I developed some nasty hip pain last year which affected me only when I lay down to sleep, and so badly that I was sitting up for most of the night. I don't do doctors or pills so I tried a chiropractor. She told me much the same as you were told, misalignment, head stuck on wrongly etc but she also arranged an MRI as well as giving me advice on exercise and sleeping posture. When the MRI showed inflammation she recommended anti-inflammatories from a GP, as well as 8 weeks chiropractic treatment. One thing she couldn't explain was why I had pain only when I lay down. I took the 8 weeks treatment which did seem to ease the pain a little but anti-inflammatories be damned. I applied DMSO nightly and after about 6 months the pain was gone.
I think if you have little confidence in the clinician, you're less likely to get benefit from the treatment. As you know, belief in the treatment is half the cure.
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Suggest you look into Feldenkrais exercise. It was created for situations like you are describing. There is probably a class in your area you could attend to learn particular exercises to benefit your condition or should it return.
Thanks, that's very kind of you. Happily I'm now I'm as fit as a flea. I had a look but the nearest Feldenkrais classes are more than 100 miles away. Sounds interesting though.
Hehe, Feldenkrais is the frontrunner of the Hanna Somatics i was talking about in my comment, they are easier to find than Hanna practitioners so if that's 100 miles away, it's going to be difficult 😀
I live as far from civilisation as it's possible to be on a small island like Ireland:)...and I don't drive!
Ah I find my hip pain WAY worse at night!
What is DMSO?
Sounds like the chiro didn't help much at all, and it must have been expensive! I am so glad you're good now - I think I just have to wait it out and get relief via the clinician I already trust.
I only had pain upon laying down at night. I was totally pain free during the day. That, the chiropractor couldn't explain but she did get me a diagnosis so I could try to deal with it myself.
DMSO is Dimethyl Sulfoxide which is effective in reducing inflammation and swelling and can be used topically and orally. I've used it successfully for all sorts of pains, strains, lumps and bumps, for the family as well as my chickens and dogs. It might be worth a try since it's not expensive and can do you no harm. It took me 5 or 6 months of consistent use before the pain went completely, but even after a week or two it was considerably reduced, so I could at least sleep.
Good luck with whatever you course of action you decide upon. To get an idea of its numerous applications, you can download Archie Scott's book free ..DMSO handbook for doctors by Archie Scott https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/73bf25b2/files/uploaded/The-DMSO-Handbook-for-Doctors.pdf