I forgot who I called" when they answer.

 2 years ago  

Hello, Lake House Inheritor.

I saw your comment this a.m but it was so good I've been composing a response. Not sure I'm ready yet..

I've been one-upped plenty of times but you just smashed my experiment outta the park like GOING Going going going going

The hell'd it go?

Not to get too weird but that reminds me so much of my mother. That was her, she didn't even have an answering machine. Had a cordless phone of all things, no shit, and this is only like 10 years ago, and that cordless was ALWAYS dead.

When she'd watch my dog, I'd take her a cell phone cuz I need to at least be able to check on my dog and she wouldn't answer that either. Always something like "I couldn't find it" or "I forgot how to turn it on."

I quit bringing phones. = }

Thank you Owasco.

lol I'm always happy to have entertained you!


It's always charged, because that's the one my inner circle calls me on. It doesn't take messages! I look to see who called and call them back. I have a second landline that is corded and takes messages. I give that number to businesses, agencies, and folks from whom I prefer to get messages, rather than take their calls. It's a good system. It's stupidly expensive, but it works, and I am almost smart phone free.

I have instructed people to not send images or links to my cell phone, and I do not participate in group messages, all because I have to turn on mobile data, which is a rip-off.

That's so funny you brought her a phone and she didn't/couldn't use it or find it. I have no idea how to use most of the features on mine, and I can often not find it.

I like your mother.

how do you do that successively smaller sub trick

 2 years ago  

It's my pleasure to help you. You would've loved her. My friends all called her mom, too, she was the coolest.

Do the normal sub with arrow brackets like you would for small text but add additional subs each time you want it to be smaller. I need to draw a picture don't I?



