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RE: Perspective: Is covid real or fake? The harm of false information (uncensored)

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

Great example with hive!

You're right, people should cease comparing themselves to others as it could be limiting, especially if they don't possess the attributes, or fail to deploy them, to achieve what others have. Best to run one's own race, to stay in one's own lane. But societies' need for more, greed, ego and hubris, means it's not often done. The fear of missing out is a strong motivator, but rarely a motivator towards taking the right actions...Because jealousy is easier than those actions.

Let's hope hive happens for us and those others have to shit bricks!


You like tat expression (shit a brick) eh!! lol I'm teaching you so many healthy Canadian expressions!

Greed plays a big factor in it, that probably stems from the powers that be creating an illusion of scarcity in the current economic system to motivate lower & middle classes to fight each other in jealousy instead of looking at the real problem, that most people are trying to compete in a system that is just unhealthy and inhumane. I think if they looked and analyze things for a minute instead of looking at what everyone has, they would realize real quickly the proper steps to empowerment and success. Nobody truly empowered would see that working all your life for most of your hours in a day all year round is healthy or "the true human experience" We are not made for that. No wonder there are so many mental health issues nowa days.

 4 years ago  

We're kept in slavery with little hope of salvation...It's that little hope though that keeps society striving and slaving towards salvation, financial freedom or wealth, despite the odds being stacked against most ever achieving it. Pretty sad really.

I tend to disentangle myself from that cycle as much as possible; seems to work ok.

Same here, why I'm a contractor, work tons of overtime when want and don't work when I want to just be me and work on my passions and it doesn't sabotage my career. I hate the slavery system we work in, it's just soul sucking and fruitless. I think adjusting our material wants and expectations to a reasonable level helps too. I don't need the big house or fancy anything, I aim for modest yet comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too, I just don't need to have them all.

 4 years ago  

I think adjusting our material wants and expectations to a reasonable level helps too. I don't need the big house or fancy anything, I aim for modest yet comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too, I just don't need to have them all.

It's like you're me! Just a prettier version. 😊

Awwe, you're too sweet! I knew calling you big brother G-Dog wasn't a mistake, maybe we were siblings or twins in a different life. We seem more alike than not. I don't have that crazy beard you lost your arms in tho (according to that drawing of yourself) 😂

 4 years ago  

Haha, yeah I reckon we were twins in another life, not identical though, and you probably had arms and no beard.

Promise not to swoon...


Ok, fuck it...You may swoon.

LMFAO your probably right with the arms and no beard, can't have it all I guess. People wouldn't be able to handle such greatness in one package.

I promise I'll try not to swoon...I can't see the guns so it helps