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RE: A Little Rant from My Heart: What is Genuine Communication on Hive? / 自由で楽しいHiveでのコミュニケーションとは?

I have a lot of these feelings as well. Even though I fight against having them, against feeling like it is using precious time. As you note, time is the most scarce commodity that we will never get back. The balance between creating content, consuming content, and then interpreting (digesting) it to make thoughtful comments to engage and be sincere about this engagement is a strange balance every one on here seems to disagree about. Making a comment for comments sake (commenting just to make it seem that you are engaging) is probably one of the most insincere. It does not drive any engagement, thought, and it seems like they merely scrolled through your work to the comment box to write something. This might not always be the case, but as a content creator writing deep thoughts, it feels like that when comments read merely as “good” or “nice”. I try to appreciate them, but as you say, we wonder if this is really sincere engagement? I am not sure about these thoughts.

Sorry for the wall of text! Your post really made the think a bit, especially because commenting and engagement are such important factors that can sometimes take even more time than posting, if done with the intentions of propelling engagement forward and really digesting others’ work.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, the nice wall of text ☺️

To put it simply, I get frustrated when I see people engaging in surface-level communication solely to manipulate automated upvotes or take advantage of the curation mechanisms to boost their reputation scores and earn rewards. I don’t want to see such behavior. For me, a blog feels like a personal space, much like my own room, and I don’t like someone barges in with no respect, like stepping in with dirty shoes.

I used to feel annoyed about spending my time dealing with such actions. However, since time is so valuable, while I was writing this post, I’ve decided not to react to them anymore. This decision has made me feel so much lighter and more at ease.

By the way, I think one of the reasons I like fermentation is that microbes and time help me to save my time and make something tasty 😁

And then I had to ferment my mind for a week! I am so sorry for only replying now. I had to prepare for a PhD defense and it took most of my time and energy. Fermentation of the mind, but also food as you say, makes things (food and life) tasty! But slow thinking and slow fermentation takes time.

So true, I agree 100% with all that you said. People are always looking for quick ways to make money, or to artificially boost themselves. Taking time, slowly fermenting, and cultivating friendships and conversations (engagement) takes a lot of effort, mentally and time-wise. I feel your frustration, especially with some of the actions going on all around us. It is frustrating but alas, such is life.

I hope that all is well!

Thank you for taking time for the comment. I wish your defense went well. I tried PhD but quit in the middle … so full respect 👏

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