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RE: Andy is dead and a few other things

in Rant, Complain, Talk11 months ago

Though I see your posts in the Rant section, your contributions can easily fit into a Poets section as well.
I know you call these rambles, unstructured thoughts...heck: you even call yourself chaotic.
But know that, I have pleasure in reading your writeup's.

Do whatever makes you happy.

Some of the best advice one can give. Not too easy to apply in life, since this essentially means leaving some of our comforts behind us and stepping into the unknow. But acting like that opens the world more in front of us, and likely gives us more pleasure in life.

Don't ever grow up.

So true! Tell that to the peeps around us. Too many end up in the tunnels of being an adult, with all sorts of hard and soft rules what an adult shall do or shall not do. But but but, true that not growing up, or at least, not always acting like a grown-up, enhances life nicely and usually gives us the happy vibes we experienced when we were kids.


Thanks for the nice comment, @edje :)

I've written lots of poetry in the past. Maybe I'm accidentally doing it again here. I suppose my stuff could be considered free verse. Kinda like Bukowski.

Maybe I'll add it to my tags :)

Well … NJOY free versing 🎶