A Little Rant from My Heart: What is Genuine Communication on Hive? / 自由で楽しいHiveでのコミュニケーションとは?

in Rant, Complain, Talk12 days ago (edited)

I was all set to post a fun review of a vegan sweets recipe book for the Hive Book Club when I realized something: the small frustrations I’ve been feeling lately have reached their limit.

So here I am, about to share a little rant – all because I truly want Hive to remain a comfortable space for everyone 🙏 At the very least, here’s a photo of some delicious cookies I baked with a recipe from the book to start us off on a sweet note. Please, help yourself 😉

What is Genuine Communication?

First of all, I really enjoy getting to know people here and have communication such as reading posts and comments, exchanging comments, reading / being involved in productive discussions.

Communication is a big part of Hive Blog. Especially for new users, connecting with others through posts and comments is highly encouraged. While I agree that communication is essential, there have been a few moments recently that left me feeling uneasy.

For instance, I sometimes come across comments that seem to be written just for the sake of “appearing communicative” – redundantly long or short superficial comments. While I know these comments are probably not made with bad intentions, replying to them can feel like a chore. I decided to reply comments, which I really want to reply from my heart (haha, quite Japanese-ish that I hadn't do so for long).

Receiving comments in languages I don’t understand adds another layer of difficulty. Sure, I can use AI tools for translation, but it takes time. I understand Japanese, English, and German. I also have dear friends who leave thoughtful comments in other languages. This makes it tricky to draw the line, but the intent behind the comment often comes through in the content itself.

For me, with people I’ve known for a long time or those I know personally, I sometimes leave casual, short comments on the other hand I often stick to just upvoting. I believe time is one of life’s most precious resources, and we should all be more mindful of how we use each other’s time.

My Thoughts on Strict Community Rules

Another thing that has been on my mind is the strict rules set by some communities. For example, some require selfies or detailed step by step explanation. I understand that these rules are likely intended to foster better communication or combat spam and trolls. But personally, they don’t sit well with me. As a result, I’ve naturally distanced myself from communities with requirements that I don’t feel comfortable.

On the other hand, I was deeply inspired by the guidelines shared by the gardening community @gardenhive last year. Their friendly and freedom-respecting approach resonated with me.

Some 'Ground' Rules - A Reminder of the Community Expectations

My Wish - Sense of Decency and Freedom instead of Strict Rules

I understand the need for encouraging communication and dealing with spam or trolls. However, I hope this can be achieved not through strict rules but through simple actions like downvotes and discussions and the self-regulation of the community. One of Hive’s greatest charms is its openness as a platform for creative expression. I truly hope we can preserve that while embracing diverse ways of participating and connecting; some can be more like a writer or a reader, some leave comments often some don't ...

Since I started my blockchain journey on Hive in 2016, I’ve had so many wonderful experiences. Meeting people at Hive Fest, connecting online, and building relationships through posts – all of these memories are precious to me. My wish is for Hive to continue being a space for “freedom and fun,” where meaningful expression and connections can thrive.

Wonderful Time at Closing Party of Hive Fest 2024

What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on communication and rules on Hive.

Let’s keep this platform a vibrant and welcoming place together.


ヴィーガンスイーツ本のレシピで作ったクッキー。ものすごくおいしかったです 🍪

楽しくヴィーガンスイーツのレシピ本の感想をHive Book Clubに投稿しようと書いていたのですが、ここ最近もやっとしているのが限界を超えてしまい、愚痴ります。それもこれもHiveに居心地のいい場であってほしいからです 🙏 せめて冒頭の写真だけ、おいしいクッキーをおいておきます。どうぞ 😉

Hive Blogでコミュニケーションは重要な要素です。特に新しいユーザーには、他の人と交流し、投稿やコメントを通じてつながることが推奨されています。ただ、ここ最近、いくつかの場面でモヤッとすることがあり、投稿することにしました。






一方で、ガーデニングコミュニティ @gardenhive が昨年末に公開したフレンドリーで自由を尊重したガイドラインにはとても共感しました。

Some 'Ground' Rules - A Reminder of the Community Expectations



2016年からHiveでブロックチェーンライフを送る中で、たくさんの楽しい体験をしました。Hive Festでの出会いや、オンライン上での交流、投稿を通じてじわじわ築かれるつながりなど、すべてが大切な思い出です。これからもHiveが「自由で楽しい」表現と出会いのある場であり続けることを願っています。

Hive Fest 2024のクロージングパーティーでの素晴らしいひととき



I have a lot of these feelings as well. Even though I fight against having them, against feeling like it is using precious time. As you note, time is the most scarce commodity that we will never get back. The balance between creating content, consuming content, and then interpreting (digesting) it to make thoughtful comments to engage and be sincere about this engagement is a strange balance every one on here seems to disagree about. Making a comment for comments sake (commenting just to make it seem that you are engaging) is probably one of the most insincere. It does not drive any engagement, thought, and it seems like they merely scrolled through your work to the comment box to write something. This might not always be the case, but as a content creator writing deep thoughts, it feels like that when comments read merely as “good” or “nice”. I try to appreciate them, but as you say, we wonder if this is really sincere engagement? I am not sure about these thoughts.

