LMFAO your probably right with the arms and no beard, can't have it all I guess. People wouldn't be able to handle such greatness in one package.
I promise I'll try not to swoon...I can't see the guns so it helps
LMFAO your probably right with the arms and no beard, can't have it all I guess. People wouldn't be able to handle such greatness in one package.
I promise I'll try not to swoon...I can't see the guns so it helps
Guns make all the difference...You'd faint, no doubt, should those mighty arms of mine be revealed.
P.s. Yeah, you rock the no beard look pretty well. Stick with it.
I still think I could rock the beard with no arms look tho
Probably...Awesome people can manage great things!
FYI Australia and Canada are playing women's water polo at the Olympics right now. I'm watching. Prepare for defeat y'all! 🇨🇦🇦🇺
Canada isn't good at summering. I never watch the summer olympics, only winter. We will EMA AUZ at the winter games...better believe it!
Lol...And Aus will deserve the winter EMAing they receive indeed!
I like the winter Olympics more than the summer in truth but there's a couple sports I like to watch.
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All tied up but the Canadian hotties don't look as good as the Aussie hotties...Let's see how it goes.
I think we saw a Canadian olympic and paraolympic team training in one of our recent trips to the rockies a few weeks back. I don't know what sport it was tho. They were rolling on some weird cart/big skateboard looking things. They looked like pros on a mission tho and had a uniform. I would only watch to find out what sport that is.
Maybe Cannucks will surprise us both and win! Better watchout!
Hmm, I wonder what sport that was? Sounds a bit like a luge.
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