Sorry for the wall of text! Your post really made the think a bit, especially because commenting and engagement are such important factors that can sometimes take even more time than posting, if done with the intentions of propelling engagement forward and really digesting others’ work.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, the nice wall of text ☺️

To put it simply, I get frustrated when I see people engaging in surface-level communication solely to manipulate automated upvotes or take advantage of the curation mechanisms to boost their reputation scores and earn rewards. I don’t want to see such behavior. For me, a blog feels like a personal space, much like my own room, and I don’t like someone barges in with no respect, like stepping in with dirty shoes.

I used to feel annoyed about spending my time dealing with such actions. However, since time is so valuable, while I was writing this post, I’ve decided not to react to them anymore. This decision has made me feel so much lighter and more at ease.

By the way, I think one of the reasons I like fermentation is that microbes and time help me to save my time and make something tasty 😁

And then I had to ferment my mind for a week! I am so sorry for only replying now. I had to prepare for a PhD defense and it took most of my time and energy. Fermentation of the mind, but also food as you say, makes things (food and life) tasty! But slow thinking and slow fermentation takes time.

So true, I agree 100% with all that you said. People are always looking for quick ways to make money, or to artificially boost themselves. Taking time, slowly fermenting, and cultivating friendships and conversations (engagement) takes a lot of effort, mentally and time-wise. I feel your frustration, especially with some of the actions going on all around us. It is frustrating but alas, such is life.

I hope that all is well!

Thank you for taking time for the comment. I wish your defense went well. I tried PhD but quit in the middle … so full respect 👏

Your comment is upvoted by @topcomment

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I get some low effort comments and I may opt to not respond to those. I see people commenting on several posts per minute and that suggests they did not even read the posts, but hope for votes. It's not as bad as some other platforms I have used where you would get a load of comments just saying 'Nice post'. I actually get pretty good engagement here, but a lot is from people I already know. and we use it as a place to chat. I do wonder what will happen when/if millions more people join up. I get that some are desperate for money, but contributions need to have value here.

Enjoy your cookies.


I must admit, sudden comments like "Nice post, friend!" can catch me off guard. Friend!? Maybe it’s because I grew up in Japan, where we are shy and we tend to gradually build closer relationships. It could also be a cultural difference.

I liked what you wrote about "coming here to enjoy chatting." That’s such a great and lighthearted approach. And you’re right, some people might be in difficult financial situations. Hopefully, instead of chasing short-term gains, they’ll realize what can lead to long-term enjoyment here.

I’ll try to relax a little more too. I’ve already finished all the cookies, so now I’m going to bake a banana cake ☺️

Social interaction will vary across cultures. I've had people call be 'sir' and others be more familiar.

If someone new comments then I may check out their profile, but I value good engagement from anyway. I do wonder if we will see more 'AI' comments.

I've got some nice chocolate here :)

Here is an robot/AI ... @akipponn write comments and posts with me though 😉 I wish we can co-exist happily and peacefully on Hive. Let's see!

BTW Your 'AI' keeps updating the comment so I had 4 notifications.

She is still young 🙏

 10 days ago  

Yeah there’s a lot of bogus comments that get thrown around. I’ve got one or two people that visit my posts every day and don’t read a dang thing but say something nice about a picture or word in the post and expect to get a vote and a response. I recently stopped responding to them - hoping they will get the hint.

Hive is a great place for genuine social interaction not this superficial crap as you say! Read a post, leave some meaningful comments and enjoy the interaction is a good way to do it!

I don't know why I notice these acts these days. Are there more than before as crypto prices go up? Or simply I notice it because I'm into Hive year by year ... ?

Anyways, thank you for hosting the Rant, Complain and Talk community. I could make my thought clear by writing and also nice to read others' thoughts. Also I could decide to stop replying to those comments. Other good learning is that "good to be relaxed" like @steevc :) In a way, I was too tense for this topic in the last days.

 9 days ago  

You're welcome we all need a space to clear our heads! There's plenty of stuff going on that it's good to let go of some issues once in a while!





悪意のあるアカウントにはコミュニティとしてdown voteするみたいなアクションも大事かもしれませんね。私はチキンすぎてほぼdown voteしたことがないので大きな声では言えないし、いじめみたいになってもいけないし。難しいですね。でもHive JAやガーデニングコミュニティが嫌な感じになったらがんばります💪力がほしい!!目指せ鯨🐳


But personally, they don’t sit well with me. As a result, I’ve naturally distanced myself from communities with requirements that I don’t feel comfortable.

Personally, I just steer clear of them. There are plenty of places we can post to, and we don't have to agree with each other as long as it's done in a respectful way. But I do notice there is sometimes bullying involved, which is uncalled for.

It's similar to real world. As you wrote there are a lot of other communities that each of us feels comfortable with and also we can make one by ourself if we wish 😉 Ja, good to use time wisely; a bit complaining and then move forward to a nice direction.



